The machinery for cooperative organisation exists, and only needs to be put in motion. It may be that To the Editor of THE LANCET the hospital authorities would demand some alterations as regards the details of dispensary work, and that of feel sure readers SIR,-We many your would like to be reminded that the end of the current indeed I believe that some reorganisation of the dismonth closes the term of contribution to the above pensary system as such is necessary, and that I have fund, which is being raised as a token of recognition already advocated (Brit. Jour. Tub., July, 1931). of the devoted services of Dr. Alfred Cox to the I am, Sir, yours faithfully, interests of the medical profession. PHILIP ELLMAN. Harley-street, W., June 6th, 1932. The response has been good ; the excellent portrait, by Sir Arthur Cope, is in the Royal Academy, and the committee are now especially concerned that a THE OBSTETRIC FORCEPS AND ITS USE larger number of names may be inscribed in the To the Editor of THE LANCET presentation book, which we know Dr. Cox will particularly value. SIR,-I have read the very interesting paper We would urge those who have not already sub- written by my late colleague Mrs. Dobbin Crawford .scribed to send in their names and addresses, together and I should like to comment upon the sentence :with a small contribution (in no case to exceed The application of forceps is only a success-as stated 10s., and the amount does not appear in the list) by Berkeley—when their use leaves the mother no worse to the hon. treasurer of the British Medical Association, off than she was before their application, and when the DR. ALFRED COX TESTIMONIAL FUND
’Tavistock-square, W.C.I. We are, Sir, yours faithfully, HUMPHRY ROLLESTON,
child is born alive."
In my opinion these words under-estimate the high standards which Mr. Comyns Berkeley, Mrs. Crawford, Chairman, General Committee. and all other expert obstetricians demand of themEWEN J. MACLEAN, selves and, therefore, are not the best teaching to give June 6th, 1932. Chairman, Executive Committee. to students. From the baby’s point of view the success ***Dr. Coxclaim on the respect and regard of of a forceps operation is measured not merely by his the medical profession is such that no words from us life but by his health; he must be born alive and - could make it stronger. Intending subscribers to ’tMM