President: Dr. Amy 1... Jagger, Assistant. School Medical Inspector, Glamorgan County Council , Han . Secretary: Dr. Mary H. M. Gordon, ~sistant Medical Officer, Monmouthshire County Council,
A meeting of this Sub~Group ,~a~ held at the I nstitute of Preventive 1\1 edicine, The Parade Cardiff on February 13th, 1935, at 7.30 p:m., Dr.' Amy Jagger occupying the chair. Mr. W. A. Peach, L.D.S. (Glamorgan County Council), in a paper on "Orthodon~ia,.. pointed out the harmful results which might follow from defective teeth placement and showed how irregularities of the teeth were a serious menace to health, being a grave predisposing cause of pyorrheea in early and late adult life. Models were shown to illustrate various methods of remedying dental irregularities. An interesting discussion followed , and at the close, on the motion of Mr. Quentin Davies, seconded by Dr. Gwladys Evans, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Peach for his able and interesting address. A further meeting of the Sub-Group was held on May 15th, 1935, at 6.30 p.m., in Glan Ely Tuberculosis Hospital, Fairwater, Cardiff, . when Dr. Alex . Brownlee, the Medical Superintendent, conducted the members over the hospital and demonstrated cases of tuberculosis in children. The visit was exceedingly enjoyable and profitable, and at the conclusion Dr. Brownlee was thanked heartily for his kindness in arranging the visit and in personally conducting the members around. The President (Dr. Amy Jagger) and eleven members were present.
THE FEVER HOSPITAL MEDICAL SERVICE GROUP. President: Dr. H. Stanley Banks, Med. Supt., Park Hospital, London County Council. HOff. Secretary: Dr. Alexander Joe, DoS.C., NorthWestern Ho.pitsl, London County Council.
The annual general meeting of this Group was held at the house of the Society on June 28th, 1935, the President being in the chair.
It was announced that the following had been elected for the session 1935-36 :President.-Dr. E. H. R. Harries . Vice-Presidents.-Drs. H. S. Banks, E. W. Goodall and Sage Sutherland. Hon. Secretary.-Dr. A. Joe. Members of Council.-Drs. Topping, Gunn, Cubley, Anderson, Armstrong, McGarrity, Leete, Kennedy, James, Swyer, Thompson, W. A. Drown, Reid, and Forrest. A paper entitled H ObservatIons on the Pathogenesis of DiphtherIal Paralysis" was read by Dr. G. Ronaldson of the South-Eastern (London County Council) Hospital, and the following members and guests took part in the discussion :-Drs. E. W. Goodall, F. M. R. Walshe, and Mitman. •
President: Dr. Gladys J. C. Russell, Leeds . Han. Secretary: Dr. Margaret W. Blackwood, Asst. M .O.H., Barnsley.
A meeting of this Sub-Group was held at Harrogate on Saturday afternoon, June 29th, 1935. Members were received at the Royal Bath Hospital by Dr. Muriel Keyes (Honorary Gynecologist to the Hospital) who conducted the party round the various departments and demonstrated the excellent facilities for the treatment of rheumatism and allied diseases. Tea was provided, by the courtesy of the Baths and Wells Committee of the Corporation, on the Terrace of the Winter Gardens, and members afterwards visited the Royal Baths and sampled the waters in the pump room. LIVERPOOL City Corporation have increased the salary of Dr. W. 1\1. Frazer, Medical Officer of Health, from £1,800 to £2,000 per annum. THE Board of Education has recently issued a revised edition of the list of certified special schools, recognised institutions for the training of blind and other defective students, and nursery schools in England and Wales. In addition it contains information relating to certain technical classes for defective students. Copies of this useful publication (List 42-1935) may be obtained from H.M. Stationery Office, price Is. net, postage extra.