;I new stllcly is described with injection of heparin into the anterior ~hambt~r 10 111111:~l’tt*t, the burn. In this model there is no fibrin on the endothelium during the first days. The t,c,ltar:lt ioll process is achieved in se\-en days on the endothelial side but thr over~stillllll~~tioll persists iltl(l lc,~rlto the formation of a retrocorneal membrane. The epithelial reparation also is faster ant1 is at,hic,\ (~1 on the fifth day: this is probablp due to a better protection of the stroma against o
of Human Superficial
P. (1. Xu-1s.4~
Herpes Simplex Keratitis
In vivo cornea1 replicas were made in ten patients having superficial dendritic ulcers of the ~OI’IK~X. Histopathological study of the repliras and superficial epithelial cells showed that the dendrites are composed of rounded epithelial cells and syncytia of various size containing bizarre sl~spect nuclei. Pseudopodia-like processes containing DNA and some RNA extend from t’he syncytia into the surrounding epithelial cells which on coming into contact with these processes bccomcx rounded and liquefied to give rise to another syncytium. The epit,helial cells adjacent to the dendrite are elongat,ed and usually situated parallel to the long axis of the lesion. Surrounding the terminal bulbs they are clisposed in the arruatr fashion. These cells show C-mitotic lesions. intranuclrar and cytoplasmic inrlltsion hodie:< antI megakaryocyte format,ion. Microscopic examination of the cornea1 replicas shows the intranuclear lesions and ro:mtling of’ cells up to about 2 mm away from the dendritic ulcers. These areas appear normal on rlinic~al csamination.
Three Myotendinous 0. I,. RUSBELL,
Nerve Terminals
in Monkey
Eighteen rhesus oculorotatory muscles were examined in transverse and longitudinal sect io:l IJy light and electron microscopy. Interrupted serial sections of the distal myotendon of seven mrtsclrs revealed seven Golgi tendon organs (GTO) ; none were found in two muscles and one or two were found in the remainder. They were miniatures of GTO found in limb muscles of other auimals but their ultrastructure was the same. A second terminal form, quite distinct from GTO and far more abundant, consisted of beaded axons containing mitochondria and vesicles in each bead, was found within the encapsulated myotendinous junctions. Many capsules contained only one muscle fibre and most others contained up to five. A majority of encapsulated myotendinous unit.s were innervated, receiving betwecrl three and 17 axon branches. The axons terminated within tendon snggest.ing that t,hey have n funct.ion sintilar to GTO. Numerous myotendinous units, especially among those with single muscle fibres and thicbb capsules. displayed neuromuscular contacts precisely located at muscle t~erminations. C’ontarts were made only on fibres with poorly defined myofibrils i.e. felderstruktur fibres. Contacts \vert* identified on I?%~, of felderstruktur fibres but some inevitably escaped the net of the interrupt~td serial section method used and it is possible that all felderstruktur fibres are innervat’ctl at tbr: tendon. Bre these also sensory?
on a New Automatic
Incision Technique
for Cornea1 Graft
For lamellar keratoplasty the demands on t,he precision of the dissection are much higher thau for perforating graft. Diameter, thickness and smoothness of the surface have to corresyollcl exactly in the donor material and the recipient’s cornea. So far a technical solut.ion for this problcnl had not been found. By means of a new motorized automatic device, attempts were made to achieve an appropriatt. quality of the dissection. Technical problems are discussed and tissue samples are shown.
The Secretion of Amylase by the Rat Exorbital F. T. E. lhs~x~i
For the investigation proved to be a good
of enzyme secretion object with respect
by lacrimal to amylase.
gland tissue the rat exorbital lacrimal In vitro, the secret,ion of this enzyme
glaucl cooki
ABSTRACTS 1~: intluenced P-adrenergically, ‘l’hc results were obtained with
The Decay of Concentration .T.
i.e. was increased by isoprenaline “sliced” as well as intact, tissue.
by peopranolol.
of Eye Drops after Instillation
J. v.1~ HSEKIM:EN.
‘t’hc decay of conrentration of fluorescein in tear fluid after instillation into thr conjunctival sat. was studied in healthy subjects. Fluorescein was used in a watery and a viscous solution. The results give an indication as to the minimum time interval to be allowed bc~twrt~n applilx1 t.iom of t.xo different eye drops.
The Transmural Functions
Pressure of the Uveal Vasculature
as Determined
via the Ocular
‘IIv elasticity flmctions (EF = reciprocal of the first derivative of the \~olume-press~lrc,-uurvc.) of the living and dead rabbit eye were found to be distinctly different from each other duo to the pot.tntial energy rendered t.o the int,raocular vascular spaces by the force of the heart (Mal~sa, 1957). The ratio between the vasal potential energy and the stored blood volume is cctual to the transmural pressure. Correspondingly, the venous transmural pressure was calculated considering the post mortem EF. the linearly ascending segment of the in vivo EF (pressure range e.g. 25 55 c.mH,O), and the estimated volume of the int,raocrdar veins (Malessa, 1977, in press). ‘I%~ transmural pressure of the arterial and capillary vascular compartment was derived 1ron1 t,hc? post mortem EF and the linearly descending segment, of t,he in vivo EF (pressure range c.g. X IOIl wH,O). REFERENCES Malessa, Malr~ssa,
1’. (1977). P. (1977).
Amino-acids ;2.
qliiprs Arch. In press.
in Plasma and Aqueous Humour 4x0
in Patients with Pigmentary
The concentration of 18 amino-acids and related compounds has been determined in plasma anrl aqueous hnmour in 17 patients with pigmentarp retinopathies. among t,hem 10 patients wit 11 retinitis pigmentosa. When c.ompared with a previously obtained reference series of 40 pat.ients, t.he cases of retinit is pigmentosa showrd a statistically significant reduction in aqueous humour plycine nncl t;trlrirll. concentration (Carl) and in the ratio C,,,/C,,. Similar values were found in two cases of Beams-Sapres syndrome. three cssc*s of tlr~~kt~tlretina syndrome and two cases of chloroquine retinopathy.
Calcium in the Visual Mechanism In order t.o increase our understanding of the role of calcium in visual excitat,ion a st,udy has been matlo of the calcillm transport systems in the vertebrate rod outer segment. Rods are isolatcct b>r two different methods: the conventional sucrose gradient centrifugation procedure (“leaky rotls”), and a revised procedure imposing milder mechanical and osmotic conditions on the rods (“ir1tnc.t rods”). It can he shown that in the “leaky rods“ the outrr membrane has lost its iutcgrit,,v, whik, it ilr intact in the “intact rods”. Studies of the accumulation and efflux of 4% with t.he “leaky rods” have provided cridc~l~cc for a cal&lm translocation system in the rod sac membrane. It belraves as a Ca”f-NK sensitivr esc~lxtuge carrier. which can maintain an ATP-dependent net uptake of (!a”.. as well as h’l’Pind~~pendent, &“-~(‘a”+ and C!a2-!--Ka+ exchange fluxes. This s.vstrm &IWVS the rod sacs t.o funct,ion ns a calcium store. Similar studies with the “intact rods“ suggest that an analogous system is located in the ol1tc.r membrlme, which is able to extrude calcium from the outer segment as well as to exchange it. Subtle difterences in properties between the two systems support,.thr view that they face in tlifti~rcnt, directions relative to the cytoplasma, which is in agreement with the formation of Ore rorl WI’S by invaginat,ion of the outer membrane. Thus, the two systems together maintain A low cytoplanmrc calcium concentration. These results are in agreement with :I role of (.!a?+ as an internal transmitter bet,ween rod sac and outer membrant~.