Department of Physiology. John Curtin School of Medical Research. Australian National University. P.O. Box 331. Canberra City. A.C.T. 2601. Australia (Receiced
5 December
1977; in recked form
20 January
calibrated fundus camera was employed for the differential ophthalmoscopie refraction of rabbit retinal surface Ebres (XD) and choroidal vessels (0.3D) immediately subadjacent to the photoreceptors; the effective image shell of this eye is thus within 0.6D of emme;;opia. The retinoscopic and refractometrically determined axial refractive state of the rabbit eye was found to be some 2D of hypermetropia. The similar magnitude of optometric refractions of the surface fibres to those obtained by retinoscopy and refractometry confirms Glickstein and Millodot’s hypothesis in this species: the retinoscopic reflex is thus dominated by rays ori~nating at the v&read retina! surface and indicates an artefactual ametropia in emmetropic eyes. Away from the optic axis. at eccentricities from -20” to 90”. the rabbit eye was found to remain within ID of emmetropia on the visual steak: the frontal field was not found to be myopic. The tangential and sagittal image shells were coincident not only for axial but also for frontal rays. The rabbit eye is thus completely corrected for oblique astigmatism in the anterior field: this is consonant with its need to emuiov . _ very oblique rays for imagery in the forward fixation area whose location is subsequent upon the lateral position of its eyes. Abstract-A
A priori, it would be surprising to find substantial ametropia in the frontal field of short-distance cursorial species like the rabbit. However, De Graauw and Van Hof (1977) have recently reported the frontal refraction of the rabbit eye to be strongly myopic in contrast to the slight hypermetropia they observed on-axis. Their results are not in agreement with our own measurements, which are presented below. It is important to realize that objective retinoscopy and refractometry do not necessarily define the refractive state of the behaviourally significant image shell located at the photoreceptor aperture plane (Glickstein and Millodot. 1970: Hughes. 1977a). This “effective image shell” (Hughes. 1977b) establishes the subjective refraction of the eye. In frog and rat the techniques of retinoscopy and parallax refractionometry measure the refractive state of the retina/vitreous boundary (Millodot. 1971; Hughes, 1977a) but their significance in the rabbit has not been established. We thus employed a Zeiss Fundus Camera for optometric refraction, indirect ophthalmoscopy with the observer’s a~ommodation controlled, in order to measure the refractive state of specific retinal planes; these results were then compared with the findings of refractometry and retinoscopy. The method has previously been applied to the rat eye (Hughes, 1977a) and its theoretical basis recently outlined (Bengtsson and Krakau, 1977). The lateral situation of the eyes in the rabbit ensures that the frontal binocular field is imaged on the extreme temporal retina. This region has a specialized ganglion cell distribution (Hughes, 1971). enjoys an expanded central representation (Thomp son, Woolsey and Talbot, 1950; Hughes, 1971). and is employed as a forward fixation area (Van Hof and Y.1.
Lagers-van Haselen, 1973). Its situation. however, ensures that the image dealt with is formed by rays which pdSS obliquely through the optical apparatus. In an uncorrected optical system with spherical refracting surfaces and homogeneous media. such rays are subject to oblique astigmatism and eccentric refraction of the eye is a function of the orientation of refraction. The retina may lie either between the planes of focus or to one side of them (LeGrand. 1967; Millodot and Lamont, 1974): both arrangements occur in man. It thus does not sufice to specify the oblique refraction of a given species to be myopic or hypermetropic. A complete analysis should establish the plane of reflection and investigate the possible separation of the tangential and sagittal image shells by means of individual vertical and horizontal refractions. We employed a Hartinger refractometer to obtain separate vertical and horizontal refractions for the rabbit eye. METHODS A Zeiss Model Eye equipped with a 2 mm pupil was set to within O.ID of emmetropia by means of slit retinoscopy. The mode1 eye and a lens set were then employed to calibrate the focusing tube of a Zeiss Fundus Camera for use in optometric refraction: the image was brought to a focus in the plane of the ocular-crosshairs in order to ensure a constant state of accommodation in the observer. Tube extension was a linear function of tens power; the conversion factor of 1.75 mm/D is in good agreement with the theoretical value of I.72 mm/D (Bengtsson and Krakau, 1977). Measurements of the refractive state of the model eye were repeatable within less than 0.25D. For the living rabbit eye a similar accuracy would be expected on-axis; at great eccentricities image quality is poorer and the plane of focus less easy to determine so that greater variability would be expected. A detailed description of the method has been given elsewhere (Hughes, 1977a).
