The structure of triterpenic glycosides from the flowers of Calendula officinalis L.

The structure of triterpenic glycosides from the flowers of Calendula officinalis L.


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Departmentof Biochtmistry, University,Wammwa (&?c&rd 1 Jfm?1966) AbrrhpCt--mOm theflowersof Colcnchra ~@daKs L., ibe glyco6idesof okanolicacidsverq igo&& and&ii structuresdeterminedas: 3-8l~~~~lide; 3-@lactosyl-8bcuronide);3-@lactosyl+curonide); 17-glucosi&; 3-kalactos~l~~l~ucuronide); and 3-@lactosyl~ucosyl~glucuronide);17-gtwxmide. ALTHOUGHokanolic acid, both free or bound in the form of glycosides, has been found in a great number of plants, very little has been done to elucidate the structure of the carbohydrate component of oleanolic acid glycosides. The glycosides known up till now contain hexoses, pentoses, methylpentoses and uranic acids, the molar ratio of sugars to oleanolic acid ranging from 2 to 10. In recent years methods have been elaborated for the isolation of pure glycosides of oleanoiic acid from plants and the structures of some of these compounds have been determined . l--3 Winter-steinand Stein in 1931found that oleanolic acid, bound in the form of glycosides, murs in the flowers of Cuiend&z oj&uZ~.4 The carbohydrate component of a fraction of oleanolic acid glycosides from this plant after a partial alkaline hydrolysis was later found to be composed of glucose, galactose and uranic acid.5 The aim of the present work was to determine the structure of pure, individual glycosides isolated from the flowers of C. olpicinalis. RESULTS



The method of isolation previously used for obtaining oleanolic acid glycosides from C. o$L+nuZisflowers, based on repeated precipitation with cold acetone from a methanol extract4p6 did not remove the considerable amounts of other types of terpenoid glycosides present.7 These compounds possess similar Rfvalues on thin-layer and paper c~omato~ and give a positive reaction with SbCIJ. Complete separation of oleanolic acid glycosides from other terpenoic glycosides was achieved by precipitating the former at pH 6.2 by lead acetate. Chromatographic analysis of the fraction obtained when tbe lead precipitate was A. I. K~ORIJN andV. B. VASKOVSKY, TetruhedmnLefters 16,713 (19621. 1N.K.K OCXKTKOV, A. I. KHORLIN andV. E. Vmcovsm, IN. Akad.NaukSSSR, Ser.Khim.8,1409 (1963). 2N.K.K OCHBTKOV, and I. P. Gumcow, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Srr. 3N.K.K ocmmcov, A. I. KWRLIN, V. E. VASKOVSKY Kkim. 7,1214 (l%s). 4 A. Wnmmsnu~ and0. SUN, 2. Physiol.Ckm. 199.25 (1931). 5 Z. KMPRZYK~WNA andB,, 4th Intern. Congr. Bochem., Vii (1958),A&r. of Cmmun., p. 8. 6 z. KASF+RZYK&~NA, PmceG&wncgoInst. ChemiiPrzwnys~. 1,39 (1951). Bull. Acud. Pofon. Sci., Ser. Sci. ~Z.KM~~YK,M.F-~~,E.POLUS, G.RACZY&U andA. RAFAISKI, B&i. 13,77 (l%S). 69




and Dnsuw


decomposed with HIS, using TLC in three solvent systems (Table l), showed the presence of five compounds (A-J’) giving a violet-red coloration with dilute sulphuric acid. Compound F was present in much smaller amounts than the other four substances. The fraction was separated into three bands by descending preparative paper chromatography in solvent V (Table 1). Band 1 contained only gZycoside A, band Z-a mixture of giycosides B and C, and band 3 glycoside D. Band 2 was further separated in the solvent Vi. Chromatography of the isolated gZycosides A and Busing this system, and final rechromatography of all compounds in solvent VII gave the glycosides free from flavonoid and carbohydrate impurities. The glycosides obtained, amounting to 20 per cent of the initial fraction, were used for further studies, Because of the small amount of giycostie F present, it was not isolated from the crude glycoside fraction. TASL~1, R, VALUFS OFOLEANOLIC ACID



c. Ol9feinrrlis



ANDPA.PHl(Pc)caR0~IooaAMsM ASCENDINO 'lW3lNIQUE R,x 100 of glymides solveI.& system*

I n-Propanol 14% ammonia II. Chlorofoml Methanol Water


r A






; 1







61 32 7













III. Ethyl acetate Acetic acid Water

3 1 3>

Pyridine Water V. Ethylacetate

: 31







Ethanol 7 % ammonia VI. n-Butanol

1 41 1







VII. Ethyl acetate ZP

2 :1







* I-III on TLC, V-VII on paper.

