The stability of a method of searching for saddle points

The stability of a method of searching for saddle points

U.S.S.R. Comput.Maths.Math.Phys.,Vol.25,No.6,p.lO0,1985 O041-5553/85 $iO.OO+O.OO Pergamon Journals Ltd. Printed in Great Britain THE STABILITY OF A...

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U.S.S.R. Comput.Maths.Math.Phys.,Vol.25,No.6,p.lO0,1985

O041-5553/85 $iO.OO+O.OO Pergamon Journals Ltd.

Printed in Great Britain



There have been many papers (see, e.g., /1-3/) on the subject of algorithms for determining saddle points. The problem of the stability of one of these methods /3/ is discussed below. Consider a finite function /(z)=/(y.z). defined and convexly-concave in an open convex neighbourhood of the set X=Y×Z, where YcE~, and ZcE,, are convex compacta having internal points. We shall denote the subdifferential of the convex function ](Y,z') at the point y'eZ by 0vI(~'.,') . and the superdifferential of the condave function /(~'.z) at the point z'EZ by 8./(~',z'). We shall introduce ~(~)= max/(y,z),

Y" = { ~ ' ~ Yl~(~')ffi mio ~(v)= I'), ~aY


where X

Y" is a set of corresponding components of the saddle points of the function

lqe shall determine the the equation



of the arbitrary set


/(x) at using

[A]~ = { b • E . I inf lia-bll,~ =}. aiA

Consider the following modification of the Arrow-Gurwitz method /I/. and the point z0eX. For kmO we will assume ~A+I:~Y (YA--~A, ga),


at, nz

When (see /3/).

We shall fix

Zt+t : ~ Z (Zh+~*Oh).

are the operators of projection on the sets Y and Z respectively, e--0


any limiting point of the sequence {y~} belongs to If


~ is a limiting point of the sequence


{z,) , such that


ghe[0#f(~A,*A)].. /(zt)--/(y~,zh)~/"

Uminf/(x~)--/($), then

dy, dz

are the diameters of the sets Y and Z. REFERENCES

i. 2. 3.

ARROW K°, GURWITZ L. and UDZAVA H., Investigations using linear and non-linear programming. Moscow,Izd-vo inostr, lit., 1962. DEM'YANOV V.F., The subgradient method and saddle points. Vestn. LGU, 7,17-23,1981. NURMINSKZI E.A., Numerical methods of solving deterministic and stochastic minimax problems. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1979.

Translated by H.Z.

*Zh.vNchisl.Mat.mat. Fiz.,25,11,1739,1985. ** The full text of this paper is deposited in VINITI, iOO

1985, 2262-85 DEP. p.lO.