after death solidified. Dr. P. S. Abraham, writing in Pro five it was 44 per 1000, or counting six due to the overfessor T. Clifford Allbutt’s "System of Medicine," Vol. VIIL, lapping of the periods the figure would be 53 per 1000, so that, points out that under the name of "sclerema neonatorum" the infantile death-rate for the experiment was reduced to two diseases which appear to be distinct have been less than one-half the average rate. The babies belonged todescribed indifferently by authors until Parrot in 1887 all classes and some lived in places hardly better than slums. pointed out their confusion. In one class of case to which The result, so far as the object of the experiment itself is. dermatologists, following Parrot, are now inclined to restrict concerned, has been satisfactory and we congratulate the name "sclerema neonatorum,"the skin rapidly becomes Alderman Broadbent upon the success of his efforts. He waxy in appearance, leathery in consistence, very rigid, and stated that he had not intended his bonus to be a adherent to the underlying tissues. The description given stimulus to maternal affection or care-qualities which should’ by Dr. Waterhouse of the cutaneous lesions observed by him not require so to be stimulated. closely corresponds with Parrot’s obeervations. Another of interest in the case recorded by Dr. Waterhouse is THE INTERNATIONAL LARYNGO-RHINOLOGICAL the rise of temperature which occurred. As a rule, all CONGRESS. functions seem to be impeded, food cannot be taken, and THE International Laryngo-Rhinological Congress which the respiration- and pulse-rate fall. The account recorded I, will meet in Vienna from April 21st to 25th, 1908, under is a one and the are Waterhouse valuable details Dr. given by the honorary presidency of Hofrat Professor von Schrotter, with great clearness. will celebrate the memory of Turck and Czermak and INVESTIGATION ON ANTHRAX AT BRADFORD. will coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of a notable THE Anthrax Investigation Board holding its sittings at year in that department of practical medicine. The work Bradford does not in its annual report give very much of the Congress will be confined to scientific addresses encouragement as to the means for avoiding or preventing and demonstrations, and there will be an exhibition of the disease. It seems that a temperature of 300° F. (dry instruments and apparatus in connexion with it. Themust be maintained for three hours to kill anthrax addresses and papers (Referate und Vorträge) may be in-
The statement is made that at some commission combing works there have been many more cases than at others where similar materials are dealt with, while some commission combers have been practically free from cases of anthrax. This suggests that the differences in the " methods employed in handling and dealing with the scheduled materials previous to washing " should be carefully investigated. Mr. Shinner, inspector of factories, giving evidence in a case of death from anthrax which was reported in our columns on Nov. 3rd, p. 1245, said that the Home Office had been considering the matter for some years and pointed out that the extreme resisting power of anthrax spores was A temperature of considerably above the great difficulty. the boiling point of water is necessary to kill these spores and such a temperature would practically destroy horsehair or other hair for manufacturing purposes. The at would seem to as real cure Mr. Shinner be, only present said, to prevent the entry of infected material and this is by no means an easy matter.
German, English, or French ; they must not occupy more than 20 minutes at most in delivery ; and a short summary of each in one of the above-mentioned languages must besent to the secretary by Dec. 31st, 1907, at latest. In the discussion members may speak only once on each subject and for no longer than five minutes. The members’ subscription of 25 kronen, or Rl, may be paid to Dr. Gottfried Scheff, the treasurer of the Congress, or to the representatives of the individual laryngological societies. Medals with likenesses of Turck and Czermak will be distributed as souvenirs. Each member will receive a printed copy of the Transactions of the Congress. The president of the Congress will be Professor 0. Chiari and the secretary is Professor M. Grossmann,. IX., Garnisonsgasse 10, Vienna. A
A PAMPHLET,1 a copy of which has reached us, hasrecently been published containing an account of a new ON the occasion of his entering into office as chief method for determining the acidity of the urine by M. H. magistrate of Huddersfield two years ago Alderman Joulie, late of the Paris hospitals. Contrary to the generally Broadbent promised to give to every child who was born accepted views which regards the blood as an alkalin efluid, in the district of Longwood during his mayoralty-i.e., M. Joulie holds with M. Gautrelet that the blood is in reality It isbetween Nov. 9th, 1904, and Nov. 9tb, 1905—£1on the first acid and is the cause of the acidity of the urine. anniversary of the baby’s birthday. The object of the experi- well known, of course, that the acidity of the urine is duement was to ascertain whether by constant watchfulness on chiefly to acid phosphates, but it is not generally accepted the part of a small band of voluntary lady workers, who would that the acidity of the blood is due to the same be always ready to help the mothers by advice, any appreciable acid salts. In the blood, however, the reaction of these= reduction in the infantile mortality-rate of Longwood could salts is held to be masked by the presence of an excess. be effected. The first baby to whom the gift was promised of bicarbonates which, whilst chemically speaking are acid was born on Nov. 10th, 1904, and the last on Nov. 8th, salts, yet yield a blue reaction to litmus. They are practi1905. During the past decade the average infantile death- cally absent in urine. Since the phosphates of calcium and rate was 139 per 1000, while in the Longwood district for magnesium are present in solution in the urine it follows, the same period the figures show 122 per 1000. Alderman says M. Joulie, that they must necessarily be present in the Broadbent, recently in the course of a speech, said that he blood. These phosphates are insoluble in an alkaline had gained the end at which he aimed Throughout the two medium and hence the blood in which they are present in The argument years the conditions had been by no means favourable as solution must be a chemically acid fluid. that the of the of the urine and had The measles been therefore, being, degree acidity whooping-cough very prevalent. number of babies in the district who received the pro. is a measure of the degree of the acidity of the blood, missory note for ,f,1was 112. Of these 107 received the M. Joulie proceeds as follows. A specimen of the first gift. Four of the 112 had died and one had left the 1 The Acidity of the Urine, read at the Institut Pasteur by M. H. district and could not be traced. Counting only four as Joulie. Translated from the French by A. X. Stavros, D.Sc. London, dead the mortality figure was 35 per 1000, but counting John Bale, Sons, and Danielsson.