355 I am about to recommend ; and which I first saw put in practice Dispensaries, like most other public charities, are without in India on a very lar...

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355 I am about to recommend ; and which I first saw put in practice Dispensaries, like most other public charities, are without in India on a very large scale. doubt much abused ; still °’ M.D:’ cannot but acknowledge there I have seen many hundred cases treated successfully by it ; are very many cases in which they are of real utility ; and if he and several times forty or fifty successively. The proportion begins to denounce these charities, let him carry his denunciations of recoveries to death was, I believe, about eight of the former to the hospital practice, which is of course the source of the to one of the latter; and to show the great malignancy of the evil of which he complains, viz., " gratuitous advice." disease before it was adopted, nearly all the cases died, often I am, Sir, your obedient servant; in two or three hours. Without further preface, I earnestly R. H. M. Pimlico, August 26th, 1853. recommend the following,Warm turpentine epithegms, or mustard-poultices applied to THE CHOLERA. the abdomen frequently. Take of calomel, prepared chalk, of each ten grains-make a powder-to be taken every hour in BOARD OF HEALTH.-Sept. 30. treacle, with half an ounce of the following mixture.-Take of NEWCASTLE.-Deaths : cholera 20; diarrhoea 4. The total of chalk with opium, powdered acacia, white number of deaths from compound powder cholera and diarrhoea in Newcastle sugar, of each, two drachms ; sesquicarbonate of ammonia, during the present outbreak has been 1,366. In the same one drachm and a half; caj eput oil, twenty minims; tincture catechu, three drachms; camphor mixture, eight ounces: mix. period (viz. the first thirty days) during the prevalence of epiThe above to be given until the evacuations become feculent- demic cholera there in 1831-2, the number of deaths was 217. generally from twelve, sixteen, or twenty doses-and then the GATESHEAD: (No return.) ANNANDALE, BATHGATE, N.B.-Death, Sept. 28, cholera 1. following substituted until the purging be quite stopped. Take of acetate of lead, half a drachm; strong acetic acid, half a LEITH.-Death, Sept. 29, cholera 1. , drachm; Battley’s sedative solution of opium, fourteen minims HENDON.-Death, Sept. 27, diarrhoea 1. to one drachm; oil of cinnamon, four minims; tincture of The reports received on Saturday, by electric telegraph, by the ginger, three drachms; infusion quassia, to eight ounces: mix. General Board of Health, from their medical superintending An ounce to be given every two hours. Afterwards decoction at Newcastle, state that " the disease is passing away" of bark, with dilute sulphuric acid may be given. It is of the inspectors in that district. of the calomel be that the lightest descripgreatest importance On Thursday, the 29th instant, Dr. Waller Lewis and William tion, and triturated for a long time with the chalk. The strength of the patient must be supported by giving, Lea, Esq., medical and engineering inspectors of the General alternately, strong beef-tea spiced with pepper-corns and Board of Health, visited Hexham, and were received by a depuseasoned with salt, and arrow-root and milk with brandy and tation from the magistrates, from the several local authorities, and from the resident medical practitioners. It appears that a nutmeg between each dose of the medicine. Cold water may be allowed ad libitum. very efficient preventive system had been early organised, espeFlannel should be worn next the skin. cially that means had been taken to carry into effect the houseto-house visitation before the disease had become epidemic. Your constant reader, The first case of cholera showed itself on the 3rd of September, C. A. CHAVASSE, CHA.VASSE, F.R.C.S. and was said to have come from Newcastle. There had been, Smithwick, Birmingham, Sept. 25th, 1853. from the 1st of September to the present day, about 1,200 cases of diarrhoea and cholera under treatment. At the present time THE VACCINATION ACT. there are about 150 still under treatment. To the Editor of THE LANCET. The following statement shows the entire number of deaths from cholera and diarrhoea since the commencement to this books have been left at house the SIR,-Three just by my 4, one; 10, one; 14, one; 15, one; 16, two; Registrar of Births; one contains printed