5. A p p l i c a t i o n s An LSI technology fully compatible EAROM cell G U I D O TORELLI Alta Freq., LI (6), 345 (November-December 1982) We describe an electrically alterable read-only-memory (EAROM) cell based on a two stacked poly-silicon gate transistor. The "aging" characteristic of the memory as due to the write and erase cycles is discussed, showing that an endurance in excess of 10~cycles can be obtained with typical write and erase times less than 100 ms. This cell is fully compatible with an LSI MOS technology and needs only positive polarity pulses for being reprogrammed. An application in a memory for the storage of broadcasting station data in a chip for digital electronic TV tuning is presented: memory operation of the device are described, including intelligent erasing, and its measured aging characteristics are reported.
Digital TV: makers bet on VLSI E R I C J. L E R N E R I E E E Spectrum, 39 (February 1983) Digital processing of "IV signals within a set improves picture quality and provides "pseudohigh resolution" and image storage.
Amorphous-silicon devices start to shape up LEWIS HOLMES Electron. Power, 222 (March 1983) In less than a decade, electronic devices based on amorphous silicon have progressed from research to advanced-development stages, and in one case, to intitial commercial production. Photovoltaic cells, field-effect transistors and photoelectronic devices are among the most promising areas of application.
The cooling of electrical and electronic equipment in sealed enclosures R. D. JOHNSON Electron. Power, 332 (April 1983) The one aim of cooling electrical and electronic equipment is to maintain the temperature of sensitive elements below the maximum specified service temperature. For sealed enclosures this places particular constraints on the cooling techniques used. The use of solid-state circuitry within hazardous areas R. J. REDDING Electron. Power, 328 (April 1983) To the majority of electrical engineers, hazardous areas means the use of flameproof equipment. This is not the only method of achieving safety; in fact, an alternative which has many advantages, namely intrinsic safety; is becoming more and more practicable with the growth of solid-state techniques. Thin film tansistors and thin fihn transistor circuits A N D R E VAN CALSTER Electrocomponent Sci. Technol. 10, 185 (1983) In this paper the possible circuit applications of thin film transistors, made by shadow masks, are discussed. Special attention is paid to the basic parameters determining the circuit properties. 16-bit bipolar microprocessor marches to standard instruction set S. MOR, HA. HINGARi-I, M. VORA, D. WILNAI, D. MAXWELL and T. LONGO electronics, 134 (7 April 1983) Microcode implements floating-point instructions on chip, while interrupt and fault handling serves real-time uses.