Havtng centred the entrance and extt pupils of the fundus camera on the pup11 of the eye. the observer brought mto opttmal focus either the vtsrble detatl of the ptgment cell layer and choroidal vessels subadjacent to the photoreceptor laker or the bundles of nerve fibres on the retina1 surface well below the optic nerve head and medufJar? rajs. Surface fibres could not be distinguished in refractton of the temporal retina. Observations were made over 150’ of eccentricity along the horizontal from temporal retma dealing with the binocular field to nasal retma dealing with the posterior field. The vertical range of observations was & 5> and the measurements were thus concentrated aiong the vtsua1 streak The tangential and sagittal image planes were separately refracted from both lateral and frontal field wtth a Hartinger refractometer The refractometer was checked against the calibrated model eye. ,Measurements were made on four rabbits: Jane and Jennv were wild. sexually mature. I-month-old animals ueigbing 1.3 kg; John was a pigmented laboratory rabbit of some 3 kg. For the measurements on tangenttai and sagtttal Image shells another laboratory animal. Justin. of the same weight was substituted for John. The animals. unrestrained for the duration of the observation. sat In the ‘*freeze” position (Hughes. 1971). The intensity of illumination was adequate to maintain a small natural pupil about 3 mm wide thus minimizing peripheral aberrations. RESLLTS
The retinal streak of the
results of optometric refraction of specific layers at various eccentriaties along the visual are summarized in Fig. 1. The mean refraction choroidipigment cell layer ranged from 0.0 to
O.ciDof hypermetropia m the region of central visual streak which projects m the coronal plane below the upric axts. In the extreme nasal field the refraction of the streak increased to between 0.75 and 1.1D of hypermetropia; in the temporal field it ranged between 0.7 and 1.8D at some 45’ eccentricity. The three solid lines connect the mean refraction of each animal at different eccentricities: the vertical bar indicates the S.E.M. and the number of measurements is noted below the bar. The dashed line connects the mean of the results from the three animals at major clusters of observations. The significance of the more oblique optometric readings 1s uncertain without the subsequent analysis because they are based on an estimate of focus which is a mean of ravs m the vertical. horizontal and intermediate orientaiions. The refractive plane of the surface nerve fibres as they pass through the visuai streak beIow the optic nerve head was observed to be 2.0 and ?.3D, respectively. for two animals: this is in agreement with values obtained by slit retinoscopy close to the optic axis. Similar values were obtained with the means of the Hartinger refractionometer and are shown in Table 1 for central field. It is clear that axial retinoscopy and refractionometry refract a plane close to that of the surface tibres as defined by optometric refraction. In temporal retina the surface fibres could not be resolved. The extent of oblique astigmatism \vas assessed by means of separate vertical and horizontal Hartmger refracttons from both close to the optic axis and the
Fig. 1. Optometrtc refractton of the choroidal vessels adjacent to the pigment cell layer of the rabbtt retina plotted as a function of eccentricity. Each point is the mean of several refracttons at that eccentricity: the bar indicates the S.E.M. with the number of observations noted below. Measurements on three animals are ptotted according to the inset key and joined by solid lines: the means of these observations at the major clusters are joined by dashed lines. It is apparent that over the range of eccentricity from -20’ to 90” the mean refraction of this layer changes by less than ID and that the photoreceptors of retina serving the binocular field must be within l.lD of emmetropia. The axial refraction of the retinal surface fibres is indicated for two animals and the Hartinger refraction for one eye shown to demonstrate its similarity to the surface fibre optometric reading: the retinoscoptc reflex is thus established as originating at the retinal surface. For more details see rext and Table I.
