1560 Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Fishbourne is appointed to the ,medical charge of the Military Prison at Woking. the Plain. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS ...

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1560 Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Fishbourne is appointed to the ,medical charge of the Military Prison at Woking.



ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS (MILITIA). Surgeon-Lieutenant Herbert Fox, from the 2nd Hampshire t‘i,oyal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers), to be Lieutenant, and to be seconded for service in South Africa. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS (VOLUNTEERS). The Manchester Companies : Lieutenant C. E. Preston resigns his commission.


Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) : 1st Cheshire and "Carnarvonshire : The undermentioned Surgeon-Captains to be .’3urgeon-Majors A. M. Archer and R. L. Jones. lst Hampshire : Surgeon-Lieutenant E. N. Close to be SurgeonCaptain. l7iflc : lst (Hertfordshire) Volunteer Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment: Surgeon-Lieutenant J. E. B. Wells ’to be Surgeon-Captain. 2nd Volunteer Battalion (the Prince Albert’s Somersetshire Light Infantry) : Surgeon-Lieutenant W. Thompson to be Surgeon-Captain. 3rd Volunteer Battalion ,the Gloucestershire

Regiment : Charles

Robert Browne to be lst Volunteer Battalion the King’s Own Surgeon-Lieutenant. .(Yorkshire Light Infantry) : Surgeon-Captain E. Lee to be Surgeon-Major. 2nd Volunteer Battalion the Manchester Regiment: Surgeon-Lieutenant J. Ratcliff Gaylard resigns his .commission. 19th Middlesex (St. Giles’s and St. George’s, Bloomsbury) : The undermentioned Surgeon-Lieutenants to be Supernumerary whilst serving with the Bearer Company ,of the 5th London Volunteer Infantry Brigade : J. G. Fraser ..and J. J. R. Macleod.

SOUTH AFRICAN WAR NOTES. Lieutenant Beatty, R.A.M.C., is reported out of danger. Civil Surgeon White was reported very slightly improved on May 27th. The steamship Nubia left Port Natal for England on .May 24th with the following invalids on board :-Captain L. E. L. Parker, R.A.1B1.C., and Civil Surgeons Ilott and Hoops. The following members of the Army Medical Service are also on board : Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Love, ’R.A.M.C., Lieutenant C. S. Cato, R.A.M.C., and Civil - Surgeons Macdonald, Ellis, and Heron. THE REPORT



OFFICERS OF THE ARMY. Notices of this report have appeared in the daily and service journals but no copy of the report has, so far as we know, yet been issued from any official or authorised source. If the analyses which have appeared correctly summarise its ,nature and contents it seems to be a document of a severely critical and trenchant kind and to put forward a series of recommendations which, if adopted, will bring .about a radical reform. It is in the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and the system in force there, together with an alleged lack of supervision, that the committee apparently nds so much to condemn ; the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, appears to have passed through the inquiry


Professor D. J.




F. R. S. Ed. (Pathology and Bacteriology) ; Dr. R. Milne Murray, F.R.S. Ed. (Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children), Professor Ralph Stockman, F.R.S. Ed. (Chemistry, Pharmacy, Botany, and Zoology). SURGEON-GENERAL TOWNSEND, C.B., A. M.S. This officer, who it will be remembered was severely wounded at Tweebosch, will, it is understood, soon take up his duties. He has been principal medical officer with Lord Methuen’s force, with which he did much hard and excellent service, since the war began, having embarked from England with the staff of the lst Division.

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Colonel W. Donovan, C.B., now in South Africa, is ,appointed Principal Medical Officer at Hong-Kong. Lieutenant Craig is appointed for duty in the NorthWestern District, and Lieutenant Cotterell to Bulford Camp,


Eye) ;

Anatomy and Physiology); Professor R. Calder Leith,

THE ROYAL MILITARY TOURNAMENT. Royal Military Tournament at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, will close its doors on June 5th. The entertainment as a whole shows this year a great improvement on those of previous years and no one who is able to visit the Tournament should fail to do so.


The annual Ambulance Challenge Shield Competition of the Volunteer Medical Association will be held this year at the Guildhall on June 7th, at 3 o’clock. The honorary secretary of the association, we are informed, has with the officer commanding the London companies of the Royal Army Medical Corps (Volunteers) for the board and lodging at their headquarters, Calthorpe-street, Gray’s Inn-road, of squads coming from the provinces for the competition. Further information can be obtained from Surgeon-Major J. J. de Z. Marshall, honorary secretary, Shortwood, Teddington, S.W. The report by the Central British Red Cross Committee on Voluntary Organisations in Aid of the Sick and Wounded during the South African War has been issued in the form of a Blue-book. It consists of some 200 foolscap pages and contains several well-executed plans and photographs. Inspector-General Sir Henry F. Norbury, Director-General of the Royal Navy Medical Department, will be present at the Sanitary Institute coronation dinner on June 2nd at the Midland Grand Hotel.


Correspondence. ..

Audi alteram partem."

THE WILLIAM SMYTH MEMORIAL FUND. To the Editors of THE LANCET. SiRS,—Would you kindly allow me the courtesy of the columns of THE LANCET to enable me to thank the medical profession for their great kindness to me and my family in connexion with Dr. Smyth’s death ? My heart is too full of gratitude for me adequately to express my feelings and I can only say I shall never forget the generosity of my dear husband’s colleagues in the affliction that so suddenly came upon us. I use the columns of THE LANCET as the most effective means of reaching the medical profession. I am. Sirs. vours sincerelv. E. M. SMYTH. Burton Port, co. Donegal, May 26th, 1902.


DEATHS IN THE SERVICES. To the Editors of THE LANCET. Surgeon-Colonel Samuel Archer, A.M.S. (retired), at SIRS,—I have pleasure in answering the query of your corre’Rapallo, Italy, aged 68 years. He joined the army as Assistant- spondent "Pes"" in THE LANCET of May 24th, p. 1498, as to the in in in became 1858, 1873, Surgeon-Major Surgeon Surgeon reason why I I scrofula " is retained in the new official list of 1873, Brigade-Surgeon in 1887, and retired eight years later. ’He served with the 101st Fusiliers in the campaign in the causes of death, a copy of which appeared in a recent number’ THE LANCET. The reason is that the term "scrofula." North-West Frontier of India in 1863 (medal), including the of as distinct from tuberculosis, is in common use by medical of the and of Conical Hill destruction storming Umbeylah not a few of whom (including certain physicians and ! (medal with clasp). In the Nile Campaign 1884-85 he was men, in charge of the field hospital at Korti (medal with clasp and surgeons of eminence) still believe the conditions which these Khedive’s star). He was in medical charge at Wady Halfa terms imply to be distinct. Without presuming to dogmatise on the question I may perhaps quote in justification of my -and of lines of communication to Akasheh in the expedition conduct the following remarks by Professor Clifford Allbutt on the Soudan Frontier in 1885-86. in his "System of Medicine,vol. iv., p. 597 : "Whether EXAMINERS FOR THE INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE. scrofula is always due to the tubercle bacillus or always The Secretary of State for India has appointed the follow- associated with it is not yet decided. It seems probable ing gentlemen to be examiners for the Indian Medical that scrofula may arise by the agency of -microbes ,;.Service: Professor Clifford Allbutt, F. R. S. (Medicine and other than tubercles ; again, that, originatir’g indeTherapeutics) ; Mr. Howard Marsh (Surgery and Diseases of pendently of tubercle, on it tubercle may afterwards