888 of the property of the Rothschild family, who have for many years past made it a pleasure as well as a duty to do all they can to promote the inte...

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888 of the property of the Rothschild family, who have for many years past made it a pleasure as well as a duty to do all they can to promote the interests of their tenants. It is, in fact, possible to pick out the cottages in this estate in some localities by mere inquiry as to their water-supply. Those belonging to the Rothschild family will be found to have the beautiful water of the Chiltern hills, whilst others remain with polluted wells sunk in a soil that can only be associated with risk to health. But notwithstanding the object lesson available for everyone, the attitude of the sanitary authority remains one of almost passive inaction. We understand that the Local Government Board have been urged to intervene. If they do, it may be possible to draw a line as to enteric fever between houses well ordered as regards sanitary matters and those which remain neglected; although any such differentiation with respect to diphtheria may be difficult in a place where residents of both classes mingle in the same schools. But, under any circumstances, we trust that inquiry will be followed by some authoritative demand for amelioration of obvious insanitary conditions.

results which must be regarded as satisfactory, more espe. as one patient who died was suffering from adhesive obstruction of the bile ducts, and two of the observers stated that they had treated forty other cases of biliary colic without a failure, but of which they had kept no record. The rationale of the treatment, according to Dr. Rosenberg’s experiment?, is that it largely increases the quantity of bile secreted, while at the same time it diminishes its consistency ; but it is reasonable to believe that the beneficial influence of oil consists not so much iii dissolving the biliary concretions as in increasing the biliary excretion, in flushing, and in lubricating and washing out the passages of the liver. The dose varied from a dessert.


spoonful to a pint.





past scarlet fever has been increasing in present shows no signs of diminishing. As


Leicester, and


in many other places, the ignorance or carelessness of the people contributed to its spread. On Tuesday last the father of a child was brought, before the magistrates and fined i33 for permitting it to run about the streets whilst in an THE SMALL-POX EPIDEMIC AT LEEDS. infectious condition and refusing to permit it to be taken to IT is gratifying to be able to state that what at one time the fever hospital. Leicester appears to be also threatened threatened to become a very serious epidemic of small-pox with another difficulty : typhoid fever, as usual in the autumn in the town of Leeds seems to have been curtailed of much of the year, is upon the increase, and the town finds itself of its virulence by the promptness with which the disease without proper hospital accommodation for these patients. has been dealt with by the medical authorities of the town. At the quarterly meeting of the governors of the Leicester It is stated in a telegram we received at the moment of Infirmary, the chairman stated that the few beds possessed going to press that no new cases of small-pox have been by that institution for fever patients were full, and that heard of in Leeds since the 28th of last month. several cases in the town were waiting admission. It seems that there is some dispute going on between the guardians, DINNER TO PROFESSOR ANDERSON STUART the infirmary authorities, and the corporation as to which OF SYDNEY. is the proper body responsible for the treatment of typhoid ON Saturday last Sir Andrew Clark entertained the Dean fever, and, in the meantime, patients are left in their houses of the Faculty of Medicine in Sydney at dinner. A large to be a centre of infection to their neighbours, as well as number of distinguished members of the profession responded to suffer, in the case of poor persons, from insufficient to Sir Andrew Clark’s invitation, among them being nursing and attendance. If Leicester would deign to learn Sir James Paget, Sir Joseph Lister, Sir William Roberts, from other towns, it would find that almost every large Sir Dyce Duckworth, Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, Dr. Pollock, corporation has risen to a full sense of its responsibilities, Dr. Priestley, Dr. Pye-Smith, Dr. Payne, Dr. Scbafer, and provided proper hospital accommodation for sufferers Dr. Klein, Mr. Pickering Pick, and other representativesI from this disease. of anatomy and physiology. At the end of the dinner, FOREIGN UNIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE. Sir Andrew Clark expressed in a few words his admiration for the spirit which had been displayed by the people of Giessen.-Dr. E. Beckmann of Leipsic has been offered Sydney and New South Wales, in not only forwarding the chair of Chemistry. medical education, but also in creating, under the direction Vienna.-Drs. Lorenz and Lothar von Frankl-Hochwarb of Dr. Anderson Stuart, a medical school which would have been recognised as pri-vcct docenten in Medicine and compare favourably with any school in the world. The Neuropathology respectively. Dr. Exner has been pro" importance of a high preliminary education, both moted to the rank of Professor of Physiology. classical and scientific, had been fully recognised, The rapid as well as that of a five years’ curriculum. DEATHS OF EMINENT FOREIGN MEDICAL MEN. growth of the school reflected great credit on Professor THE deaths of the following distinguished members of Stuart, who had shown at an early part of his life great the medical profession abroad havebeen announced :what was rarer, great pruenergy, organising power, and, dence. Professor Anderson Stuart acknowledged in befitting Dr. Eduard Geber, Professor of Dermatology in Clausenterms the great honour which Sir Andrew Clark had done burg.-Dr. Kremer of Boppard. him in speaking so favourably of his work, which, he said, had been facilitated by opportunities which seldom occur in HOFRATH LUDWIG, who this week welcomed the delethe life of a man. gates to the Congress of Analytical Chemists and Microscopists at Vienna, expressed a wish that the meeting of OLIVE OIL IN THE TREATMENT OF GALLthe Congress might result in opening the way to an interSTONE COLIC. national agreement by which the suppression of the A COLLECTIVE investigation in reference to the use of adulteration of food stuffs the world over might be effected. olive oil in biliary colic has recently been made by the Therapeutic Section of the Philadelphia Polyclinic Medical INFLUENZA is reported to be very prevalent in Victoria, Society. Of fifty-four cases of gall-stone colic in which this method of treatment was used, the result was as and to number amongst its victims the Premier, the leader follows : two died; in three negative results were obtained; of the Opposition, and the President of the Council. The and in fifty, or 98 per cent., positive relief was afforded- epidemic, however, has not so far been of a very fatal type. -

