WILLIAM LEIGH, M.R.C.S. ENG., L.R.C.P. LoND. THE sudden death of Mr. William Leigh of Chiswick, which occurred on Tuesday, June 25th, will be unexpected and sad news to a large number of his friends at Chiswick I EXAMINING BOARD IN ENGLAND BY THE ROYAL and in the profession. Mr. Leigh was educated at Epsom COLLEGES OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS.-The following College and St. George’s Hospital, taking the diplomas gentlemen passed the Second Examination of the Board in - of the Royal College of Physicians of London and the the subjects indicated at a meeting of the Examiners on Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1865. The Monday, July list : succeeding five years he spent in the office of house surgeon Anatomy and Physiology.-Henry James Taylor and William Atkin and surgical registrar and cbloroformist at the hospital, Thompson, Owens College, Manchester; Herbert Sherwell Clogg, where he was well known and much liked. At the conclusion University College, Cardiff ; Thomas Wafer Byrne and Michael Robert Maher, University College, Liverpool ; Arthur William of his curriculum hejoined his father, who had been pracStatter Curtis, Oswald Herbert Rogerson, William Hearfield tising nearly forty years, and continued the practice after his Percy Ellwant Middleton, Richard Milnthorp, and Galloway, death about ten years later, when he succeeded to the Ernest Arnold Wraith, Yorkshire College, Leeds; James Phillips, Edward Mountjoy Pearse, and Franklin Cox, University College, surgeoncy of the Chiswick and Turnham-green Dispensary. Bristol ; Irwin Browne Richardson, John Austin O’Dowd, William William Leigh, in his education and traditions, was a Alfred Henshaw, John Owen Harvey, and Richard Charles Baker thorough representative of the old-fashioned family practiHall, Mason College, Birmingham; and Edgar Robert St. John tioner. He possessed a sound practical knowledge of Cars, Michigan University, U.S.A. the several branches of his profession, gathered from Anatomy only.-Charles Henry Bradbury, Owens College, Man. chester, and Stanley Wellby, Oxford University and St. Thomas’s ’close observation and contact with his teachers and Hospital. cases in the hospital wards, and in practice, rather Physiology only.-George Whittenbury White, Firth College, A man of quiet and than from lectures and reading. Sheffield; Stuart Bathgate Reid, Cambridge University; Charles Martin Mitchell and Frederick Charles Morgan, University College, methodical habits, he was perhaps little known outside the Bristol; and Lionel Hugh Lewis, Guy’s Hospital and University sphere of his own immediate activity ; but those who were College, Cardiff. Sixteen gentlemen were referred in both subjects, four in Anatomy brought in contact with him recognised his sterling qualities and liked him much. His wonderful uniformity of manner only and one in Physiology only. and undeviating regularity of conduct, with the self-con- Tuesday, July 2nd :fidence born of his thorough familiarity with his work, made Anatomy and Physiology.-Sydney Henning Belfage and Charles him welcomed and trusted by his patients ; but to the few Hugh Bidwell, University College, London; Alfred Gentel and Charles Dominic Leyden, St. Mary’s Hospital; James Cowan, who really knew him intimately his unhesitating self-sacrifice Queen’s College, Belfast ; Percy Dodd Pywell, St. Tliomas’s Hosand steady devotion inspired such love and confidence as pital ; Herbert Cecil Barlow, Westminster Hospital; William Ernest But his sudden make the loss irreparable. decease Amsden Worley and Egbert Coleby Morland, St. Bartholomew’s though came with such sorrow to his friends, to himself the end was Hospital; Donald Kilve Luttrell Nasmyth, Charing-cross Hospital; and John Penn Milton, King’s College, London. apparently without suffering. He had left home for a few Anatomy only.-Robert Stanley Ransome, George Herbert Dominy, weeks to recruit after the strain of the early part of the and Arthur Ernest Malaher, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Owen Tredwell Atherley Phillips, University College, Cardiff; and Nicolas Buendia, year, and was enjoying the change up to the last minute, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. when he stepped on board a steamer to cross from Glasgow Physiology only.