The aglycone of all the compounds examined was identified as oleanic acid by means of a complete acid hydrolysis of the glycosides followed by TLC in solvent IV. Paper chromatography of the sugar components of the hydrolysates showed that g!ycosides A, B and C contain glucose, galactose and glucuronic acid, whereas gZycoside D contains only galactose and glucuronic acid. Quantitative analysis, using a calorimetric method for the determination of oleanolic acid as a complex with FeC13,* showed that gZycoskie A contains four, glycosides B and C three, and glycosti D two molecules of sugar. Densitometric comparison of the chromatograms of the sugar components in the hydrolysates of glycosk&s A and B showed that the ratio of glucose to galactose in g~ycoridc A is 2: 1 and in glycoside 3 is 1: 1. The * M. Formmo and 2.


Gem. tie,

;cymsaw 10,1181(1%5).

stnrctunof trit8rpenic glycosidcdfromsower8 of c2lkldd

o@dlmzis L.


results (Table 2) allow us to conclude that the molar ratio of oleanolic acid: glucose: galactose: glucuronicacidis 1:2:1:1 forgfyc&feA, 1:l:l:l forglycosidksBand Cand 1:O:l:l for giycoside D. In order to determine where the sugar is linked to the aglycone (C-3 or G17) all the glycosides were treated with diazomethane followed by acid hydrolysis.1 Thin-layer chromatography in solvent IV showed that glycosides A and C yielded free oleanolic acid (R/0*43), whereas glycosides B and D gave the methyl ester (&0*65) thus showing that the carboxyl group is free only in the two latter compounds. Application of alkaline hydrolysis (15 % KOH) led to the same conclusion. Only glycostdes A and C were hydrolysed out of four compounds tested. It was also found that under these conditions gZycosideA is converted into B, and glycoskfe C into D. TABIZ2. PROPXRTIES OF~EANOIJ~ ACIDOLYCOBIDPS






per moL okanolic acid

matbyiatdl glyroQidcs



C. oJkfn&

Okanolic acid

llPd-1 gbcuronic acid



lgllrralactoas 1 ghcunmkacid



lrtataaose 1 gbmvnicacid


lglucose 1 gburonic acid



Me ester



56 F




Comparison of these results with the carbohydrate composition of individual glycosides indicates that the carboxyl group of oleanolic acid in giycosides A and C is linked to a sugar which is split during alkaline hydrolysis to yield giycosiiks B and D. From the difkences in the analysis (Table 2) it is apparent that the carboxyl groups of gZycosi&sA and Care linked to one molecule of glucose. Hydrolysis with 25% sulphuric acid at 100” for 3 hr caused degradation of g~ycos~es A, B, C and D, but only small amounts of free oleanolic acid were found in the hydrolysates. Thin-layer chromatography in solvents I, II and III showed, that all four glycosides tested yielded another glycoside, which was less hydrophylic. This glycoside has an R, value identical with that of compouxd F, which was shown to he present in small amounts in the A and B yielded, in addition, another starting material (crude glycoside fraction). G~ycosiides intermediate hydrolysis product with Rf values similar to glycosi& D (except in solvent II). This compound, E, was not observed in the crude fraction. The intermediate products (E

and F) were:prepared in water quantitie;r;by partial acid hydrolysis of the crude glycoside fraction fallowed by c~~mato~aphy in system VII. ~~~mato~p~c identifkation of the carbohydrates after complete acid hydrolysis showed, that g~~~~ E contains &zcose and gIucuronEca&& but g&c&k F glucuronic acid o&y.



