The reform of the Swedish electricity market

The reform of the Swedish electricity market

06 Electric power generation and utilisation (economics, policy, supplies, forecasts) The pragmatic approach ol the American reforms Bouttes, J. ...

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Electric power generation

and utilisation


policy, supplies, forecasts)

The pragmatic approach ol the American reforms Bouttes, J. P. and Trochet, J. M. Revue de I’Energie, Jan.-Feb. 1995, (465), 16-22. (In French) Long before it became a mass issue in the European Energy Sector, the Americans were the first in the 70s in debating about introducing different forms of competition in the electricity sector. They invented the terms ‘Third Party Access’ and ‘Independant Generation’. There is no doubt of their influence on the current European debates. But strange as it may seem, the much debated idea of TPA has never yet been really implemented in the USA. On the other hand, after many years of experience, the American lawmaker decided in 1992 to vote the Energy Policy Act and thus to give new possibilities to ‘Non Utility Generators’ to build and run power stations. Today, in the wake of two years of EPAct implementation, respects for a generalized TPA in the USA still don’t seem very reasonag le Yet it shouldn’t prevent some States from being tempted by some limited experiences of TPA in the near future. 95lQ277Q



ot the electric





Argentina De Hasson, G. D. Revue de Z’Energie, Jan.-Feb. French)

1995, (465), 102-111. (In

After a brief description of the speedy transformation carried out in the organization and regulation of the electricity sector, based on the segmentation of the industry and the promotion of competition, an analysis is made of the implications and results of the new rules of the game over the system’s future. This analysis reflects, apart from the author’s opinion, the visions and expectations of the actors over the difficulties in setting up comoetitive markets and their influence over decision-makinn criteria. in an iidustry characterized by a long term perspective.

95102777 Searching for the electric load-weather temperature function by using the group method of data handllng 95102771 Prlvatizing Southeast Asia’s electric power lndustrles: Phases, challenges, dlfflcultles Van Dang, G. Revue de Z’Energie, Jan.-Feb. 1995, (465). 32-39. (In French) The privatization of the power sector in South East Asia is part of a complex strategy, aimed at creating an efficient wer production space, consisting of both national and international pro s”ucers, although the latter will have to be selected according to their ability to ensure the most efficient service while implementing new technology. There is no single privatization model in S.E. Asia, but a wide variety of approaches, ranging from the most daring (e.g. Malaysia to the most cautious (e.g. Thailand). For centrally planned economies (’such as Vietnam and Laos), the approach will still be dictated by strategic demands to the detriment of the obvious financial advantages of total privatization of the power sector.

95102772 The reform ot the Norwegian power Industry Wangensteen, I. and Holtan, J. A. Revue de Z’Energie, Jan.-Feb. 1995, (465), 84-92. The Norwegian electricity market was deregulated in 1991. The authors present and discuss the major implications for prices, market organisation, utility organisation, customer handling, risk management, and Investment decisions. The functioning of the wholesale and retail markets and the importance of adequate tariff structures are pointed out.

95102773 The reform ot the Swedish electrlclty market Petsala, B. Revue de I’Energie, Jan.-Feb. 1995, (465), 92-101. The objective of the ongoing reform of deregulation of the electricity market in Sweden is to create and improve the rerequisites for more efficient use of the neneration and distribution. thus f?rmnina about a more efficient price build&g. Similar reforms take place in oGer”Nordic countries. As a result of these changes the possibilities for international trade in electricity increases considerably. Tendencies towards concentration of production and distribution as well as increased vertical integration make it important for the State to monitor the development and if necessary suggest measures to counteract possible undesired effects. The national character of the former electricity markets does no longer constitute a restriction to trade and the power companies already operate in each other’s market.

Sforna, M.


Olerup, B.

