The treatment of brow presentations

The treatment of brow presentations

REVIEWS AND ABSTRACTS 813 Ha.upt: The Cause of High Median Sagittal Presentation with :especial Consideration of Disproportion between Maternal Pelv...

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Ha.upt: The Cause of High Median Sagittal Presentation with :especial Consideration of Disproportion between Maternal Pelvis and Fetal Head. Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie, 1923, lxxxvi, 459. The occurrence of high median sagittal presentations is both re~atively and absolutely more frequent in cases of disproportion tha.n where there are normal relationships, whether this dispropoTtion is dne to contr::tcte
Monatsschrift fiir Ge-

Among 72,000 labors which occurred in the Second Woman's Clinic in Vienna during the 1ast 22 years, there were 65 cases of brow presentation, i. e., one brow presentation to ll08 births. In only a few cases wa.s the origin of this deflection attitude found but most of the babies were larger than nOTmal. In almost onehalf the cases there wa.:> some degTee of pelvic contraction and 37 of the patients were multipara.s. Of the 65 babie~, 25 or 38.5 per cent were born spontaneously and 19 of these were bom alive. Of the 40 children delivered by operative pro· cedm;es 15 died. Among the operative procedures were version, cesaTean section, force·ps, hebosteotomy and craniotomy. The Kielland forceps proved especially valuable and the auth()l; believes these forceps will save many babies and make ''esarean section in some of these cases unnec•els·sm·y. J. P. GREENHILL. JE'feiffer: The Management of Breech Presentation. 19.21, cxiii, 178.

New York Medical Journal,

As the inherent fetal morta.lity is far higher in breech than in llead presentations, an attempt should always be made to correct this position. External version is more often more successful than is commonly supposed and may frequently be :accomplished before labor or early in labor if the membranes are unTuptured. The membranes often rupture at the onset of labor because the irregular breech does not fill the lower uterine segment as well a.s the globular head. It is therrefoTe well to keep the patient in bed to pl'esene the membranes intact and to prevent