forms of certificates day:-Sept. of vaccination, the other forms for unsuccessful cases, the other 17, one; 18, two; 20, three; 21, two; 22, two; 23, three; forms for unfit cases. It seems therefore that the act is soon to 24, two; 25, one; 26, one; total twenty-three. The highest praise is due to the resident medical men, for the be tried, and it becomes an important question for the proand judicious manner in which they have carried the prompt will submit to be robbed of their time in fession, they quietly measures into effect, though they have had incessant preventive or these will and show certificates; giving they for once resist in house-to-house visitations; yet they represent that if to our legislature, that medical men are not mere machines to work be worked at other men’s bidding ? I have spent some time in the disease were, from any cause, to reappear among them, they would be to procure from London, or elsewhere, more looking through the act, and as I read it, it cannot possibly assistance obliged in the shape of house-to-house visitors. They were work (and must therefore be altered) if we are true to ourselves. The whole system is based on the supposition that medical unanimously of opinion that no other step than that is efficient in nipping the disease in the bud. Directly that step was taken men will make the required returns; if any number should in Hexham, though to so small an extent, a most marked to who are it will be tell vaccineglect this, scarcely possible nated and who not. It may be easy to compel the parish difference in the number of severe cases was seen. They have divided the town into four districts, and, when required, will contractors to furnish their returns, but what of the cases have to send for some medical visitors, and will be able to vaccinated by private practitioners ? It is true the law says, we only at their work the instant they arrive. them put must send an account of them, but as there is no penalty for Two extra inspectors have been appointed, with a view to the neglecting to do so, I for one purpose to spend my time more more efficient removal of nuisances. profitably. It is possible the great body of private practitioners may take the same course, and in that case what becomes of October 1. the compulsory and non-remunerating vaccination act ? NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.-Deaths : cholera 11; diarrhoea 1. Yours truly, October 3rd, 1853. Oct. 2: cholera 13; diarrhoea 1. On Saturday there were also ALPHA. 186 cases of diarrhoea reported, eight approaching to cholera. On Sunday there were 127 cases of diarrhoea, six approaching to THE ADVICE GRATIS SYSTEM. cholera. To the Editor of THE LANCET. GATESHEAD.-Deaths, Sept. 30 : cholera 6. Oct. 1 : cholera 5; SIR,-The statements made by your correspondent "M. D." diarrhcea 1. Oct. 2: cholera 8. The number of cases of diarrespecting the classes of persons he mentions in his letter to rhcea reported during the day has been 212, of which eleven you, are doubtless correct; but will you allow me to ask him were approaching to cholera. The total number of deaths from through the medium of your valuable Journal, whether or not cholera and diarrhoea in Gateshead to the present date has been dispensaries are useful to another class which he has omitted to 385. During the like period (viz. the first twenty-six days) in mention? I refer to lawyer’s clerks and other half-starved, 1831-2, the deaths amounted to 139. over-worked, and ill-paid bodies of men, who, besides being TYNEMOUTH (Wallsend District).-Death, Sept. 30 : cholera 1. expected to maintain a respectable exterior, are compelled to DARLINGTON.—Death, Sept. 30 : cholera 1. Oct. 2: cholera 1. keep (perhaps) a wife and several children upon a paltry HOWDEN PANS.—Death, Oct. 1: cholera 1. pittance of 1l. per week (a very common occurrence). How can STOCKTON.-Deaths, Sept. 24 and 29 : cholera 3. such men save money to provide against the sickness of themselves or families? Could your correspondent point out a way, Tynemouth and South Shields, which include many populous I am sure he would receive the thanks of thousands of his townships, collieries, and large manufactories, &c., were visited who would then be more than glad to last week by Mr. Grainger. It appears that in all these districts suffering fellow-creatures, " " a large amount of diarrhoea was very generally prevalent, in pay their doctor," and maintain their independence." .