The refractive state of the rabbit eye Table I. Honzontai
and verrrcal refractions of the axtal and frontal
Animal Eye
1.7 1.9 2.0 I.4 2.9 12
L R Jenn! L R Justin L R
fields of the ieft and rtght eces of three rabbits
RefractIon with Hartmger’s refractometer idtopters) On-axis Frontal V DIFF H
2.0 * 0.5
2.2 1.9 2.1 1.3 1.9 3.1 2.1 + 0.6
-0.5 0.0 -0.1 0.2 1.0 -1.0 -0.1 & 0.7
field (90 V
1.9 1.3 2.0 1.3 -
1.6 1.9 2.2 0.1 -
1.1 1.5 _c 0.4
I.1 I.5 + 0.6
) DfFF
O.-t -07 -0.2 0.6 0.0 0.0 + 0.5
The mean horizontal and vertical refractions are not significantly different at either eccentricity: thus the rabbit eye is corrected for oblique astigmatism. The lower value of the frontal field refraction is consistent with the known thinning of the retina in passing from central to temporal blsual streak and shows the surface from which the reflex arises to be closer to the photoreceptor aperture plane in peripheral retma.
fieId Axial refractions were strai~tforw~d but refractions through the obliquely viewed pupil were more difficult because deantering could produce a change in the reading of up to ID and reverse the sign of refraction. We found it necessary to plot the readings across the pupil; correct positioning was obtained in a small region of pupil within which the reading remained constant with slight paraxial shifts. The results for three rabbits are presented in Table 1. It is clear that the horizontal and vertical refractions are very similar to one another: their mean difference is zero and its standard deviation is 0.6D. The mean refraction on axis was 2.OD of hypermetropia but this decreased in the extreme nasal field to some 1.5D of hypermetropia. frontal
Axial refraction l%e refractometric and retinoscopic refractions of the rabbit visual streak below the optic axis indicate some 2D of hypermetropia in agreement with previous observations (Stone and Leary, 1957; Sorsby and Sheridan. 1953; Ludlam and Twarowski, 1973). Optometric refraction of the same region of the visual streak showed the surface fibres of the retina to tie in the image shell requiring some 2.2D of extra power for its focus, whereas the choroidal vessels were close to the emmetropic image shell of the eye with a mean refraction of 0.30 for three animals. We may convert the observed axial refractions into positions relative to the emmetropic image shell, or focal plane of the eye, by substituting values from the rabbit schematic eye (Hughes, 1972) into Eqn 1. This relates out-of-focus distance, d. to refractive error, K, (Hughes. 1977a).
d = n,l(K + n,/H’F’) + H’F’
where n, is the vitreous refractive index (1.337) and H’F’ is the separation of the second principal point from the second focal point (13.3 mm). Thus from Fig 1. we have (a) Axial refraction of the choroid vessels, mean: 0.3D; -0.03 mm. (b) ~.tgrefranction of the surface fibres, mean: 2.2D;
(c) Axial Hartinger mm.
