Homoeopathic Approach". 1 This proved to be a very valuable and instructive talk. After some discussion the two groups rejoined for tea. After tea the final session was addressed by Dr R. A. F. Jack. In discussing the position of homoeopathic medicine in 1983, Dr Jack traced a number of fascinating historical details, together with references in more recent medical literature, and ably demonstrated the relevance and clinical efficacy of homoeopathic medicine in today's practice of clinical medicine. In his concluding remarks Dr I. E. Doney thanked both the administrative staff and the catering staff of the Bristol Hom0eopathic Hospital for their invaluable help in the organization of a very successful day. He also thanked all the speakers for their contributions and all the doctors who had attended. The date for next year's Annual Symposium was announced as Saturday, 6 October 1984. D R D. S. S P E N C E REFERENCE 1 Cooper D. Migraine. A homoeopathic approach. Br Horn J 1984; 73 9 1.
Correspondence To theEditor, T H E B R I T I S H H O M O E O P A T H I C J O U R N A L
Dear Sir, Ref. Br Hom J Vol. 72. No. 4 October 1983, Dr Leary's article on Constitutions Again. In the final paragraph, he asks if the nosode has a place in preventive medicine. Those who practise psionic medicine do use the nosode to prevent the tuberculous, sycotic and luetic miasms from being transmitted to the offspring of affected parents. The father must be treated before conception, but the mother can be treated during pregnancy, though it is wiser to treat preconceptually. When the child is tested using radiesthetic techniques, these miasms are not found in it. Affected children, if treated soon after birth can be greatly helped. It is this aspect of homaeopathy which is so exciting, being such an efficient, harmless and cheap method of preventive medicine. The TB miasm appears to give rise to the common allergic diseases, such as asthma, eczema, recurrent colds, glue ear, arthritis etc, and the luetic to all diseases having their origin in the central nervous system, and many congenital abnormalities. Yours sincerely, DR PAMELA C. TATHAM
Volume 73, Number2, April 1984
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