The thatcher effect: A decade of change

The thatcher effect: A decade of change

Long 122 Range Planning Vol. 3-t April 1c)c)l core of the legitimizing base for Authority and po\.\;er, tvithour it all organizational structur...

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1c)c)l core of the legitimizing base for Authority and po\.\;er, tvithour it all organizational structures are vulnerable.

A lor has happened in Europe and the \\-orld over [hc past year and this can cas11y find books ovcrtakcn by cvenrs. The author argues for a ne\v Europe chat would be newlv a\vare of irs responsibilities 10 the South and 10 rhc creation ofa habitable globe. Only rhe tinal page: ‘Perhaps a United States in a postcold \var Lvorld \vill become less preoccupied \vith being the norld policeman .’ And not once \vas the United Narions menrioncd.

Orptti=~7riortz. atrd Sntiotr,ll Ctilture: .-I Cottlpr,tril~e .4tta/yxiS, MOSIR T.\YEB, Sage Publications (19SY), 182 pp.. A22.50. Prcsencs an analysis of competing perspectives in organizational cheery on the influence of social contest on organizational structure and behaviour. It dra\vs on a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences in the \vays English and Indian companies and employees respond co the social and cultural environments, and relates rh

People: How lo _Ifnnage Tilrttl atzd .\fn.uinrize their WINSTON FLETCHER, Hutchinson Business Books 141 pp., Al4.95.



What is creativity? Ho\v can creative people be motivated, managed and controlled? How can their creativity be maximized within organizational constraints? Three of the most important questions rhat need to be considered by all those concerned with organizational management. This wideauthorative and readable book investigates and ranging, analyses the subtle, sensitive and often stormy relationships bet\veen those who earn their talents in organizations, and the organizations which employ them. ‘Ir’s profitable, it’s fun, and it’s \vorth\vhile. What more can you ask of a job?’

Tire Thrlwr

A Drcnde

qi’ Cltatlge,





This book has tried 10 esaminc rhe change, or lack of change, in a wide number 0fC.K. areas over the past 10 years-from the arcs to Lvelfare. Ho\v much has been etfectively managed? Produced in conjunction with the Institute of Contcmporar) British History. Makes interesring reading. but pity this area does not appear co include much of the knowledge and techniques associated xvith managing strategic change that now exist in industry-.






(1990), 374 pp., A33.00. Based on a study of 230 top European companies and whar they are doing about 1992. The author develops a strategic framework for those companies preparing co tackle European markets. Plenty of us&Ill facts. figures and advice on a subject thar will be increasingly important for companies-and strategic planners-in rhe coming decade.

Goverttiq tl~r Soul: 7% Shopit!, u of the Private Selj, NIKOLAS ROSE, Rourledge (199O), 304 pp..-A30.00. Examines the way in which our subjective lives have become the object of new forms of knon-ledge and the target. of new forms of power; including an analysis of the soul of Irl Semh of‘ Essellettce. Although. no doubt. rhe writing was academically rigorous, but it lacked soul even more than most management books.


Prentice-Hall Another relevant and readable book on a similar theme is: Teacl1it12 rllc Eleyllnr~r ro Dlrlce: Ettlp~werittg CItiutfe itt l’our Orptti~~~fiott, JMES A. BEL.ISCO, Hurchinson Business Books (1990). 276 pp., Ll4.93. Essential reading for al1 managers; particularly rhose in organizations desperately attempting to cope tvirh. and change, ‘mature’ phase behaviour. The basic problem is that all creative people n-ho feel they can get out. might be best advised to do so; which. ofcourse, makes it ever more ditiiculr for rhose left behind.


and ANTHONY SELDOS, Oxford 333 pp., A7.95.

JAMES A. F. STOSER and R. EDWARD FREEMAX, (1989). Fourth Edition, 824 pp., A20.93.

First published in 1978. it has deservedly been a best-seller since then, and this laresr. revised and updated, edition is a most impressive, well presented and extremely thorough piece of Lvork. Probably rhe book if anyone wanred just one reaching text on this vast subject. Excellent value.

Test Yom OWI Apcimde, JIM B.~xRE~ and GEOFF WILLIAMS, Kogan Page (1990), Sscond Edition, 213 pp., A4.99. .Strxezic Itttervetttiot~ itt Orgrutizafiottb: Resoluittg Etl~icnl Dilettr!\I. CISH MATEIEWS. Sage Publications (1988), 14-I pp., A13.30.


Presents ethical dilemmas and the importance of careful decision making, focusing on the calls for social responsibility and the grooving interest in written codes of ethics. Concern Lvirh business ethics and ethical dilemmas has grolvn tremendously during the past decade, and th:s ISlikely co become even more important in the years ahead. Ethical standards arc rhc

A self-help personality.

guide for rhose \vho wanr to explore rheir motivation and sul’ability for certain careers.

Oryattisirlg Universireit

_for .If~~tt~~t;lc~urirt~ Itwwnriotr, HARRY Twencs (1990), 233 pp., Price N/A.


Based on a PhD thesis and co\-ers seven longitudinal case studies on the adoption and Implementation of Flexible