4. Lack of energy, labored breathing and other signs of anemia.
No. 3. in a Series
5. Difficulty in swallowing food may · appear if the cancer growth is near the upper end of the stomach and obstructs the passage of food. It may also be a symptom (usually the only early symptom) of cancer in the esophagus.
AGUE and persistent stomach discomV fort is the most common early symptom
of gastric cancer. Unfortunately, these and 6. Vomiting and regurgitation. This other early indications often seem trivial, may be due to the growth of obstructing and · the patient does not bother to see a lesions. physician until it is too late. Stomach can7. Bleeding is a relatively rare sign of cer now causes more than 25,000 deaths anearly stomach cancer. However, blood in nually. But the pharmacist can help bring many vomit or tarry stools always indicates of these cases into the doctor's office while trouble. they are still curable. In their search for No one knows how often gastric ulcers relief from indigestion or gas, these men and become cancerous. However, stomach canwomen will often ask the advice of their . cer often appears after a long history of pharmacist. In every case where the symptoms chronic ulcers, and the two ailments may be have persisted for two weeks or more, the phar- causally related. In any case, ulcer sympmacist should advise a visit to the physician. toms should always be discussed with a Early symptoms of stomach cancer vary doctor. from case to case. The following complaints Surgery is the only accepted treatment for have been found most common: stomach cancer. Techniques are constantly I. Vague digestive disturbances, such as being improved, and the surgeon now expects indigestion, heartburn, gas, nausea or belch- to cure a third of his operable gastric cancer ing. These are mentioned by some 90% of patients. Even when the cancer has begun cases. to spread into near-by tissues, the surgeon 2. Unexplained weight loss. This com- can often give his patients several more plaint is noted in about 75% of cases. Un- years of useful and relatively comfortable fortunately, it is not an early sign, but it · life. may often bring the patient to see a phyPhysicians find, however, that 35 to 50% sician when earlier and less alarming indica- of stomach cancer has already become intions have been ignored. operable by the time it is diagnosed. This 3. Loss of appetite. This complaint is means that our hope of saving more lives mentioned by almost half of all cases. It now lies in oorlier detection. Every perusually takes the form of a distaste for meat, sistent stomach ailment must be regarded but may apply to other foods as well. with suspicion, particularly in men and Other symptoms observed may include: women over 35. 535