980 without some are qicid pro quo and the result is that on with much disability or till too late to do anything for radical cure. No fee will be...

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980 without

some are


pro quo and the result is that

on with much disability or till too late to do anything for radical cure. No fee will be taken if offered and even pressed. A present chosen after much thought may not be valued and the ’ UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE.-At a Congregation consultant is not pleased. I and my wife have wanted held on Oct. 29th, the following degrees were conferred :M.D.-L. B. Cole. for some time to consult someone, but the existing Al.B. and B.Ch.-W. W. McLean, R. H. Metcalfe, and A. T. state of affairs has prevented us from doing so. At , I Worthington. present, it amounts to this, that medical men in M.B.-J. H. Hannan. a certain class of practice are the only people who I SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON.-At recent cannot freely get willing necessary skilled attention examinations the following candidates have been successful even if they are prepared to pay. some Could not the undermentioned subjects :in scale of fees be arranged that would allow medical ’, Surgery.—H. J. Fordham and W. Johnson, St. Mary’s men to consult specialists and be welcomed and ’ Hospital; R. C. Glover, Leeds and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; R. 1. Richards, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; attended to equally as members of the public paying and H. Rundstrom, St. George’s Hospital. the usual fee ? I Medicine.—A. Heukamp, Gottingen and Royal Free Hospital; W. Howard, Liverpool; T. W. Riseley, Cardiff; and W. D. I assure you this is a serious matter for a large Williams, London Hospital. number of us and I earnestly hope that something I Forensic Medicine.—J. R. S. Bowker, Middlesex Hospital ; can be done to solve the difficulty. A. Heukamp, Gottingen and Royal Free Hospital; W. E. Ivers, Manchester ; S. Jenkinson and R. W. Wood, St. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, Bartholomew’s Hospital; T. W. Riseley, Cardiff; V. K. i Samy, Dundee ; and W. D. Williams, London Hospital. MEDICO. Nov. lst, 1926. Midwifery.—H. M. de Hartog, St. Mary’s Hospital ; B. D. Jain and E. H. Waller, Charing Cross Hospital; A. W. Marsden, Birmingham ; C. E. Nicholas and W. D. Williams, London Hospital; J. Pattis, Innsbruck and University THE PASTEURISATION OF MILK. College Hospital; and D. K. Reynolds, King’s College Hospital. Tothe Editor of THE LANCET.


let go

Medical News.



do not think it will serve any purpose to enter into further discussion. I remain of the conviction that the milk-supply in this country is dangerThe total amount of satisfactory milk available ous. does not suffice for the supply of a quarter of a million people, even at the ridiculously low rate of consumption of 0-25 pints per head per day ; and the price at which this inadequate supply is vended places it out of reach of any but well-to-do families. It is in pasteurisation, and in pasteurisation alone, that we can see in the immediate future a satisfactory milk-supply for the bulk of the people. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, S. G. MOORE.



The Diploma of the Society has been granted to the following candidates, entitling them to practise medicine, R. C. Glover, A. Heukamp, surgery, and midwifery: W. Johnson, C. E. Nicholas, J. Pattis, and R. I. Richards.






ordinary quarterly comitia of the College was held on Oct. 28th, the President, Sir John Rose Bradford, being in the chair. The following candidates, having passed the necessary examinations, were admitted as Members of the College :Drs. Kenneth Blackie Aikman, Robert Dudley Alexander. Henry Cohen, William Robert Fitzgerald Collis, Hector Alfred Colwell, James Gordon Danson, Iforwyn Glyndwr Davies, Dinshaw Hormusji Dudha, Vivian Feldmar, George Fletcher, Charles Skinner Hallpike, Geoffrey Edward Roper Hamilton, Philip Montagu D’Arcy Hart, Richard Brunel Hawes, Richmond Jeremy, Edgar Hartley Kettle, John Faulks Landreth, Oscar Carl Moller, Austin Threlfall Nankivell, Charles Edward Newman, Arthur Pool, Arthur Digby Porter, Eric Alfred Blake Pritchard, Edward Scott, Sobhi Rizkalla Simaika, Sir Eric Stuart Taylor, Paul Biddulph Wilkinson, and Leslie John Witts.

