The Tourbillon experiment: a study of a mesoscale eddy in the eastern North Atlantic

The Tourbillon experiment: a study of a mesoscale eddy in the eastern North Atlantic

906 ,X. Physical O c e a n o g r a p h ' , wind strength and tidal currents, agree with observations and suggest a means whereby variations in tidal...

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,X. Physical O c e a n o g r a p h ' ,

wind strength and tidal currents, agree with observations and suggest a means whereby variations in tidal mixing may be accounted for in hydrodynamic modelling of circulation in shallow seas. Steedman & Associates, 170 Greenhill Rd., Parkside, SA 5063, Australia. 83:6615 Ramamirtham, C.P., 1979/81. Circulation of Indian Ocean waters east of the Maldlves during the post monsoon period. Indian J. Fish., 26(1/2):82-89. A study of circulation patterns (71°-80°E between the Equator and 8°N) reveals a large cyclonic gyre in the northern region and an anticyclonic one in the southern region, associated with divergence and convergence phenomena occurring in the area. The Maldive Islands and the associated bottom topography contribute to circulation pattern formation. Central Mar. Fish. Res. Inst., Cochin-18, India.

O L R ( 1983130 l i 2;

A mesoscale eddy in the vicinity of 47°N, 15~W was studied intensively using a variety of observation techniques. The eddy energy level was comparable to that of the MODE eddy field, and westward propagation of a few cm/sec was observed. The eddy had a trapped core of Northeast Atlantic Central Water. Within the main thermocline the eddy caused a pronounced horizontal deformation of Mediterranean Water. Centre OceanoL de Bretagne. Brest, France. (jfp) 83:6619 Bisagni, J.J., 1983. Lagrangian current measurements within the eastern margin of a warm-core Gulf Stream ring. J. phys. Oceanogr., 13(4):709-715.

83:6616 Steedman, R.K. and P.D. Craig, 1983. Wind-driven circulation of Cockburn Sound [Western Australial. Aust. J. mar. Freshwat. Res., 34(1):187-212.

Satellite-tracked surface buoys and satellite SS'/ data provide estimates of warm-core ring kinematics and mass budgets. Entrainment is estimated at 1.5 :~ 10:' m~/s, of which up to 40% could be shelf water, Warm rings contribute substantially to the transport of shelf water across the shelf-break. U.S. Naval Underwater Sys. Center, Newport, R.I. 02840, USA. OfP)

Air/sea buoyancy fluxes cause an inverse estuary flow with little or no volume exchange with the open ocean. Sea breezes force a small exchange, while a winter storm can cause a roughly 10% volume exchange. Steedman and Assoc., 384 Rokeby Rd., Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia. (tip)

83:6620 Gill, A.E., 1983. Estimation of sea-level and surfacecurrent anomalies during the 1972 Et Nifio and consequent thermal effects. J. phys. Oceanogr., 13(4): 586-606.

A90. Currents 83:6617 Abbate, M., G.A. Dalu and E. Salusti, 1982. Energy-containing eddies in the Strait of Messina. Nuovo Cim., (C)5(5):571-585. The strait's velocity field, measured by Vercelli (1922-23), is analyzed to determine the size and intensity of the energy-containing eddies. The eddies are far beyond the inertial range predicted by Kolmogorov theory and are due to Kelvin-Helmholtz shear instabilities between the surface and deep water. 1st. di Fisica dell'Univ., Rome, Italy. 83:6618 Arhan, M., A.C. de Verdiere, J.C. Gascard, P.F. Jeannin, J.G. Harvey and R. Molcard (Le Groupe Tourbillon), 1983. The Tourbillon experiment: a study of a mesoscale eddy in the eastern North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res., 30(5A): 475-511.

A linear, one-mode, long-wave model is used tt~ calculate SST and surface current anomalies in the tropical Pacific. The model is driven by the observed sea-level anomaly along the eastern boundar;,, and to a lesser extent by wind stress anomalies. Mode! results for the 1972 E1 Nifio indicate anomalous eastward flow (up to 0.5 m/s) along the Equator nea~ the dateline. SST advection by this surface current can account for the magnitude and timing ,~f the observed SST anomaly in the central equatorial Pacific. Dept. of Appl. Math. and Theor. Phys., Univ. of Cambridge, Silver St.. Cambridge CB3 9EW, UK. (jfp) 83:6621 Gonella, Joseph, Gilles Reverdin and MichO.te Fieux. 1983. Hypothesis supporting origin of the Equatorial Oceanic Jet of the Indian Ocean by attenuation of the Somalian Eddy after cessation of the southwest monsoon. C, r. hebd. SOanc, Acad. Sci,, Paris, (II)296(12):899-902. (In French, English abstract.) Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Natl., 43-45, rue Cuvier. 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France.