The relationship between leadership style coaches and athletes performance in soccer and basketball teams In Zanjan-Iran

The relationship between leadership style coaches and athletes performance in soccer and basketball teams In Zanjan-Iran

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Procedia - SocialProcedia and Behavioral 30 (2011) 2408 –00 2409 - SocialSciences and Behavioral Sciences (2011) 000–000

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences


The relationship between leadership style coaches and athletes` performance in soccer and basketball teams In Zanjan-Iran Akbar Heidarya*Afsane Emamib,Shahram Eskandaripourc, Ali Saiahb, Saeed YarMohamadid, Mojtaba Shahbazib a

University of Tehran Zanjan University c Tarbiat Moalem University d Gilan University b

Abstract This study examines The relationship between leadership style coaches and athletes` performance in soccer and basketball teams in Zanjan. The research method used is descriptive -correlation. Our tools are two standard questionnaires namely as Leadership Style Questionnaire Hemfil & Cairns (1966) and team performance of Vedmir & Brill (1985) . Statistical population are all football and basketball players in Division One League is Zanjan. Keywords: leadership styles ;basketball; Zanjan

1. Introduction The most important successful factor of a coach is to help athletes to improve their athletic skill in a wide range of tasks from sequential development and mastery of basic skills, to the more specialized physical, technical, tactical and psychological preparation. Chelladurai (1978), effective coaching behavior varies across specific contexts as the characteristics of athletes and the prescribed situation change. The context of the sport situation and characteristics of the coach and the athletes themselves dictate appropriate leadership behavior. To achieve improvement in athletic performance, it may be necessary for the coach to engage in coaching behaviors to which there athlete is receptive. The previous research used in studying sport leadership (Fielder, 1977; Hersey & Blanchard, 1977; House, 1971; Osborne & Hunt, 1975), Chelladurai (1979, 1990) has suggested that a multidimensional model provides explanation to coaching behavior. Three different components of coaching behavior as: 1) actual leader behavior, 2) required leader behavior and 3) leader behavior prefer. Smith, Kendall and Hulin (1969), coaches and administrators need to be concerned with making the athlete’s experiences enjoyable and satisfying. The measurement of athlete satisfaction is an important precursor to the establishment of a general theory that may then serve as the foundation for practical action and future research. 2-Methodology deilppa na sihT and descriptive – noitalerroc research. In this study, all football and basketball athletes in Zanjan are considered as statistical population. Two tools used are standard questionnaire namely- coaches `Leadership Style Questionnaire (Hamfyl and Cairns ,1966) and team cohesion questionnaire (Vidmyr and Brill 1985) . Validity and reliability of both questionnaires are confirmed by statistics experts and research methodologists. 1877-0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.469

AkbarAkbar Heidary et al. /Procedia Procedia–- Social Social and and Behavioral Behavioral Sciences Sciences 00 30 (2011) (2011) 000–000 2408 – 2409 Heidary


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