95lQ2775 Reshuffling ot the electric power Industrles: Internatlonallzatlon, new players, dlversltlcatlon Chevalier, J. M. and Salaun, F. Revue de I’Energie, Jan.-Feb. 1995, (465), 112-121. (In French) The changes that are being brought in the forms of organization of the power industry lead to a lobal restructuring of the industry. Traditional players are forced to rede %me their strategies concerning vertical and horizontal integration and also diversification. They tend to internationalize their business but they are facing aggressive new-comers. The future structure of the industry is not yet determined but there will be a great number of very different corporate players.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts

May 1995

Power Systems Res., Jan. 1995, 32, (1). 1-9.

The Stockholm

llghtlng programme

Utilities Policy, Oct. 1994, 4, (4), 273-284.

In 1988 Stockholm Energi introduced the first utility-sponsored campaign promoting an energy-efficient technology in Sweden. Integral compact fluorescent lamps were selected as convenient symbolic items. Since then six residential and six non-residential lighting campaigns have been launched in Stockholm. Promoting an environmentally benign strategy gave Stockholm Energi a favourable image. Changed attitudes also seemed to be more important ihan changed behavTour. Residents were the main target group in spite of a greater conservation potential among professionals. Advertising was araduallv mefened to rebates althoueh comoarable in cost but not in cons&vation- &pact. The lighting prog;amme’ had repercussions both inside Stockholm Energi and outside, as other utilities followed its example. In 1993 the lighting trade had to take back the entire initiative.

95102779 Paklstan


Bhutta, S. M. Discusses

95102774 Regulation and the economic outcomes ot electrlcIty prlvatlsatlon In England and Wales Mackerron, G. Revue de I’Energie, Jan.-Feb. 1995, (465), 77-83. The newly privatised British utilities have all been subject to new forms of economic regulation, mostly through price controls. In the case of electricity supply in England and Wales, the intention has been to introduce competition rapidly m the hope of allowing the role of the state (through the regulator) to diminish significantly. The experience. of regulation by OFFER (the Office of Electricity Regulation) In generation, transmission, distribution and final supply has been of a more active role on the part of the regulator, rather than less activity. This is especially so in generation, initially unregulated and now subject to price control. Early economic results of privatisation-with-regulation have been of si nificant cost reductions (mostly originating outside the ES1 in the form o P falling coal prices), price stability and therefore rising levels of profit.


The paper reports on some results of a study regarding the electric power system of the Italian Power Company (ENEL) in which, when possible, an electric load-weather temnerature link has been oresented. In oarticular. the focus has been on the cdnnection between maGimum and m:nimum daily temperatures and the corresponding daily electric power and load. In order to underline the link between the variables, temperature and electric load, this study examines the entire national electric network and also considers more limited areas such as pluriregional and department networks. The methodology adopted, based on a particular regression method called the group method of data handling, has been the subject of study because it is innovative for the power system world and has never been applied to such a problem before.

95102780 parameter

to mlnlmlse




World Energy Council .I., Jan. 1995, 87-92.

supply and demand for electricity

in Pakistan.

System ldentltlcatlon approach for modellng estlmatlon of power system elements

Keyhani, A. et al., Electric Power .Sysrems Rex, Jan. 1995,32,


(l), 25-33.

The paper presents the application of system identification techniques in the modelling of power system elements. In particulaf, the structural identification and inihalization requirements for identifymg a network model from the high-frequency response data of a laboratory network winding model which depicts an air-core reactor are investigated. The objective of this study is to show the step-by-step use of the system identification approach in identifying models for power system elements.

95102701 Utlll plannlng lmpllcatlons ot efflclent cooklng In a devefyoplng country: Case of Nepal Shrestha, R. M. and Bhattarai,

G. B. Energy,


Mar. 1995, 20, (3), 195-203.

The authors examine implications of electric cooking as a demand-side management option for power development plants, as well as emission of oollutants. for the Dredominantlv hvdroelectric utilitv of Neoal. Ootions ‘&nsidereh include ieasonal and yeaGround electric c&king with high- and low-efficiency appliances. For both types of appliances, seasonal electric cooking is economically and environmentally attractive. However., substantial reductions in electricity tariffs are required for it to be financially acceptable to consumers.