refraction. mean:
In this region of retina optical techniques thus indicate the separation of the choroidal vessel plane from that of the retinal surface fibres to be about 0.X mm. After correction for some 25% shrinkage we estimate from Prince (1964) that the rabbit retina is 200~ thick in the vicinity of the central visual streak. The choroid is some 30 w thick in the living animal (Peregrine and Dodt. 1969) leading to an anatomical estimate of the maximum separation of the surface fibres from the choroidal vessels of 0.23 mm compared with the optically derived value of 0.25 mm. According to the above measurements the emmetropic image shell would lie a further 0.03 mm behind the choroidal vessels. In this region of retina the length of the receptor inner and outer segments is about 40 pm (Prince, 1964) so that the photoreceptor entrance apertures would lie 0.3D vitread of the choroidal vessels, thus leading to a mean refraction of 0.6D for the effective image shell. A~omm~ative instability in the observer and depth-of-focus in the system would make this estimate not significantly different from emmetropia. The on-axis results are thus in accordance with the prediction of Glickstein and Millodot (1970) that the effective image shell is close to emmetropia in spite of a retinoscopic or refractometric refraction of some 2D of hypermetropia. Similar conclusions have been reached for the frog (Millodot, 1971: Moser and Krueger, 1972) and the rat (Hughes, 1977a). The similarity between the Hartinger readings and the optometric refractions of the retinal surface fibres confirms, for the rabbit, Glickstein and Millodot’s (1970) suggestion that the retinoscopic reflex originates at the retinal surface (Millodot, 1972); it has already been shown to be valid for the rat (Hughes 1977a). The mean optometric refraction of the choroid and pigment layer increases steadily to some 1D in the binocular field of the animal. The photoreceptor apertures will be only slightly more hypermetropic because the receptors of the temporal retina are short, with lengths equivalent to about O.lD. These results are not consistent with the pronounced myopia reported by De Graauw and Van Hof (1977). In fact, we have not obtained a myopic refraction at any
rccenrrwty ulong the cisual srreak of the four anunals studled. The effective image shell of the rabbit eye
appears to be uithin ID of emmetropia along the projection of the visual streak from the region of field 100’ nasal of the optic axis to some 40” temporal. It should be noted that oblique refractions of the temporal retina from the binocular field are difficult; the S.E.M. of the readings increases and detail for accurate focusing IS less apparent. It is possible that the effective image shell is nearer to emmetropia than the above readings suggest. Our findings are consistent with electrophysiological refraction of the rabbit eye which demonstrated (Meyer. Meyer-Hamme and Schaeffer, 1972) uniformity of the single unit minimum cisibi/e from nasal to temporal field at presentation distance from 15 m to 4Ocm. The rnrni~ur~ cisibile did not deteriorate until lenses of power greater than ID were introduced. These results are compatible with an eye close to emmetropta over a wide range of eccentricity, but certainly not with pronounced myopia. Oblique refraction
As pointed out in the introduction the significance of an oblique refraction must be assessed with care. Rays obliquely incident on the pupil may be considered as brought to focus in two perpendicular image shells: the tangential in the plane of eccentricity and the sagittal perpendicular to it. In a system of spherical refracting surfaces, these image shells will become more divergent at greater eccentricities; the retina may lie on either side of these image shells or between them. Alternatively the system may have aspheric surfaces or a non-homogeneous refractive index distribution so organized as to reduce “oblique astigmatism”. The Hartinger refractometer provides a means of refracting the tangential and sagittal planes separately and hence of establishing whether the system is corrected for oblique astigmatism. On-axis. as would be expected, the tangential and sagittal planes have similar refractions at some LOD (Table 1). The suprising observation is that this is also true for the frontal field at obliquities of some 80”-100”: the vertical and horizontal refractions of the retinal surface were both found to have a mean of 1.5D (Table 1). It follows that the vertical and horizontal refractions of the effective image shell will also be the same. The necessary conclusior~ is rhar the rabbit eye is corrected for oblique astigmatism in the frontal jieid. The interpretation of oblique optometric refractions is thus relatively straightforward. The relationship of the oblique refractions to retinal anatomy cannot be dealt with quantitatively at present. The retinal thickness is substantially reduced in passing temporally along the streak until it reaches a value of some 120 pm in the region deal-