F. H. Maugham, Esq., K.C., was appointed a Senior Standing Counsel on the nomination of the President, vice A. C. Clauson, Esq., K.C., appointed a Judge in the High Court of Justice.-It was resolved that in 1927 a conversazione should be held at the College in honour of the centenary of the publication of Richard Bright’s book, the date to be fixed subsequently so as to coincide with the celebration at Guy’s Hospital.-On the motion of Dr.


To the Editor ot THE LANCET.

SIR,-Dr. W. Feldman has drawn attention to the omission of any reference to his name in connexion with the use of the nomograph for Dubois formula on page 98 of my recent work on "The Fundamentals of School Health." This was entirely acci- J. S. Fairbairn it was resolved that the Committee of should be asked to report to the College on dental, and due to elimination of reference to the Management the efficiency of the Examination in Midwifery and Diseases nomograph as a graphic method, from the chapter peculiar to Women in the Final Examination of the Conjoint on Statistics, merely retaining the figure as of Board.-Dr. H. L. Tidy was elected a member of the Compossible use when transferred to that on Nutrition. mittee of Management in place of Sir William Hale-White, Amid the thousands of references there was almost who has resigned after eight and a half years of service. Dr. bound to be some error of omission or commission, Raymond Crawfurd, who retired in rotation, was re-elected. and in this case the reference should have been to -Two communications were received from the Home Office. The first stated that a committee on the Poisons and THE LANCET, 1922, i., 273. Acts is to hear evidence on matters I am,




faithfully, JAMES KERR.



DR. W. H. FLEETwOOD.-After


months of failing health Dr. William Hardy Fleetwood died on Oct. 27th at Hadleigh, Suffolk, where he had been in practice since 1919. He studied medicine at the London Hospital, qualified as M.R.C.S. Eng. in 1905, and acted as house surgeon at the West Ham and East London Hospitals, and as resident medical officer at the Mill-road Infirmary, Liverpool. For some time before the war he was in practice He saw service for a long at Hoylake, near Liverpool. period in charge of an advanced hospital on the Salonika front and retired at the end of the war with the rank of major in the Royal Army Medical Corps. After holding an appointment for a time as registrar at the Kitchener Hospital, Brighton, he went to Hadleigh where he took much interest in the affairs of the town, working for the Hadleigh Athletic Association and the local branch of the British Legion and the local lodge of Freemasons.’ Dr. Fleetwood leaves a widow.


within the scope of the terms of reference to the committee. and asked if the College would wish to lay its views before the committee. The second enclosed copies of amended regulations under the Dangerous Drugs Act, and asked the College to nominate a representative to serve on the tribunal for England and Wales, and also a substitute for such representative in case of his unavoidable absence. Sir. W. Hale-White and Dr. J. Fawcett were appointed.A photograph of a portrait of Nathaniel Johnston, a former Fellow of the College, together with some biographical notes, was received from Dr. A. J. Hall, of Sheffield. The thanks of the College were voted to Dr. Hall.-A report was received from the Committee of Management recommending that certain universities which were removed in 1918 from the list of recognised places of study, graduates of which are admissible to the Final Examination of the Board, should now be reinstated in the list-namely. Graz, Innsbruck. and Vienna ; Prague; Berlin, Bonn, Breslau, Erlangen.

Freiburg, Giessen, Gottingen, Greifswald, Halle, Heidelberg, Jena, Kiel, Königsberg, Leipzig, Marburg, Munich. Tubingen. andWürzburg; Budapest. The Committee also recoiiimended that the University of Hamburg be added to the list of recognised German universities, it having been