wi,h mercun/ Ultrestr~m~rellq. mereurvaccumula,edin ,he lwosomej of wumns. astrocfies. and oligodendrocytes. plis study wes pafly supported by the Rarhus UniversiryResearch Foundationand rhe Danish Medical ResearchCouncil
lend ,w,he, eup~onto amplaym9 CHdiole es biome,kereo‘erpowre to CH.one. CH and CH-ol especiallyin the workplaces where drinking of alcohol beveragesis likeh,to occur. Keywords:sclwnts; ethanol; me,abolism. biimonitor~ng
,I, Dm$charG-6 Mdi*r.Msdr*” 8.1 Hist0ch.mCytccham. 33,219,,9a5). Keywords: mercury vapour: Wisldr ~1s; cerebrum: neurotoxicity:in viva
Macmllctm Allnbiatlu Induw . Csll Onrlwdlng dth cholntwol from Em98mus Orl9lru studle9 in culnnbd Fi!xobWta and Comparhn batwon Mthrmnycln (Az), Olrhhromydn (Ol), and Etylhromydn (Er) J P Montsnez. J. Piret. EM. Tulkens. Un;ti de pharmacohgie ~0/9cu&i,e, u”ivsls& caihol;~“e o’e Louvain, EnlCs&. Belg;um New macrolids antibiotics, such as AZ and Di. accumulate in a htgh and sustained menner in t~asuesot treated petvents.Since fractionatlon studies rewel that most of cell-associstedAZ and Di locelizesin iysosomss.we have examinedwhether this high accumulationcould leadto adverseetfetls relaed ,o an lmpainnenrof tl?ametabolicfunctions of lysosomes. Cholesterol ie known 10 be largely deliveredlo dellsthrough endocytosisand intrah/soeomnldegradation of low density lipaproterns[LDLJof serum. The Table shows thet libroblas,s inoubated with A1 or Oi far 72 hours do show an increasein their total cholesterolcontent in relation to drug accumulation.
2~Toluenedi~soEyenetet2.4TDI).an industriatmonomerand occupyaonel allergen. binds readily10nucleophilicbiomacromolecules.PI& ouslywe described m vitro formarm of ureid adduE,!+of 2.6TD1 &w,h N-terminalvaline of Slobm. measured es specific hydantoins[Mraz J. et al. Human Exp. Toxicol.11. 429 i199211.tn this study. the poeeible presenceof thlocarbamae adducts loned by the reacliao of 2.4-TDI with blood protein thlol groupswes evaluated.The assay included lib eralion of 2,Qtoluenediamine (Z&TDAL from the proteins won alkaline trwtment. After incubationof human blwd with 2.4TDI (0.25-10 umollmlL ho~wer. the amaunll of free and total he.. free + alkali&bi& Z,&TDA in &ma were equal 10.1% ol Z&T61 dose). thus pm vidlng no evidsncefor thkxarbamales. Globiwbound thkxarbamates heve not been found &her. while ureid adductp accountedfor ca. 4% of the PA_TDIdose. Similrrlv.incubationof bfmd with I low-molecular weah, 2.4.TDI.related thiocarbamate ta mbrcamuric actil oroduced globin oreids but not alkali-labileadd&s. Thus: ,hiocarba&es may ect as intermediates,capable IO ,ranrfar ,he carbamoyl moiety into more stab@ potiCons such a8 N-terminelvaline of globin. The urmd adducts formed appear ,o be panpecwe biomalkefe 01 me exposure 10 (di)isacyena,as. Kew&:
Approximately213 of the excess cholesterolwee of the esterdied h/pe.Theetfectaf Azcouldnot beabolished bypravanlatine(ZO~~ll. an inhibitor 01 endogenaus chofestarolsynthesis. but was largelydecreased(i’l% excessvs52%l bvculture in the presenceof lipormtein. defwsnlserum. iheeeobse~ation~ that& interfereswiththe iysoeomaldegradation ol exogenousLDL in fibmblasts. Di induces a mnsiderebiy lesser effect probably because of its lower cellular accumulalian. Er. which demonslrafes the Iowes, cellularaGGUmUletlOn. has no effect. The significanceof these observationswith respect to the dmg toleranceh tivo needs to be ‘urthe, assessed.
2.4toluenediisacyansre:protein addUEts:bwnonitoring
The cadmium. lead and the nickel content were determined in 170 sampleeof drinking weter collected in the former GDR m ,988. Analysis were carriedout bpmeens of gr’dphitefurnaceatomic absorption spactrophotome,~ using fha device combination AAS 3030. HG 400 end AS 40 (PerkInElmer) The median and mean CddmiUmvaluesamounted to 0.29 and 0.53 rgn. resp. The correspondingvaluesfor lead were 2.31 and 3 34 rrgn. Thedrlnklngwetercontainada median nickelconcentrationof IOpgR ,he mean amounted to 19 P@ The cadmium and lead Y.+B. are in good accordance with resuks obraiwd in the old FRG. The limit velues of ,he Decree of Drinking Water were exceeded for cadmium in one sample taken at a highly pl!uted site near Freiberg(Sexany).No emeedlngs were obtained in the cesa of lead content; individuallyhigh lead amoun,s were due ,o waterpipe~ofleadandloralongztagn~on time01 thesamplee in weter pipes. Despite the low mean and median nickel concentration there wale 17 samples of drinkingwater whose nickel conten,e were hiSher than the limit value Rsasons for these high nickel levelswere probabhrnalural geologicalconditions ee well es induetrlalemiesione.
Cwlohexanona (CHone). cvclohexane(CHI and cyclohexanollCH.oII are imp&ant solve& and chemical intermediates. ReCBnUyil was demonst dfed that the major urinary metaboliles which are common to all title compounds. 1,2- and l+cyclohexanediol (CHdiolsl. apwar to besuitable biomar!cers of exposure besidesthe currentlyusedCH.ol [Mra2J.s,al..Clin.Chem.4n, 14661199411.He~ewerep~nonlheinterfereneeal ethenal (EtOH) wilhthe metabolismof CH.compcundo.Vat. unmetsIn = 8)wereexposedforB.h toCH-ane.CH andCH.olve.pcuret aconcentrationofca x10. ,099 and200 mg.mw3,respectwe~,tilhou, I- control) and with concomitant ingestion 01 E,OH Ifour 14-g doses feken 1, 3.5 and 7 b after the e,a~ of the eipasure1. The metabolic y~+Ide1%) of CH-ol. I .2- and 1.~CH-d~ot.respectively.were es follows (data related ,o controls are in parentheseal: CHane. 11.3 tl.01. 36 (39). 23 (IS}; CH. 3.1 (0.5). 15 (231.8 (11); CH+l. 6.6 (l.ll.24i191. IS (81.~piletheeflecto,n~tabolicyields. noElOH-inducedshiftole*cretion curves01 CH.ol and CHdiolS was observed.The data obtained
Keywords:drinking waw cadmium: lead: mckel
Myeloprroxidw (YPO) and the Isolated Blond-~whmed Gullwa-plg Lung B. Mu&. M. Nilsson.K. Nvt&n, U. Hultkvis,.Benglsson, Depr. a( -cat Research, Gambro AE. Lund. Sweden Acute and chronic:lnflemmationIS eccompeniedby the accumulation of neutrophilr in the affected twuee. Actwated neutrophllscreate ox(dents capaMe of tl!l,ng invading micmorganlsms. Patients undergoing renal replacement therapy with hemodiaiysisget a disruption ol