BOOK REVIEWS The Problems of Laboratory Animal Disease . Edited by R. J . C . HARRIS . London : Academic Press . 60s .
for their capacity to express themselves clearly and colloquially as well as in measured pathological terms . The present study reflects these attributes : it is a mine of documented information that still permits of freely written ancillary comments . Thus the last chapter, dealing with miscellaneous neurologic disorders, opens with the wording, "Despite its title, this chapter is not intended to be a diagnostic wastebasket" . The concluding section of the chapter dealing with deficiency diseases is pungently worded, and it is clear that the authors held no brief for nutritionists and others who are unwilling to accept the lessons of classical pathology, or who believe that the latter may be replaced entirely by new techniques. Such additions tend to make the work more lively and readable, but they do not detract from its intrinsic merit, and the senior authors and their collaborators (Ludo van Bogaert, R . Frankhauser ; W . J. Hadlow and K . V . Jubb) have covered large sections of the field in meticulous detail . There are certain general chapters and, in addition, the following topics are specifically covered :Cerebrospinal fluid ; neurologic diseases of apes and monkeys ; skeletal muscle, hypophysis : inherited and congenital conditions ; viral, rickettsial, protozoan, bacterial, mycotic, insect larval, and helminthic infections ; demyelinating diseases ; encephalomalacia and myelomalacia ; meningitis ; pigmentation and depositions ; deficiency diseases ; intoxications ; neoplasms, spinal cord ; and spinal ganglia, nerve routes and peripheral nerves . The emphasis is mammalian . This is an extremely valuable text and one that will be widely used by experimentalists as well as by medical and veterinary pathologists .
This book of 259 pages is a collection of 18 papers which were presented at the second International Committee on Laboratory Animals (ICLA) which was held September, 1961, at Liblice and Smolenice, Czechoslovakia . The contributors came from the United States, Australia, Japan, Netherlands, U.S .S .R ., France, Great Britain and Czechoslovakia . The Committee met to discuss and review the care and management of colonies of laboratory animals with particular emphasis on the problems of transmissible diseases . The book devotes one chapter to each paper presented at the meeting, in which are included a summary of the discussion and the relevant references . All the chapters are in English except for a contribution on sub-clinical infections by E. Sacquet, which is in French . Most of the papers consider disease from the environmental and host parasite relationship ; a reflection of the modem trend towards disease prevention . This is exemplified by papers considering the genetic factors (J. W. Gowen), the natural foci of disease (B . Rosicky), natural resistance (H . A. Schneider) and the persistence of infection in populations (F . Fenner). Likewise reflected in several papers is the obvious logic in the development and maintenance of disease free colonies, such as the application of specific pathogen free (S .P .F .) techniques (H . Foster) and rigorous culling (A. A . Tuffery) . The Problems of Laboratory Animal Disease is essentially a book for those who have experience in the care and management of animal colonies, or are interested in this growing branch of biological research . The book summarises much of the latest information on laboratory animal diseases and represents a digest of the beliefs and opinions of the specialists in this field . The book does not carry a subject index although the contents of each chapter are summarised .
A .N.W .
The Ovary. Vols . 1 and 2. Edited by SIR ZoLLY ZUCKERMAN. London : Academic Press, 1962 . 619 and 600 pp . 157s . each vol . These volumes are a further remarkable tribute to the indefatigable senior editor . He has, of course, received abundant help from his two departmental colleagues, and has been able to secure the co-operation of a large and distinguished group of contributors . But even so, it is evident that he has in large measure been responsible for the success of this work, despite
D .W .J .
Comparative Neuropathology . By. J . R . M . INNES & L . Z. SAUNDERS . London : Academic Press, 1962 . 839 pp. Price £119s . Od . The two senior authors are well-known for their contributions to neuropathology and also 215