Agricultural Analysis.
[Jour. Frank. Inst.,
Improvement in Agricultural Analysis.--M. Ad. Cornot gives a new method of determining the proportion of potash in soils or mixtures. The analysis can be made in a few hours, the determination being as exact as if a much longer time had been employed.
--Comptes Rendus.
Slipping of Locomotive W h e e l s . - - M . Rubeuf finds that the slipping of locomotive wheels, on down grades, varies between 13 and 25 per cent. There is, consequently, a great loss of fuel, and a great wear of tires and rails, from this cause alone, which is deserving of special study.--Comptes Rendus. C. Pasteur's T r i u m p h s . - - B a s t i a n has withdrawn from the proposed test of his views by the French Academy, on account of dissatisfaction with the constitution of the committee. P. Bert has given his full adhesion to the interpretation which MM. Pasteur and Joubert gave to their experiments upon Carbuncular gangrene. In a communication presented to the Academy oll July 30th, he states that he has successfully repeated the experiments, which show that the virus is due to living bacteridians. C. O r b i t of a B o l i d e . - - M . Gruey, by combining observations at Bordeaux, Augouleme and Clermont, has calculated the orbit of a bolide, which he found to be within 23 ° of its perihelion. Its velocity, relative to the earth, was 68 kilometres, or about 45 miles, per second. Its orbit, like some of those calculated by MM. Galle, Tissot and Heiss, was very hyperbolic ; it must, therefore, have come into our system from the stellar spaces.--Les Mondes. C.
The Plethysmograph.--M. Mosso, of Turin, has invented an instrument for observing the variations in the circulation of blood in the arms, under the influence of natural or artificial causes. The entrance of a person into the room, causes a diminution of the forearm, which may vary between 4 and 15 cubic centimetres, the blood quitting the arm and mounting to the head. Thought and cerebral activity seem to be in proportion to the contraction of the vessels o f the forearm. During sleep, dreams cause ~ depression in the circulation of the arm. Just before waking, there is a like depression. The experiments confirm the theory of Durham, Hammond and Ehrmann, that the brain receives less blood during sleep, than when~. awake.-- Lea Mondes. C.