The role of endogenous rhythms in vertical migration

The role of endogenous rhythms in vertical migration

666 Oceanographic Abstracts which is covered with a cellophane and a plastic foil are desc~bed. P t ~ s e construction details of a high pressure st...

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Oceanographic Abstracts

which is covered with a cellophane and a plastic foil are desc~bed. P t ~ s e construction details of a high pressure stable electrode for recording oxygen tension down to 350 m are given. The diffusion current, the temperature coefficient, the relaxion time of the electrode, the constancy and the reproducibility of the ~ n t s have been studied by laboratory and field experiments. The minimum lowering velocity is about 2 m/rain. The apparatus is also highly sensible to hydrogen sulfide. The change from the oxygen to the hydrogen sulfide diffusion current can be detected by the inversion of the current. Some examples of the first use of the oxygen recorder in the Baltic are given. G~AN

H. P. and D. J. Be~n~', 1963. On shearlayer instability, breakdown and transition.

J. Fluid Mech., 15 (1): 133-153. The problem of the linear stability of a time-dependent shear flow is investigated and the effects of contraction and expansion of the layer are discussed. Models of flows observed prior to breakdown are constructed and used to investigate the resulting secondary instabilities which axe shown to be extremely violent and in essential agreement with recent experiments. In relatively short time, one half peri.od of the primary oscillation, the energy in the secondary disturbance increases by two orders of.magmtude; the wave-number corresponding to maximum amplification is five times that of the primary wave. GUINOT D., (1962). Sur une coll~t,ion de Crustaces Decapodes Brachyoures des ties Maldives et de Met Rouge (Expedition ' Xaxifa 1957-1958). Kiel. Meeresforch., 18 (2): 231-244. Im Roten Meere und im Indiscben Ozean, hauptsltchlich im Archipel der Malediven, hat Dr. S. A. Gerlach wahrend der Xar/fa-Expedition 1957/58, ungefahr 30 Arten yon Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura gesammelt. Diese Krabben, aus Korallenbiotopen zwischen 0 und 40 m Wassertiefe stammend, sind typische Bewohner tropischer Korallenriffe. Die meisten geh6vm der Familie Xanthidae an. Die Bearbeitung dieser kleinen Sammlung gibt Gelegenheit zu einigen Betrachtungen zur Systematik Und Biographie. So werden die Artverschiedenheiten zwischen Zosimus gemmula DANA und Z. gemmula ceylonica L A U ~ sowie die Synonymie Leptodius (Xanthodius) cristatus BORRADAILE Zozymodes pumilus ( J A c Q ~ ) bes~tigt. Das Zusammeuleben in derselben Gegend und im selben Biotop wiirde filr mehrere Arten beobachtet und untersucht; so z. B. fflr die zwei morphologisch verwandte Actaea-Arten, ffir A. lata BOgRADAILe und A. remora RATtmUN, fftr die vier gemeinsten Arten vo~ Chlorodiella: Chl. nigra (FogsKAL), CM. barbara (BORV.ADAH.~), Ctd. cytherea (DANA) und Chl. iaevissima (DANA), und fflr Domecia glabra A ~ und D. hispida EYDOUX et SOULeY~. Die geographische Verbreitung im Osten des Indischen Ozeans wurde fflr Philodius paumotensis RATHnUN und Globopilwnnus globosus (DANA) festgestellt. Die Anwesenheit yon Leptodius gracilis (DANA) in der Nithe der Indischen Kfiate wird zum ersten Mal e r w g ~ t . Die karzinologische Fauna der Malediven, wie sic bemnders durch die Arbeiten yon L. A. BORaADAXLFbekannt ist, umfasst eine iiberwiegende Mehrheit solcher Arten die in Korallenbiotopen des ganzen Indopazifik vertreten sind und wahrscheinlich nur eine Heine Menge endemischer Formen. =

HAGMEIERE,, 1962. Composition ofseston (dry weight of particulate matter including plankton)., (In German; English summary). KieL Meeresforsch., 18 (2): 189-197. Seston values (i.e. dry weight of particulate matter including plankton) were determined and analysed in water samples from two cruises to Iceland in the spring of 1953 and of 1954. Results are summarized. Dead particulate matter (tripton) mostly exceeds plankton in weight--even during the spring bloom and in areas not influenced by coastal waters. HAgADA I., 1962. Cumacean fauna of Japan. II. Family Diastylidae. 2. Genus Gynodiastylis.

Jap., J. ZooL, 13 (2): 293-306.

Japanese Cumaceans belonging to the genus Gynodiastylis (family Diastylidae) were studied. The species described are : Gynodiastylis nitida n. sp., G. platycarpus GAMO, G. tubicola n. sp. and G. anguicephala n. sp. Six species of Gynodisatylids axe enumerated from Japanese waters. They are all characterized by the presence of a series of long setae on the propodus of the first peraeopod. As a rare case amongst Cumaceans the exopod is lacking on the fourth peraeopod in the male of G. platycarpus. It is worth mentioning that G. tubicola proves to have a tubicolous habit. HARRIS J. E., 1963. The role of endogenous rhythms in vertical migration. J. Mar. Biol. Ass.,

U.K., 43 (1): 153-166.

