551 MR. WALKER of Newcastle, the public analyst for Carlisle, has announced, as the result of a microscopic examination of the ham forwarded to him by...

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551 MR. WALKER of Newcastle, the public analyst for Carlisle, has announced, as the result of a microscopic examination of the ham forwarded to him by Dr. Henry Barnes, and which was suspected as the cause of the recent poisoning of a Carlisle wedding party, the discovery on several occasions of a bacillus which he is now cultivating in different media. This discovery, it is thought, may lead to a satisfactory elucidation of the mystery which so long surrounded the case. Dr. Page of the Local Government Board has been instructed to assist in the inquiry. Portions of the ham have also been sent to Mr. Watson Cheyne and to Professor Greenfield for examination. We hope to be able to give, probably next week, a detailed history of this in-

teresting case.

possible to the prescribed form, we append other forms are for the guidance of the officer or the Branch Councils.

keep as nearly Form C.




FORM C. (Form of Nomination Paper.) We the undersigned, being registered medical practitioners resident in* of , hereby nominatei’ a registered medical practitioner, as a proper person to be elected to the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom by the registered medical practitioners resident in*

(Date) *


or Ireland, as the case may be. of person nominated, in full. t Here insert address and registered qualification or qualifications of person nominated. § To be signed by not fewer than twelve registered medical practitioners, to the signature of each one of whom his address and registered

Here insert

t Here insert


England, Scotland, name

qualification or qualifications must be appended. The regulations themselves have interest chiefly for the SCARLET FEVER, which has existed for several months in the Cumberworth district of the Huddersfield Union, is Returning Officer and the Branch Council. But one or two points of interest may be noted. As to the time of the reported to be greatly on the increase. The district includes election, the exact date still rests with the officer. the parishes of Cumberworth, Denby Dale, Shelley, and But their lordships " order and direct" thatreturning for the purposes Skelmanthorpe. We are informed on good authority that of the next election of direct representatives the returning one practitioner alone has had sixty-one cases brought under officer shall, in the course of the period of seven days ending with the 13th November next, issue his precept to the his notice. Branch Council in each part of the United Kingdom, as by the eighth section of the Act. Now this said THE address delivered by Mr. Erichsen in the Surgical required section requires the Branch Council to cause the representaSection of the British Medical Association at Brighton has tives to be elected within twenty-one days after the receipt been translated into Spanish by Dr. Ulecia of Madrid, and of the said precept. This would involve the selection taking appears in the current number of the Revista di Medi- place on or before the 4t.h of December. The last day for cina y Cirurgia Practical, and into Italian by Dr. Longhi of sending in the nomination papers is to be fixed by the returning officer, and at least fourteen days before the day Milan, for the Gazzetta degli Ospitali. so fixed the returning officer is to cause a notice of the election to be published specifying the number of persons to THE managers of the Hudson River State Hospital, be elected, the place where the nomination papers are to be sent and the last day on which they are to be sent. This Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,have established, in connexion with the noticein,is to be published in at least two newspapers. But institution under their charge, a training school for the doubtless the returning officer will publish it in the medical instruction of those who wish to make a specialty of nursing papers for greater certainty of its being seen by nominators of candidates. As to the voting papers, they will be prethe insane, either in private houses or public institutions. pared and forwarded by the Branch Council. These papers will contain a list of the candidates, and the voter is to DR. PEKELHARING, Professor of Medicine in the University write his initials in the space against the name of the person of Utrecht, has been instructed by the Government at the or persons for whom he intends to vote. Those interested Hague to proceed to Acheen to make special inquiry into in the election of candidates will do well to supply themselves with a copy of the London Gazette of September 3rd. known as " beri-beri." the nature of the ___


THE proposed special grant to the Belfast Royal Hospital is threatened with strong opposition by Mr. T. W. Russell, who has been promised the support of Mr. Labouchere and several other leading Radicals.


twenty-eighth annual meeting of the New Sydenham Society was held in the Pavilion at Brighton, August 13th, Mr. S. W. Sibley in the chair. THE nineteenth annual meeting of the Canadian Medical The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary read the draft of the report as prepared by Association was commenced at Quebec on the 18th ult. the council, and the statement of the Society’s income and expenditure; the balance-sheet for 1885 had been duly audited by Dr. Clapton and Mr. Corner, by which it was THE PRIVY COUNCIL AND THE APPROACHING shown that the receipts amounted to .62092 5s. 4d. and the ELECTION OF DIRECT REPRESENTATIVES. expenditure to X2174 2s. 2d. It was moved by Dr. Moore, of Dublin, and seconded by Mr. Jessop, of Leeds, "That the OUR readers will remember that the Medical Act of 1886 report and balance-sheet, as presented by the council, be left the making of regulations for guiding the procedure adopted, and, as usual, printed for circulation." For the it is intended to restrict the Society’s work chiefly of the Branch Councils in the matter of the election of present, The work adopted for to translations of modern books. direct representatives with the Lords of the Privy Council. translation during the year is a series of clinical lectures by The London Gazette of Sept, 3rd contains the orders and Prof. Charcot, now in course of publication. A ballot of the officers for the ensuing year was next regulations of their lordships. A schedule contains the A and certain Form an forms. when Sir Spencer Wells was elected president, Dr. taken, appendix gives regulations, is a notice of the election, to be published at least fourteen Sedgwick Saunders was re-elected treasurer, and Mr. days before the election in at least two newspapers in the Jonathan Hutchinson, hon. secretary. The following resolution, moved by Dr. Chadwick, and part of the kingdom in which the election is to be held. Form B is the precept of the returning officer, the President seconded by Mr. Vincent Jackson, of Wolverhampton, of the Medical Council requiring the Branch Council of each " That the best thanks of the Society be given to the division to cause the election of the proper number of retiring officers for their services during the past year," was representatives. Form C is a form of Nomination paper. carried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Jones Morris, Form D is the form of Voting paper, to be prepared and of Portmadoc, seconded by Mr. Jessop, of Leeds, and carried forwarded in due time by the Branch Council of each divi- unanimously, "That the best thanks of the Society be given sion to each registered practitioner in that part of the to the honorary local secretaries, on whose exertions in the United Kingdom. As the nomination of candidates is the past so much of the success of the Society depended.’ After act of the- profession, and those nominating are required to a vote of thanks to the Chairman the meeting separated. THE