employ X rays as an aid
to diagnosis and who operated have no money to use for the purchase of additional for a fibroid tumour and found a viable infant, was ground for the erection of these new buildings. I not fair, because X rays hitherto have not been think in all fairness it is up to those who disapprove employed with any degree of success in pregnancy of the managers’ proposed action to provide the diagnosis, and judging from the literature upon the funds for the purchase and the clearing of a site in the subject, which is scanty, the surgeon might have been immediate neighbourhood of the hospital. I am not excused if he was not enthusiastic as to the reliability sure that the dispensary can be built away from the of radiography.-I am, Sir, yours faithfully, hospital or outside of the grounds, but I am going on the supposition that the thing is possible. Various T. I. CANDY, Radiologist, Royal Gwent Hospital, people of note have visited the hospital, I am sorry Oct. 20th, 1923. Newport, Mon. to say without giving the chairman or any of his colleagues intimation of their proposed visit, and THE PANEL CRISIS AND THE ROYAL therefore making it impossible for any of the managers to meet them, and after such visits have communicated COLLEGES. their adverse opinion of the managers’ conduct to the To the Editor of THE LANCET. press. I do not know the dictates of modern courtesy SIR.-A very large number of members of our at all, for I am old-fashioned, but it is an extraprofession are now embarked upon a great struggle. ordinary thing that these distinguished gentlemen Up to this point no sound has been heard from either should have visited the Royal Infirmary without of the Royal Colleges upon the questions at issue. ever signifying to the directors their intention of doing Have we not a right to expect that these bodies, so. It would have afforded the managers of the which are responsible for the launching of so many Royal Infirmary the greatest pleasure to have met men into the medical profession, and to whom the some of these gentlemen and to have discussed the public generally may look for some guidance in matter in an amicable way. forming its opinion, should come into the open and I am, Sir, yours faithfully, officially express their views ? Their support, given ANDREW FREELAND FERGUS, ungrudgingly to their brethren, could not but be a 3. One of the Managers. Glasgow, Oct. 18th, 1923. help. Further, although at this moment they are not involved themselves in the struggle, yet who knows THE UNITED HOSPITALS WINTER SPORTS how soon panels of " consulting " physicians and surgeons may be formed ? Then, even the very CLUB. presidents themselves will be in a position to say the Editor To of THE LANCET. " yea or nay " to work on the panel. I do hope, before it is too late, the Colleges will officially take that SIR,—Itrust you will assist me to bring some part, if only a small one, in the struggle; they to the notice of your readers this club which was have allowed opportunities of service to pass by on founded to encourage winter sports amongst past and other occasions, and there is one here ready to their present students of all recognised medical schools in the United Kingdom. As the Grand Hotel, Griesalp, hand, if only they will grasp it. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, Bernese Oberland, was considered a success last LEWIS G. GLOVER. season, it has been decided to make this the Club Hampstead, N.W., Oct. 21st, 1923. Hotel for 1923-24. Our President, Lord Dawson, has very kindly consented to give a trophy for a ski-race THE LISTER WARD IN GLASGOW to be held at Griesalp between Jan. 6th and Jan. 13th. All particulars can be obtained from the manager of INFIRMARY. the above hotel. To the Editor of THE LANCET. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, J. DUNCAN LYLE, SIR,—In your issue of Oct. 13th there is an annotation dealing with the proposal to remove the Lister Oldfield Lodge, Maidenhead, Oct. 22nd, 1923. Hon. Sec. ward which stands in the grounds of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. I agree with Mr. Morris in thinking that if at all possible that ward should be retained, and nobody could have argued the matter for its retention more fairly and more courteously than Mr. Morris has ROYAL NAVAL MEDICAL SERVICE. done. At the same time there is another side to the matter and it is this, that the ground on which the Surg. Lt.-Comdrs. P. G. Richards (D.) to Excellent; T. W. ward stands is urgently required for the purpose of Carruthers to Cleopatra (on recommg.) ; and J. B. Crawford for R.N. Hospl., Haslar. building a new and thoroughly up-to-date dispensary to Victory, Surg. Lt. W. Young to Iron Duke (on recommg.). for the outdoor department. Situated as the infirmary is in the midst of a teeming population the ROYAL MEDICAL CORPS. outdoor department is an enormous one, and the Lt.-Col. (temp. Col.) J. C. Kennedy is appointed Hon. present premises are wholly inadequate. There is no to the King, and is granted the brevet rank of other situation within the infirmary grounds on which Physician Col. ; and Maj.-Gen. D. J. Collins, late R.A.M.C., is appointed this dispensary can be built. Hon. Surgeon to the King, vice Lt.-Gen. Sir C. H. Burtchaell, The Royal Infirmary has been in deep water late R.A.M.C. (ret.). financially. Fortunately it has pulled through, Capt. J. P. Litt retires, receiving a gratuity, and is granted thanks very largely to the chairman of the board of the rank of Maj. Capt. H. J. Bensted relinquishes the temp. rank of Maj. directors, to the honorary treasurer, and to the The undermentioned relinquish the acting rank of Maj. : but not a it was quite acting treasurer, very long ago B. L. Davis and Temp. Capt. J. D. Gunn. possibility that a portion of the infirmary would Capt. Capt. A. W. Dennis retires, receiving a gratuity, and is require to be closed down. The plans for the new granted the rank of Maj. dispensary have been drawn, and the chairman has ARMY DENTAL CORPS. shown them not only to every member of the board of Allen G. W. Capt. resigns his commn. management, but also to every member of the staff, SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. and there has been no suggestion whatever that the Supplenzentary to Regular Units or Corps:Capt. J. F. W. plans are unnecessarily large or that the new proposed accommodation is not required. There is only one Sandison relinquishes the acting rank of Lt.-Col. TERRITORIAL ARMY. possibility of retaining that ward, and it is that Lt. G. F. Shepherd to be Capt. ground be purchased in the immediate neighbourhood of the infirmary and cleared and utilised for the ROYAL AIR FORCE. building of the new dispensary. The managers have the greatest difficulty in, financing the hospital. Squadron Leader R. J. Aherne is granted a permanent Hitherto they have been successful, but they certainly commn.
The Services.