Photographic recording at hourly intervals of a group of animals contained in a small tank kept in continuous darkness has revealed a 24 hr cycle of locomotor activity in Daphnia magna and in

Calanus helgolandicus.

A change in periodicity of the rhythm in Daphnia kept under continuous illumination suggests that the cycle is not determined by external stimuli. The phasing of the cycle differs in the two animals, but in both there is an increase in activity during the hours of darkness. In Calanus and possibly also in Daphnia, the cycle of activity is absent in the winter months.

Oceanographic Abstracts


Observations of Calanus in infra-red light confirm that a vertical ' hop and s i n k ' alternation is typical of these animals in darkness. The results arc considered in relation to earlier field observations of a false dawn rise in many forms, and to the seasonal differences in the vertical distribution of Calanus helgolandicus. Hormonal control of the biological clock would account for the general pattern of laboratory and field observations. HASLE G. R., 1962. The morphology of Thalassiosirafluviatilis from the polluted inner Oslofjord. Nytt Mug. Bot., 9: 151-154. The ccntric diatom Thalassiosira fluviatilis I4ustedt has been recorded from a marine environment, presumably for the first time. The valve structure of the diatom has been studied with light and electron microscopes. The details of the structure vary with the size of the valve and with the degree of silicification. HAYES P. R., 1963. Studies on marine flavobacteria. J. Gen. Microbiol., 30 (I): 1-20. Sixty-two pigmented strains, sixty-one of which had been classified as Flavobacterium species by the workers who isolated them, were studied. Morphological, cultural, environmental, biochemical and nutritional studies confirmed that thirty-two non-motile strains were Flavobacterium species; twenty-one were reclassified as presumptive Cytophaga species and the remaining eight strains were ascribed to the genera Pseudomonas, Vibrio or Corynebacterium, or were unclassifiable. A new genus is suggested for the peritrichous flagellated organisms, previously included in the genus Flavobacterium. Both the flavobacteria and the cytophagas were found to have many properties in common. Satisfactory methods of differentiating between representatives of these genera were limited to the swarming ability and greater heat resistance of the latter. Of the thirty-two non-motile Flavobacterium strains, eighteen were divisible into two well defined groups ( ? species) and the remainder were a heterogeneous collection. The twenty-two Cytophaga strains were also divisible into two groups (? species). The possibility o f a relationship existing between flavobacteria and cytophagas is discussed briefly. H~.~PETH J. W., 1962. A bathypelagic pycnogonid. Deep-Sea Res., 9 (5): 487-491. The world-wide occurrence of the pycnogonid Pallenopsis calcanea Stephensen at depths of 650-2000m indicates that this is a true bathypelagic species, although it lacks any obvious specialization for this environment. Its lack of specialization suggests that it is parasitic or commensal upon some larger bathypelagic organism, possibly a medusan. H~TER F. J., D. C. AAS'rEDand R. W. GILKEY, 1963. The bathykymograph, a depth-time recorder.

U.S.F.W.S. Spec. Sci. Rept., Fish., No. 4 4 1 : 5 pp.

A device (bathykymograph) is described which records pressure (depth) on a time scale. It is inexpensive, rugged, and easily calibrated. Operation, construction, and limits of accuracy are discussed. HIDAKA K., 1962. Non-linear theory of an equatorial flow, with special application to the Cromwell Current. J. Oceanogr. Soc., Jap., 20th Ann. Vol.: 223-241. A method is given for computing the velocity of equatorial flow at, and around, the Equator, taking into account the effect of field accelerations in addition to the pressure gradients and Coriolis forces. Applied to the observational data, this method gives a result which agrees quite well with the observed flow pattern in the equatorial Pacific. The Cromwell Current (Equatorial Undercurrent) and the Equatorial Countercurrent are quite distinct. The effect of the inertia terms is negligible except at, or within a few degrees of the Equator. HIDAKA K., 1962. A computation on non-linear equatorial flow. Rec. Oceanogr. Wks., Jap., n.s., 6 (2): 1-8. Evidences have recently accumulated that the current system in the equatorial region is in geostrophic balance except for zones at, or very close, to the Equator. This fact enables us to compute the velocity components at or very close to the Equator, by reducing the non-linear dynamic equations to a system of difference equations. HrNKELMANq,~ H., 1962. Possibilities to measure water bodies in the sea by four measurable properties. (In German: Eng. abstract). Kiel. Meeresforsch., 18 (2): 187-188. in a water sample only three of many measurable physical properties are independent of one another. It is therefore proposed to define functions of four variables, the values of which are characteristic for the specific water body. HIROTA R., 1961. Zooplankton investigations in the Bingo-Nada region of the Setonaikai (Inland Sea of Japan). J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., (B) Div. 1, 20: 83-145. Also in: Contrib., Mukaishima Mar. Biol. Sta., Hiroshima Univ., No. 67. I. This paper deals with observations on the hydrographical conditions, the plankton, with special reference to the zooplankton communities indicated by the dominant copepods, the occurrence