The value of venesection in the treatment of the decompensated heart

The value of venesection in the treatment of the decompensated heart

hemorrhage from ccrcbral anemia, The mechanism of death may be extensive cardiac arrest due to s,,me disturbance of rardiac Imt more probably from mec...

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hemorrhage from ccrcbral anemia, The mechanism of death may be extensive cardiac arrest due to s,,me disturbance of rardiac Imt more probably from mechanism. The left ventricle is the usual spat of the teal,. JIany undwl.sing or cr~rnn:iry tlis~~asc~ with caus:cs are mcntloned, the usual being coronary t.hrontl~~sia myr)rnrili:ll I~~siw9. This lesion is usually ~11 acute illf:!l,(,t. MacLachlan, Syphilis.

W. W. G.: The Relation Am. Jour. MN!. Bci., clss,

of Morphology S5G.

to the


of Aortic

ryphilitie nortitis is most c~mnr~.wly localized in The author points out that When the aortic ring or I-nl~cs arc involved in the thuracic porticln of the aorta. ihc process spreading fl,om the aorta thaw is aortic regur:itiltioll with heart failure. This type of lesion is associntcd with a firavc proynoris. Whelt the nortie ring is not involw~l in tl,c syphilitic. change. the prn~~~osis is much bcttcr, and the cast may PI~OIV tlrafinitc improwmcnt 1)~ twatment. Crawford, J. Hamilton, and Advanced Heart F&lure.

McInto’sh, Arch. Int.

J. F.: T,he Use of Urea Med., 1925, xsxvi, 530.

as a Dinretic


Urea WLS given in doses of front 30 to GO grams a day to eight patients with advanced hwrt failure iI1 whom the treatment of the heart per PC did not Srtf?ir~~ to 1 (‘mow edlcma or to maintain the patient free from symptoms. In these (*:ISCS 3. markctl inlpwwmcnt in the clinical condition of the patient took place which could Iw ussigncd to the act.ion of urw. The trc:ktnlent succecdcd in main taining a11 adequate urine output and also in removing cdcma. As soon as the :IdrniniHtr;lti(In of urea vxs stopped, the urinary output immediately fails, and the clinical corrtlition l~econics worse. When treatment was resumed an improves mrnt again took plnw. They hxw studied some of the cases for months and llavr frlund that a partirular dose ITill give the same daily urine output with only slight I-ariations throughout the period inrcstigatcd. In these casts it has seemed that the nlaintc~nancc elf an atlcquate wstcr excretion has lwcn instrnnlrnt.a.1 not only in prcrenting a.vmptoms 11nt also in avoiding a rclnpw. Urrn is rapidly absorbed and an increnso immediately occurs in the height of the’ urea in the blood. The mean level of the urea in tho blood is dcpcndent on thla dos:lg”. and the relationship betKeen them is fairly constant in aup particnlal CNSP. Tlw amount of urea excreted depends on the blood urea, so that I\-ith constant, 1!rca ndnrinistration a Ptntc of equilibrium is reached between the intake and output. During urea Iliuwsis tlrc wcrrtion of ~atcr runs parallel with that of n~ca. SO that the urine volnmc rrflccts the concentration of urea in tho blood. U~lclonbcdl? the explanation of the diur& is that the ~xcrss of urcx circulating $1, the blood is c~scrctetl 11~ the kitlncy. and during tlte prowess carries with it :L ~jnsiderable amount of water. Gordon, Burgess: The Value of Venesection in the Treatment of the Decompensated Heart. AIIIPP. Jour. &led. Sci., 1925, clss. The author studied 21 patients who WIWZ suffering from heart failure. Of these it was nwcssnry to perform the operation of rcncscction in 12 patients. R;rx-ray examination it was detcrminell that the extremely dilated heart was reduc4 to one only mollrratcly dilated. It seems t.o the author t,hat the veneseetion improws the action of the .dceompcusated hemt and tcmlwztrily, at least, rcmovcs signs and symptoms of failure. White, Paul D.: The Use of Drugs in Heart Disease. Boston Xcd. Jour., 1923, cxciii, 2%. The author discusses in order digitalis, quinidin, adrenalin, caffein, other diuretic drugs, diuretin, theocin, calomel and calcium chloride;



as well as camphor,