495 by a new process of precipitation, which affords the advantages of rapidity and economy of manufacture. It is also claimed for this process that ...

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by a new process of precipitation, which affords the advantages of rapidity and economy of manufacture. It is also claimed for this process that it does not injure the (From our Paris Correspondent.) health of the men employed in the manufacture. The St. Bede Chemical Company have exhibited huge VII.—THE BRITISH SECTION (CONTINUED). bottles of fine soda ash and crystal soda, and smaller THE show case of Mr. James Burgess Eadman, of Glasgow, bottles with equally fine specimens of sulphate of soda, is worthy the best attention of the public, on account of its, nitre cake, nitrate of soda, block salt, &c. &c. The exhibit of Messrs. Savory and Moore, of New Bondvery complete and scientific character. Here he has illusforms a prominent and extensive one in this street, trated with specimens the whole history of the manufacture class ofLondon, the British section. In the centre of their large and of phosphate of soda, sulphite of soda, stannate of soda, well arranged show-case stands a pillar of their infants’ food citric acid, and phosphorus. In connexion with the pro- or aliment lacté ;from this descend, as it were, three tiers duction of phosphate of soda, we see the native phosphate of of bottles containing pharmaceutical preparations; whilst on alumina or redonda rock, the raw produce, the rough crystals, the basement of the whole arrangement is an attractive and finally the pure phosphate of soda. We follow out the display of their gelatine preparations. Here and there, in corners and elsewhere, are to be seen their cases, preparation of sulphite of soda by examining successively portable pharmacies, and elegant forms ofemergency I need drugs. the crystals of soda and sulphur, the soda after the action of only mention their gelatine preparations for hypodermic and anhydrid sulphur, and, lastly, the refined salt itself. The ophthalmic purposes, their great variety and special uses manufacture of stannate of soda is shown by specimens of being well known to the profession. They are of small size, to administer, and very permanent in their composition. granulated tin, caustic soda, nitrate of soda, and refined easy The various food preparations of Messrs. Savory and Moore, stannate of soda ; and that of citric acid by an arrangement their infants’ food, pancreatic emulsion, pancreatin, pepsin, of samples of lemon-juice, limestone, and sulphuric acid, and peptodyn, form an interesting portion of their exhibit. and crude acid, pure citric acid, &c. Thus, an additional They show elegant pharmaceutical preparations of common interest is given to the articles which are very valuable in remedies in the shape of glycerols, oleates, preserved juice of The samples they exhibit of various liquid themselves. The portion of the exhibit allotted to the plants, &c. and of tinctures of plants in recent use, such as extracts, manufacture of phosphorus is especially striking. The are very good indeed. So also coca, boldo, jaborandi, &c., specimens of native phosphate of lime, of the same treated are their special preparations of datura tatula for asthma, with sulphuric acid and forming superphosphate of lime, and their effervescing granules of salicin and salicylic acid; of the raw material, the various stages in the process, the their sparkling granules of citrate of magnesia, with lemon, and ginger ; their pearls of peppermint and refining and moulding, &c., are very interesting. As to peppermint, &c. All these preparations are remarkable for neatgiuger, it in the of a label on phosphorus itself, figures only shape ness and "attractiveness," and, indeed, a character of elea large bottle, the substance having been withdrawn at the gance and taste in the preparation and form of drugs pervades I need only refer to the samples of barks all this exhibit. urgent request of the commission. At the end of one of the transverse alleys is to be seen and leaves of new drugs ; but must not omit to notice the the very extensive exhibit of Messrs. John Richardson & Co., various medicine chests, the cases for medical and chemiof Leicester. It has a tower shape, with four façades. One cal use, the chemical cabinets for the analysis of air and One of the chests, rather a good-sized one, with of these is entirely occupied by bottles of different sizes, water, &c. containing every variety of their well known soluble pearl- the shape of a trunk, and a battered, bronzed appearance, coated pills. These pills form