G~JVOS&& F, after desdlting on a cation exchange resia, was recrystailizPrdfrom diluted ethanol, r&p. 197499*, [a]$+ 184” f 3” (c=O+ in ethanol). G!AcosideF wasmethyia~ with ~~rn~~~e yiekkg metbylatioa product, m.p. 201-208” f&+ WY f 2” (e=W in chloroform. It MII be assumed on the basis of res&s oMa&d, including e~erne~~~ analysis, that grycosiderFl which occurs in small amomts in C. ~~c~~t~ flowers, is identical with the


oftritcrpenic glycmidea from0owcra of C-

ofjicimlis L.


glueuronide of oleanolio acid formed as a result of incomplete hydrolysis of all other glyu~ sides. Koohetkov et al.rm3 isolated three glycosides of oleanoiic acid from a methanol extract of Arab mansctia roots, called aralosides A, B2 and CL3 A compound with the structure of a 3-pr+gluouronide of oleanolic acid was isolated from hydrolysates of aralosides in the form of its dimethyl ester. Comparison of the physical properties of the dimethyl ester of glycoskie F isolated from C. o~ca?ralis with those of the dimethyl ester of oleanolic acid 3-/?-n-gluouronide obtained by Koehetkov et al. (m.p. 200-205”, [a@+ 115” to + 13.8’ in chloroform) showed that these are identical compounds. The struotures of the oleanolio acid glyeosides isolated from calendula flowers and that of the aralosides is substantially the same. Olea.nolic acid 3-/3-D-8lueuronide is a basic unit of all these compounds. In glycoszdes A and C from ealendula (as in all aralosides) the oarboxy1 group of oleanolic acid is linked to a molecule of glucose. The differences ooncern mainly those sugars which are attaohed to the gluouronic acid molecule. Araloside C and glycoside A from calendula show &reat similarities. Koehetkov et al. established, on the basis of analysis of the methyl derivatives of the carbohydrates after total hydrolysis of methylated araloside C, that in araloside C galaetose and xylose are bound to gluouronic acid at positions 3 and 4 respectively. Mild acid hydrolysis of this glyeoside yielded the 3-~-~~u~ro~de of oleanolic acid together with a diglyooside of oleanolic acid containing glueuronic acid and xy10se.~ Oleanolic acid 3+@ucuronide as well as a d&lyooside containing glucose and glucuronic acid (glycoside E) are formed from both glycosides A and B from ealendula under similar conditions. Moreover the resulting diglycoside (8) when subjected to mild acid hydrolysis is only partially degraded to the monoglucuronide Q and free oleanolic acid, whereas the diglycoside D, under these conditions, is completely hydrolysed to the monoglucuronide and the free acid. Since the glycofis Eand D differ only in the aldohexose moiety (glycoside E contains glucose and g~yco~~e D galactose), one can assume, that in glycosider A, B and E the molecule of gIucose is bound to gluouronio acid at position 4, whereas the molecule of galactose in gZycosides A, B, C and I) is at position 3 (or 2). Figure 1 shows the structures of oleanolic acid glycosides from C. oficWis flowers and their interrelationships.




500 g of dry lingulate flowers of Caiendukz 0~~~ was extracted with ethyl ether and then with methanol. The methanol extract was concentrated in a Sash evaporator to 350 ml, and after addition of 150 ml of water a fraction of crude glyoosides was precipitated with lead acetate at pH 6.2. The washed, dried precipitate was extracted with 3 x 250 ml portions of boiling methanol for 15 min. The extracts were discarded and the residue decomposed with H2S in 500 ml of 80% methanol. The yield of a crude fraction of oleanolic acid glyeosides was 275 g.

Thin-layer chromatography was performed on silica gel coated plates (Kieselgel G nach Stahl, Merck) in the solvent systems shown in Table 1. Chromatograms were sprayed with

10 % HsSO, and heated for 5 min at 140” revealing the oleauolic acid glycosides as violet-red Spots.

