BIRTHDAY HONOURS.-WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION BILL. 1172 who shall always be readily available during working hours ; where there are more than 150 perso...

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who shall always be readily available during working hours ; where there are more than 150 persons employed, there is to be an extra box or cupboard for every additional 150 employees. The other quta nimiil." proposal of interest concerns medical referees. Under the existing law, when employer and workman cannot agree as to the workman’s condition or fitness THE BIRTHDAY HONOURS. for employment, the registrar of a county court may ON the occasion of the King’s fifty-eighth birthday refer the matter to a medical referee on payment of the names of Dr. Hector William Gavin Mackenzie, a fee by the applicant. It is proposed to do away Senior Censor of the Royal College of Physicians of with the fee and to allow a reference on the applicaand John Prof. William Ritchie London, Simpson, tion of either subject to appeal to the judge. C.M.G., a member of the Colonial Advisory Medical Reference to aside, medical referee at present also takes and Sanitary Committee, appear in the list of honours place (under section 8 (1) (f) of the 1906 Act) if as Knights Bachelor, while Major-General Owen employer or workman is aggrieved by the action of Edward Pennefather Lloyd, V.C., C.B., retired pay, a certifying or other surgeon in giving or refusing a Colonel Commandant, R.A.Al.C., is promoted to certificate of disablement or in suspending or refusing K.C.B. In the same Order Surgeon Rear-Admiral to suspend a man from work. The Bill proposes becomes a as does C.B., Joseph Chambers, C.M.G., that the medical referee when deciding the matter also Colonel Walter Holland Ogilvie, C.M.G., I.M.S., shall also give a certificate (which shall be conclusive) Assistant Director of Medical Services, Presidency of as to the condition of the man at the time when he Assam District, India. Lieut.-Colonel Asher Leventon, examines him. I.M.S., Superintendent of the Campbell Medical This Government Bill, which received its second School and Hospital, Bengal; Lieut.-Colonel Thomas on May 30th, is to be distinguished from the reading Hunter, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Lucknow, United more comprehensive less practicable but and Lieut.-Colonel Robert McCarrison, Workmen’s Compensation politically Provinces ; Bill introduced by Mr. I.M.S., have been awarded the C.I.E. In the Royal J. H. Thomas on behalf of the Labour The Victorian Order Mr. Henry Linnington Martyn, main difference between the two is that party. the latter is F.R.C.S. Eng., and Mr. Francis Jeune Willans, a complete legislative embodiment of the recomEng., become Members of the Fourth Class, mendations of the Holman Gregory Committee, and in the Order of the British Empire Major and while the former is not. The Government Bill, for Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Ralph Bignell Ainsworth, D.S.O., the Committee’s recommendation ignores example, R.A.M.C.; Lieut.-Colonel Irvine Davys, I.M.S., Flight- of compulsory insurance and of the supervision by Lieut. Christopher Thomas O’Neill, Royal Air Force, the State of rates of premium, though it does include and Dr. Benjamin William Quartey-Papafio, Member the Committee’s as to the waiting period suggestions of the Legislative Coimcil of the Gold Coast Colony, and as to the extension of the Acts to shore fishermen, formerly Assistant Colonial Surgeon, are made London taxicab-drivers. golf-caddies, and so on. Officers, and Dr. (Miss) Agnes Henderson, Central The Bill is not the complete consolidation of the law Provinces, and Captain Antonelli Francisco Bartholo- for which we had hoped. Perhaps the law is not meu Saldanha, Members of the Order. Mr. yet stable enough. We seem still to be experimentOguntola Sapara,, L.R.C.P. Edin., medical officer, ing with a novel category of legal procedure in which, Nigeria, has been made a Companion of the Imperial at any rate from the employer’s point of view, Service Order. The list also includes the names of Mrs. is not in any way based upon fault. We Lilian Agness Starr, matron in charge of the C.M.S. liability observe that in treatises such as the useful and Mission Hospital, Peshawar, North-West Frontier well-documented survey of Accident Insurance by Province, who has been given a bar to the Kaisar-i- Mr. Baker Welford, which has just reached us,l Hind Medal, and Miss W. J. Meiklejohn, nursing learned authors are cautiously confining themselves superintendent at the General Hospital, Rangoon, to the search for fixed principles rather than to the who receives the medal, and Miss Winifred Mary textual interpretation of statutes which as yet resist

Annotations. ..


Aldridge, senior nursing sister, Queen Alex-

andra’s Military Nursing Service for India ; Mrs. crystallisation. Rose Lilian Vincent, M.B.E., who become Officers of THE ODOUR OF THE URINE. the Order of the British Empire, and Mr. Claude SINCE 1919 Dr. Emilio Pittarelli has been engaged R. Grice, Personal Assistant to the Director of Health Services, Iraq, and Alice Mary McClure,in investigations with the object of determining to substances the odour of the urine is due. Most acting matron of the Mosul Civil Hospital, Iraq, who what text-books of physiology or clinical chemistry have become Members of the Order. We offer our very vague on this matter. Nessler’s congratulations to all who have thus been honoured. hitherto been reagent, which gives a red-brown precipitate as a test for ammonia, has been found also to give a greenish-yellow precipitate with normal urine preTHE WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION BILL. viously purified by a mixture of corrosive sublimate SOME weeks ago we commented upon the judicial and bicarbonate of soda. When such urine is disincrustations which have been allowed to restrict tilled an unknown, or imperfectly known, substance the award of workmen’s compensation where the to volatilise at 60-70° C., but completely begins ’’ accident " is of the nature of disease. The Govern- leaves the urine only at the boiling point. The disment’s new Workmen’s Compensation Bill does tillation must be made in an acid medium to prevent something to widen the basis of awards. It proposes preformed ammonia and that formed during boiling inter alia that accidents resulting in the death or passing into the distillate. Phosphoric acid is preferserious and permanent disablement of a workman able to obviate the impurities met with in hydroshall be deemed to arise " out of and in the course chloric and sulphuric acids. The distillation is of " his employment, notwithstanding that he acted complete when it amounts to at least one-quarter of in contravention of any statutory or other regulation the urine. The chief characteristics of the distillate or of any orders given by his employer or without are-a limpid colourless fluid of intense urinous instructions from his employer, if such act was done odour, neutral to all reagents. It is not precipitated by the workman for the purpose of and in connexion by alkalis or acids nor with the bicarbonate and with his employer’s trade or business. Medical sublimate mixture ; it does not react with Fehling, practitioners will be interested in two other pro- nor give the dia,zo-reaction in neutral or acid media ; visions included in the Bill. One is the proposal that no apparent change takes place with salts of silver, in every factory (unless there is already a proper cadmium, iron, lead, mercury, or zinc. With Nessler’s ambulance room with arrangements for the immediate 1 The Law Relating to Accident Insuranse. By A. W. Baker treatment of injuries) there shall be a first-aid box 1923. London: Butterworth. Welford, Barrister-at-Law. or cupboard under the charge of a responsible person Pp. 652 and 54. 35s. _____