-Ernest John Distin, King’s College, London; to Ireland, and with scarcely a moment’s warning fell into Thomas Hill Bailey, King’s College, London, and Mr. Cooke’s a chair and expired in the presence of a brother practitioner, School of Anatomy and Physiology; Arthur Wellesley Penrose, Dr. Speer of Belfast. The deceased was fifty-two years of Edgar Ashby, and Joseph Lewin Payne, Guy’s Hospital; Walter Green and William Hodgson Park, Charing-cross Hospital; At June an held on Dr. J. 27th by Adams, age. inquest Albert John Pattison, London Hospital; John Maclean Carvell, coroner for Mid-Antrim, the jury returned a verdict of London Hospital and Mr. Cooke’s School of Anatomy and PhyI I Death from apoplexy," in accordance with Dr. Speer’s siology ; George Beley, St. Thomas’s Hospital; and Francis Augustus Pitts-Tucker, St. Thomas’s Hospital and Mr. Cooke’s School of evidence. Anatomy and Physiology. Eleven gentlemen were referred in both subjects, eight in Anatomy only, and three in Physiology only. Wednesday, July 3rd :THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Anatomy and Physiology.-Charles Gordon Watson, Arthur Oliver OF ENGLAND. Bird Wroughton, and Ronald Hatfield, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Cecil Maurice Goodbody, Ernest Frederick Charles Dowding, Bernard Featherstone Howlett, and Allan Gordon Graham, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Thomas Leah, David Belilios, William Henry ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. Singer Liddell, and John Henry Lightfoot, St. Mary’s HosTHE seventh election of Fellows to fill the vacancies on the pital ; Leonard Dimock Saunders, King’s College, London ; Horace John Maurice Drummond Sale Barker and Cyril Shepherd, Council of the College under the new regulations was held in Guy’s Hospital; William St. Aubyn Fortescue Hubbard, Charingcross Hospital; Henry Thompson Barrow, Westminster Hospital; the library of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln’s InnFrank Mayo Morris, Herbert George Frankling, and James Alfred fields, on Thursday, the 4th inst., between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M. Patrick Cullen, London Hospital; and Christian Beverley Fairbank, The result of the voting was as follows :University College, London. Eighteen gentlemen were referred in both subjects.
Medical News.
THE VICTORIA HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN.-Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York received a deputation on Monday morning at York House from the Victoria Hospital for Children. In the absence of the Right Honourable the Earl Cadogan, K.G., President, who was unavoidably prevented from attending by press of business in connexion with his appointment as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Mr. Martin R. Smith, Chairman, and Captain Blount, R.N., Secretary of the Hospital (at whose suggestion the Infant Prince Fund had been formed), presented to their Royal Highnesses, printed on a white satin roll inclosed in a darkmembers. There were 621 voting papers received. This is by far the heaviest poll that has ever been taken in the election of Members to the Council, a result to be attributed to the facilities offered for voting by the post. We shall report the meeting of Fellows next week.
of the
British Nurses’
Association asks us to state that it is impossible that the agenda for the annual meeting should appear in this week’s number of THE LANCET, but that they will be ready for publication next week.
blue morocco case, the names of all the contributors to the "Infant Prince Fund, "which fund had been inaugurated in commemoration of the birth of the Prince, as the fourth heir in direct succession to the throne. With the sum contributed-about £1400-a cot has been endowed in perpetuity in the Victoria Hospital for the use of the sick and suffering children of the poor and presented to His Royal Highness Prince Edward of York, on the first anniversary of his birth. Their Royal Highnesses, in accepting the gift on behalf of the young Prince, expressed their great satisfaction with the amount that had been so generously subscribed, and hoped that when old enough the Prince would fully appreciate the kindly feeling which had prompted this benefaction.