ing with the binocular field. If the effective image shell in this region is emmetropic then the retinal surface refraction would be expected to be reduced relative to the central retina. Indeed this does occur in the Hartinger refractometer observations (Table 1). The 1.5D Hartinger surface refraction in the temporal retina suggests the less accurate optometric refraction of the choroidal vessels to be excessive at 1D. Their true refraction must be closer to emmetropia in order that the retinal thickness be accommodated between
the focal planes. Houcrer. the actual refractive state of the photoreceptor apertures and choroidal vessels cannot be calculated from the oblique Hartinger surface refraction because Eqn I ~3s developed only for axial optical systems and cannot be applied to oblique rays. LeGrand (1967) calculates substantial oblique asttgmatism for a model human eye with spherical refracting surfaces: at -lS’ the tangential and sagittal foci differ by some 8D in refraction. The refractions of Ferrer. Rand and Hardy (Fcrree and Rand. 1932) suggest that the retina in the majority of human eyes lies between the two image shells. or behind both. but the measured astigmatism *as less than calculated. Their findings were subsequently confirmed by Millodot and Lamont (1971). who conclude that the crystalline lens. rather than the cornea. compensates for oblique astigmatism in man. .As a control for our methods me earned out hortzontal and vertical refractions of three emmetropic human eyes at an eccentricity of some 45’ temporal of the visual axis. A mean difference of some 4.5D nas obtained between the two image shells with the tangential shell consistently myopic. This separation is similar to that reported by Millodot and Lamont (1974) but gross in comparison with the slight differences observed in individual rabbits at tu-ice the eccentricity of measurement. General The reasons our findings on frontal refraction differ from those of De Graauw and Van Hof (1977) remains obscure. Their rabbits were refractometrically assessed as pronouncedly myopic on the basis of retinal surface reflections; the effective image shells must therefore be concluded to be elen more myopic. We have noted that the ability to obtain rotation of the refractometer without change of refraction is dependant upon exact centering in the pupil. Peripheral aberrations of up to 2D could be obtained by off-centering the refractometer: these occasionally suggested myopia. The possibility that the retina lay between the tangential and sagittal image planes, as in man. and that De Graauw and Van Hof had refracted the tangential plane alone appears excluded. at least for our animal population. by the absence of oblique astigmatism. The hypermetropia of our laboratory bred animals suggests that the reported myopia is not an artifact of caging (Rose. Yinon and
Belkin, 1974). The extraordinarily well-developed visual streak of the rabbit retina (Hughes, 1971. 1977b) deals with nearly 180’ of the visual field at a uniformally hi-$-t ganglion cell density and it is consistent that penpheral aberrations should be minimized in the optical system serving such a retina. In addition. the lateral situation of the rabbit eye ensures that the temporal retina at an obliquity of some 80’-100” plays quite a different role to the equivalent region of the human eye. Its ganglion cell density distribution is specialized-the “anakatabatic area” (Hughes. 1977b); it contains the decussation line (Hughes. 1971); it has an expanded central representation; and it is employed by the animal as a fixation area. It is thus understandable that compensation for what would otherwise be very gross oblique astigmatism should be complete.
The refractive state of the rabbit eye It is not clear which component of the optical system effects the correction but the peripheral cornea of the rabbit does appear to be somewhat flattened (Hughes, 1972) and may, in part. be responsible. The results of this investigation suggest that the rabbit eye has up to about 0.5D of ametropia; its stgnificance. if genuine, is difficult to judge. The rabbit eye does not have a small pupil and is thus unlikely to have a great depth of field; this has been electrophysiologically estimated as some 2D (Meyer et al., 1972). It has been argued that the rabbit is incapable of accommodation because of the poor development of its ciliary muscles (Woolf, 1956). However, the literature does contain accounts of overt accommodation in rabbits (e.g. Olmsted and Morgan, 1941) and mechanisms involving the control of blood flow through highly vascularized tissues have been suggested (Prince. 1964). Neither we nor De Graauw and Van Hof (1977) observed variation in the refractive state of the conscious animal. but the recent description of change in vergence in the rabbit during close. discrimination tasks (Collewijn and Zuidman. 1977) reinforces the belief that this species employs the temporal end of its visual streak for near, as well as distant. vision. and thus accommodation could be necessary.
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