Chromatography of oleanolic acid and its methyl ester was carried out in the solvent system IV, c~orofo~:me~~ol(95: 5). The chromatograms were heated for 5 min at 105’ and then immediately sprayed with 20 % SbCl, solution in chloroform containing 1% thionyl chloride. PreparativePaper Chromatography The separation of a crude glycoside fraction (150 mg) was carried out on Whatman 3 paper for 48 hr in the solvent system V. (Table 1). The bands were detected by spraying a side strip with 20% SbCl in 1% methanolic solution of HCl and heating during 3 min at 100”. Glycosides, separated into three main fractions, were eluted with hot methanol, and rechromatographed for 24 hr in solvent VI; the compounds (50 mg) were finally rechromatographed in solvent VII (Table 1). The glycosides isolated, amounting to about 20% of the original fraction, were almost colourless and amorphous. Preparationo~~onogly~os~ F and DiglycostdeE A crude glycoside fraction (5 g) was heated at 100” with 300 ml of 25 % aqueous H2SOI for 3.5 hr. The precipitate which formed was filtered, and extracted three times with 200-ml portions of boiling ethyl acetate for 15 min. The combined extracts were concentrated to dryness and the residue (2*4 g) chromatographed twice on Whatman 3 paper in system VII. Pure glucosides E and F were obtained in a yield of 5 and 24% of the c~omato~aph~ material respectively. To remove inorganic impurities, monoglycoside F was dissolved in 50% ethanol and passed through a cohmm with Zeo Carb 225 (H+ form). The substance was then recrystallized from aqueous ethanol, m.p. 197-199” (decomp.), [a#+ 18.5” + 3” (c=O.5 in ethanol). (Found: C, 68.32; H, 8.95. Calc. for CJdHse09: C, 68.30; H, 8.91x.) Preparationo~~etky2 Ester of GfycosideF Glycoside F (100 mg) was methylated with diaxomethane during 48 hr at 2”. After removal of solvent the residue was crystallixed from 70% ethanol yielding 70 mg of ester, m.p. 201-208”, [a]: + 10.5” + 2” (c =0*5 in chloroform). (Found: C, 69.40: H, 9.22. Calc. for C3sH~e09: C, 69a5; H, 9.15 %.) Partial Acid Hydrolysis Samples (15 mg) of all glycosides were heated with 1 ml of 2.5 % HzSO,, in sealed tubes for 3.5 hr at 100”. Hydrolysates were extracted with n-butanol and the extracts were subjected to TLC in the solvent systems I, II and III. Alkaline Hy~o~ysis The glycosides (15 mg) were heated on a water bath with 5 ml of 15 % KOH for 75 min. After acidification with WC1to pH 5 the products extracted with n-butanol and the extract subjected to TLC in systems I, II and III and to paper chromatography in system VII. Complete Acid Hydrolysis Samples (25 mg) of all glycosides were heated in sealed tubes at 100° for 4 hr with 2 ml of a mixture consisting of HCl:acetic acid:water (10:35:55). The precipitate was filtered,

structure of triw

glycoaides fromflowers of





dissolved in ethyl ether and then chromatographed on silica gel in solvent IV. The filtrates were desalted by passing through a column of Amberlite IR-45 (OH- form) and Amberlite IR-120 (I-I+form). The effluents were concentrated to about 0.5 ml and used for identification of the sugars. Chromatographic Identification of Sugars Sugars were identikd by means of ascending chromatography using standard sugars on Whatman 1 paper in the solvent systems n-butanol : benzene :pyridine : water (5 : 1: 3 : 3), and ethyl acetate:pyridine: water (2: 1:2). Chromatograms were developed twice during 24 hr, and sugars were detected with aniline phthalate. The ratio of glucose to galactose in the hydrolysates of glycosides A and B was determined densitometrically using Chromatograph Joyce, Loebl Ltd., Apparatus (England). Quantitative Determination of Oleanolic Acid A methanolic solution (1.0 ml), containing 200400 pg of the glycoside, was taken to dryness and 3 ml of the reagent was added (50.4 mg anhydrous FeCls in 1 ml of water made up to 100 ml with acetic acid distilled over CQ) followed by 1.5 ml of cont. HaSO,. The glass-stoppered tubes were heated for 1 hr at lOO”,and the absorbancy of the complex formed measured at 445 run on a Carl Zeiss spectrophotometer VSU-l.* Methylation of Glycosidks and HyaVolysir of Methyl Derivatives Samples of glycosides (20 mg) were dissolved in 5 ml of methanol, an excess of diazomethane solution in ether was added and the mixture was left at 2” for 24 hr. More diaxomethane was added and the whole allowed to stand for further 24 hr at 2”. The residue, after removal of solvent, was hydrolysed as before and examined for the presence of oleanolic acid or its methyl ester on TLC in solvent IV.