a very elegant mode of showing it has done good use, belonged to Henry Stanley, administering medicines in a tasteless form. They are and was carried about by him in his celebrated excursions. manufactured with great care, are pleasant to the eye, and The small medicine chests are of a novel and handy form, exceedingly handy for use. They are portable, and can with side drawers and compartments, all opening with one be carried about in travelling without the inconveniences key, and appear very compact and useful. can surpass the exhibit of T. H. Smith & Co., of attending liquids. It is claimed besides for these coated pills that they do not crack, never become discoloured, are Edinburgh and London, either in novelty or excellence. perfectly soluble, and resist all climatic influence. The firm The beauty of their show-case lies in the perfection of their preparations, yet it also shows elegance in artistic now manufacture and keep in stock six hundred varieties, embracing in simple and compound form nearly every active arrangement. The most prominent objects are large cakes of drug used in medicine. Each pill has its special number. codein, chlorhydrate of thebain, and crystals of monobromide Thus, No. 87 contains one grain of croton chloral, No. 64 is a of camphor. In front of these are smaller glass receptacles on quarter grain of extract of belladonna, No. 119 is a pill com- black pedestals, containing samples of aloin, gnoscopin, In the centre of the case hangs a large coupe posed of half a drop of oil of croton, with two grains of meconosin, &c. There is a whole collec- containing a splendid specimen of caffein. The samples pil. col. et hyoscy., ,c. &c. tion of pearl - coated phosphorus pills, containing pure shown of Smyrna, Egypt, Persia, and China opium are very unoxidized phosphorus, simple, and in combination with fine. The various alkaloids discovered by Messrs. T. H. other remedies. This constitutes an interesting mode of Smith & Co. are shown in attractive array. We notice in administering phosphorus in the free state as a medicine. their case: the bolactic acid discovered in 1861; cryptoThe substances combined with phosphorus are, quinine, pin in 1864; gnoscopin (C34H36N2O) discovered in 1878 ; and reduced iron, nux vomica, strychnia, and cannabis indica, meconoiosin (C8H10O2), also discovered in 1878. The sample valerianate of zinc, muriate of morphia, aloin, &c. &c. The of cryptopin is exceptionally fine, and shows a crystallisaother façades of the exhibit are occupied by various chemicals, tion of almost two pounds. Meconoiosin is a neutral body. such as are manufactured and sent out by the firm ; various Chlorhydrate of cryptopin, also exhibited, is a salt which has pharmaceutical preparations; some twenty medicinal speciali- the effect, when mixed in strong aqueous solutions, of forming ties, amongst which may be particularly mentioned the a gelatinous and transparent crystallisation. Messrs. T. H. hypnopoietic (a new and improved solution of opium), Smith and Co. have in their case all the preparations of the the peptocolos (or compound pepsin wine) ; and the cod- alkaloids of opium. I may just mention the bimeconate, liver oil emulsions, forming a palatable and light preparation, and consisting either of the oil alone, or of a mixture of pure morphia ; chlorhydrate of apomorphia; codeia, in a of it with quinine or phosphorus. The medicine chests crystallised preparation of about eight pounds’ weight; and emergency cases of Messrs. John Richardson & Co. also narcein, narcotin, papaverin, meconin ; chlorhydrate of deserve to be noticed. The emergency cases are small and thebain, in a crystallised preparation weighing about ten elegant, and intended for the table and the pocket. One of pounds, &c. &c. Aloin, the purgative principle of aloes, them contains twelve phials of pills, and nine of liquids, discovered in 1851 by Messrs. T. H. Smith, is likewise There is an interesting verv neatly arranged. Another includes nothing but a col- shown in beautiful specimens. lection of phosphorus pills, contained in twenty-four small sample of the artificial alkaloid, nitrate of furfuria. I must phials. There is a compact medicine chest for colonists, and also mention the excellent preparations of santonin, silicin, a portable one for emigrants. salts of strychnia, cantharidin, bromides of ammonium and Messrs. Robinson and Anderson, of Bermondsey, London, potassium, &c., and the choice specimens of the resins of haveexhibited specimens of a white lead made from metallic jalap, scammony, and podophyllin. THE





sulphate,and chlorhydrate ofmorphia ; largecodeia, stals