Edinburgh, and is well worth the attention of students by Dr. Kinyoun on the skin of patients suirering from Edinburgh and elsewhere. Nothing is more honourable malarial fever in localities where yellow fever does not to the profession than that its leading members, in tones of occur, and that it is therefore impossible that this micro. sympathy rather than authority, should support and en- organism can bear any relation whatever to the causation The micrococcus tetragenus versatilis courage their younger brethren in the medicinal and other of yellow fever. faculties in the efforb to keep themselves pure. Dr. Gaird- has been found in the serous fluid of blisters on yellow fever ner might have added terrible force to his argument by patients in spite of the most careful disinfection of the skin in one-half of the cases examined, and in three-eighths his as too a in cases all recalling experience physician of the specimens on which observations were made. such not where of love are enterfrequent, lofty conceptions tained. But he set himself a higher task, and he has dis- This microcoucus was found in the blister serum of persons resident in Havana and acclimatised, in two out of seven charged it in the true spirit of a Christian physician. cases examined and in three-thirteenths of the specimens taken, but only in cases where the disinfection of the skin ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. had been omitted or in which it had been but imperfectly AT a comitia of the College on Wednesday, 18th inst., performed. Nothing of the sort was found in any of the Sir Andrew Clark, Bart., President in the chair, a communitaken from four persons whose skin had eight specimens cation was read from the Chairman of the Examiners in been as thoroughly disinfected as in the cases of the yellow Chemistry, referring to some criticisms of the proposed fever patients. schedule for the examination in chemistry and chemical physics. A letter from the Secretary of the International SUMMER DRINKS IN INDIA. Medical Congress, Berlin, expressed satisfaction at the THE Medical Record of Calcutta contains some interestappointment of delegates to represent the Royal College of the beneficial effects to be derived from remarks ing Physicians. From the Metropolitan Asylums Board two non-alcoholic upon drinks in the height of summer. After reletters were received, together with a report on the scheme that the very bane of European existence in India marking for making the fever hospitals available for clinical instruclies in the habits of eating and drinking, physiological tion. Communications were received from Messrs. Lee are adduced to show that highly carbonised and Pemberton, Lord Cadogan’s solicitors, referring to arguments materials are very deleterious in hot climates. The custom certain proposals respecting the "Physick Garden"at of the Moguls, who for luxury have had no equal in Indian Chelsea in the occcupation of the Society of Apothecaries. to as offering a fitting example. Their The land is said to have become unsuitable for the purposes history, is referred drinks consisted of milk, sweetened waters, or sherbets, for which it was orginally bequeathed by Sir Hans Sloane, from subacid fruits, such as lemons, tamaand before it can be disposed of it is desirable to obtain prepared fiavoured with rose or Keora the consent of the Royal Society and the College of Phy- rinds, pomegranates, &e., date numerous essences, juice, vegetable tisanes, and sicians, who have reversionary interests in the trust. After some infusions of glutinous seeds flavoured with sugar A some remarks the question was referred to the Council. and essential oils. These were often cooled with ice letter from Surgeon-Major Johnston, M.A., M.D., with collected in pits, where it was stored during the winter reference to the Army Medical Department, having been months. The Oriental it is asserted, suffer from few printed and sent to all the Fellows, was taken as read. Dr. of the diseases which races, are common to the copious meatFarquharson, M.P., then moved that the College, either Europeans. For a hot day, a light singly or together with other licensing bodies, should eating, wine-drinking diet is recommended, with a spare quantity of approach the Secretary of State for War, as a deputation, vegetable meat food and an abundance of cooling, non-alcoholic to represent the grievances and claims of the Army Medical drinks. Ice is regarded as a necessity, and coffee, tea, and Department. This motion, having been seconded by Sir Dyce cocoa are to take the of whisky-and-soda. The use Duckworth, led to some discussion, in which Dr. Balfour, Sir of aerated waters, place from pure and wholesome Guyer Hunter, Sir Joseph Fayrer, Dr. Pye-Smith, Dr. Joseph ingredients, and the prepared admixture in them of the numerous Ewart, Dr. Play fair, and others took part. In the end the fruit flavourings which abound in the tropics, are regarded motion was agreed to with only two dissentients. Owing with favour, as likely to offer a lucrative source of income to some differences of opinion no report from the delegates to persons engaged in such trade, while also giving the of the two Colleges was ready upon the Further Revision of a very acceptable form of summer the Scheme for the Reconstitution of the University of European community drinks. This suggestion has already to a certain extent London, and it was announced by the President that in due been put into practice both in this country and in America, course a special meeting would be summoned to consider but there is still some uneasiness as to possible evil consethe report upon the scheme. Dr. C. Theodore Williams from the consumption of large quantities moved that a conversazione be held by the College in the quences resulting of iced drinks when the atmospheric temperature is high. month of July this year, but the proposition was not As regards light diet and extreme moderation in the use of received with favour, and was ultimately lost. A report the recommendations are admirable, and from the Committee of Management was adopted, after a alcohol, however, well be followed here. few explanatory remarks of the action taken with reference might to an application from the honorary secretary of the College place, in
of State Medicine. ____
THE PATHOGENESIS OF YELLOW FEVER. DRS. FINLAY and DELGADO, who have for some time been engaged in investigating the bacteriology and pathology of yellow fever in Cuba, recently read a paper on the subject before the Havana Academy of Sciences, in which they detailed their experiments and discussed their significance, with special reference to the researches of Dr. Sternberg, who a short time ago paid a lengthened visit to the island for the purpose of studying the subject. They say that Sternberg’s micrococcus Finlayensis has been found
THE cost of maintaining patients in the institutions under the control of the Metropolitan Asylums Board will be found to be of interest. Considering first the asylums for imbeciles the following was the daily cost for maintenance and clothing for the last half year: Caterham Asylum, with an average of 1980 patients, a fraction less than that of Leavesden, which, with an average of 1970 patients, was Gnd. per day; Darenth, with an average of 107G patients, 6½ ;Darenth School Asylum, with an average of 666 patients, the establishment charges came to a nearly equal amount in each case; the cost of the training ship,