in relation to the doctrine of reflex changes of nutrition (?), the defendant did certain acts; but if they could show that he action of food upon respiration, the functions and connexions used the title as stated in the information, it would have been of the corpora olivaria, the development of the heart and great an offence. They did not show that he used the names. The case heard some time of Dr. Airey was as different as posvessels, and the minute structure of involuntary muscular fibre. sible to the present. ago There the justices found that he used Dr. Ogle interrogates the aspirants as to the law of substitu- certain names for the purpose of implying that he was recogtions, binary theory of salts, catalytic action, the definition of nised by law as a legal practitioner. A man might use every an acid according to Humphry Davy and Lavoisier, the uses of title named in the Act, if he did not use it for the purpose of water in various chemical compounds, the state of iron in the implying that he was recognised as a practitioner under that Act. It was hardly worth while to say the case was dismissed, blood, chemical and differential properties of human milk, tests for they neither showed one thing nor the other. " for sugar in urine, excess of urea in the blood and urine, and The case was then formally dismissed." antidotes for some poisons. In Pathology the same examiner This is a very important case, and we hope that such gross probes the state of the candidate’s information as to Virchow’s failures of justice will be avoided by the new amendments in views of cellular pathology, his own conclusions as to " AddiMedical Act. son’s disease," and the microscopical appearances of the following substances :-1, Portions of optic nerve in cases of longTHE TURKISH BATH IN EUROPE. standing blindness; 2, Epithelial cancer; 3, The parts involved in red and white softening of the brain; 4, The sarcina venSOME discussion has been excited by our recent notice of the triculi. In Therapeutics, Dr. Acland desires the views of the old Roman bath, now widely introduced into this country as respondent as to the propriety of the excision of an ovarian the Turkish bath. That article having been copied into the tumour, the progress of the vaccine vesicle, the treatment of Irish journals has drawn forth a remonstrance from the friends the apparently drowned, preparations of opium, cholagogues, of Dr. Barter in favour of his priority of right to the merit of and other medical and therapeutic matters. It is obvious that introducing and popularizing the Turkish bath. It is certain if any candidate can successfully pass through this ordeal, with that the first enunciation of the idea is due to Mr. D. Urquthe superadded test of a clinical examination of disease, his hart, whose " Pillars of Hercules" canonize the institution of qualifications for practice must be of a high order. It is not the bath, and who has been at once the apostle and the martyr mere book knowledge which is measured by this examination, of its rigorous delights. Mr. R. H. Bushe informs us that the although no small amount of reading is involved in the replies to foundation stone of the first Turkish bath erected in the United these questions, but a practical acquaintance is needed with the Kingdom was laid at St. Anne’s, Blarney, on the 7th of June, bed-side aspects of disease, and a familiar knowledge of all the 1856, by Dr. Barter, under the guidance of Mr. Urquhart. latest views and floating opinions which are current in the me- This bath has been altered since, and, as Mr. Bushe considers, dical world. The answers to questions such as those touching greatly improved by the adoption of the old Roman method of Addison’s disease, ovariotomy, or treatment of the drowned, go heating, and by the abandonment of the Turkish " innovation" beyond ordinary text-books, and require that the student shall of admitting vapour. The habituis of the Pimlico Turkish. have taken an active part in hospital work, and had cognizance bath consider the omission of hot water a great improvement. of the discussions which have mainly interested the medical Mr. Bushe regards it as the loss of an essential part of the profession during the period of his education. It is a source of process. We do not undertake to decide. We willingly satisfaction that the medical examiners of the older Univer- giveto Dr. Barter a part of the honour which we had monosities thus effectually apply the tests of proficiency to the can- polized in favour of Dr. Haughton as the popularizer of Turkish didates for their diploma. The fictitious value attaching to an baths. We learn that the public baths now existing in Ireland are expensive degree could not maintain the dignity of an Oxford or Cambridge diploma, in face of the scientific value of the less as follows :-Bray, built by Mr. Dargan; Cork, Limerick, costly degrees of the University of London; but by giving to Killarney, Lincoln-place, Dublin, and Temple-street, Dublin; them a high scientific character, the professors at Oxford are to which may be added Belfast, now in course of erection. With all these, excepting Temple-street, Dr. Barter is conmaintaining the best interests of their faculty. nected. They have been erected by his instrumentality, on his principle, and after the designs of Mr. Richard Barter, CASES OF SECRECY. R. H. A., sculptor and architect.
practitioners appeared this week illegal practice. adoption of an Jacques had practised under the style and Co., Physicians and Consulting-Surgeons.
ANOTHER of the "secret"
at the Council House at Bristol, charged with One element of the "secrecy" is usually the
and Mr. J. A. title of Blake and In opening the case
YELLOW OCHRE IN MILK. SKY-BLUE ceases to be the favourite colour of the London milkman. There is a fashion in these things. Even the ladiea of fashion have deserted the brilliant Eugenie blue, which was the apogee of mode a year or two since, seduced by the newer and brighter tints of Mauve, Magenta, and Solferino. Our milk is no longer delicately azure, but of a rich yellow, suggestive of abundant cream. How this happens Mr. John Bull, of Cow-cross, learnt accidentally last week from his dairyman’s daughter, a confiding innocent of five years old, who called with the afternoon’s milk, and, in reply to the question, "What does your father put in the milk, dear ?" instantly replied, " Only salt water and a little yellow ochre." What a dreadful corruptor of mundane morals is this yellow ochre ! Let us be thankful to the little girl, and look for ochre in the milkpail.
behalf of the Bristol and Bath Medical Mr. Atchley said that it would be seen from the evidence that a young man while at sea, reading a book of the defendant, the " Secret Preceptor," containing plates, became very seriously alarmed thereby, and that he went and saw Jacques, who obtained forthwith the sum of £31 from him, and subsequently demanded £50. This person was called, and proved these facts. He proved also that Blake was introduced to him as "the doctor," and undertook to cure him of a " disease," from which disease, as might be expected, he did not really suffer. The name of "surgeon" was on the door, and the identity of Blake with Jacques was not denied. Nevertheless, the case failed. The magistrate said that" He would go so far as to say that persons, if they wished to be so indecent, might put on their doors every description of UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.-Professor Lindley has resigned name referred to in the Act, and they would not be thought the Chair of Botany which he has held for so many to be committing an offence unless they did so for the purpose so much distinction at this institution. John Philip Green, of implying that they were practitioners recognised by law. Esq., LL. B., has also retired from the Professorship of JurisHence one branch of the information failed. They showed that prudence. on
Registration Association,
years with