314 THE WORTHING EPIDEMIC. present day is too exacting for any but the Thorne Thorne had given him a memorandum, advising-first, and the most unempl...

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present day is too exacting for any but the Thorne Thorne had given him a memorandum, advising-first, and the most unemployed men. There are very that an effort should be made to exclude the recently acquired few men, having business of their cwn to attend to, who water from the general supply; secondly, that the town can stand the work of Parliament from three in the aftercouncil should be guided by their engineer as to the advantage noon till twelve at night without breaking down. Mr. to be gained by concreting the outside of a main sewer passing Gladstone is no rule ; he is in some respects-we are speaking, near the works ; and adding, thirdly, that he did not anticiof course, medically-a dangerous exception. There is, we pate that any material advantage would result from an attempt believe, one instance in French history of a leading states- to lower the general level of the water in the wells by continued man, Cardinal Fleury, who served his king up to the age of pumping operations. The attempt to stop the Bssure has so, ninety ; and, if our memory does not deceive us, Lord Lynd- far faile’1, the body of water flowing in being too great to hurst, whilst verging on his ninetieth year, made a stirring enable the divers to get at the desired point. In the meanspeech in the House of Lords on a subject which was time, the authorities are arranging to abandon their present agitating the public mind at the time it was delivered.; but waterworks and to go further afield for a new supply, and there is no similarity in the circumstances. Mr. Gladstone is the Local Government Board have held a local inquiry doing what perhaps no other man in the history of States has as to a loan of ot3000 to purchase the necessary land. done, and he is misleading men of ordinary capacity into Arrangements have also been made for storing in large thinking that they can do the same. The air of the House- tanks a supply of water from West Worthing, and handbills whatever the scientific value of the ventilation-is not "the have been issued urging people to boil the water from the Then, in addition to want of air mains of the Worthing corporation before using it. How long open air of heaven." and want of space, there are the temperature, so to speak, of the existing source of pollution will remain in operation it is discussion and the tension of highly strung men greatlyimpossible to say, and the habitual disuse of the implicated differing in opinion. It is not we, in our medical capacity, water, except when boiled, happily does away with any means who testify that these influences are exercising a dele-of proof that it is still potent for harm ; the bacteriological terious influence on the members of the House ofresearches, which have been renewed, will doubtless help to Commons ; it is the Speaker who says that the deteriora- decide this question. Every effort is being made by means of tion of members in health is evident from day to day improvised hospitals to give such help to the sick as is pracand that he sees men gradually becoming degenerate. He ticable, and public aid is being sought financially in order to has been told by a Cabinet Minister-a peer-that he can assist the poorer portions of the population who are sufferers. recognise members of the House of Commons "by their from the epidemic. pallid countenances" and can distinguish at a glance SECTARIANISM IN HOSPITALS. between members of the House of Lords and of the And yet the nation expects from House of Commons. THE town of Rugby and the Hospital of St. Cross in the members of this very House all that is"wisest, dishave been the seat of a sharp storm in referparticular, creetest, best." It is the height of unreason to expect good ence to the old question of prcselytising. The hospital legislation under such absurd conditions. When everybody was founded munificently by Mr. R. H. Wood, whom all else is packing up and starting for a holiday the unhappy parties agree in lauding as a liberal and beneficent man. members of this great assembly are contemplating staying It appears that a year or more ago three nurses saw fit at Westminster till the end of September and thereafter to become Roman Catholics and they and their clergy an autumn session. We do not believe that the event of were charged by the founder of the hospital and by outlast week, which everybody is heartily ashamed of, would siders with having used their position to proselytise. The have happened under healthy conditions of work. We are were accused of proselytising the nurses and the clergy convinced-with no reference to existing circumstances-that nurses and the lady visitor of proselytising the patients. the greatest mistakes in legislation are made when most of So strongly were these charges averred before the board the members are half asleep or in need of their holidays. The that resolutions were passed in July of 1892 prohibiting nation itself should speak out and order an early evacuation the admission of all Roman Catholic priests except the and ventilation of the Houses of Parliament in order that Rev. Father Richmond, or, in his absence, the Rector of members might take the Speaker’s advice and go to LeamingSt. Marie’s College, and limiting the admission of the lady ton to drink its waters, or to Lord’s to play cricket, or anyThese visitor to the hours set apart for public visitors. where so long as they abandon for a few months the attempts resolutions were strongly resented by the Roman Catholic. to expedite legislation as they would never think of expediting who declared that there was not the slightest their private business. And even all this would not avail much clergy, The charges, for them, and they were rescinded. if they did not contrive on their return to work for fewer hours, ground were revived by Mr. Wood before the board, and however, in larger premises and with more definite purpose. Legislano specific acts were proved, the board, by a majority tion is like all other kinds of work-it needs to be done by though of eight to six, passed the following resolution on May llth healthy men, and under proper conditions as to health and rest. last : "That in future no Roman Catholic nurse or servant be The quality of it is infinitely more important than its mere and that any nurses or servants becoming Roman amount or the number of Bills in which it is formulated. engaged, " Catholics be requested to send in their resignation. The resoWe most earnestly endorse the Speaker’s prescriptions for the lution was afterwards confirmed by the board. This strong assembly which he has served so well. measure could not be expected to remain unchallenged and accordingly an influentially signed requisition for a public THE WORTHING EPIDEMIC. meeting was presented to the board. The report of this meetTHE view as to the source of the pollution of the water which ing is before us and is very interesting. What we may call the has given rise to the serious epidemic at Worthing, to which we accusing party stayed away from the meeting, and a resolution referred last week, is evidently shared by the local authorities was passed unanimously asserting that the resolution of the and others. It is that during the construction of additional board on May llth was not in accordance with the unsectarian " The works in the spring a fissure was opened which brought into character of the hospital and ought to be rescinded. the adit and the wells a large body of water which was con- Roman Catholic clergy gave the stoutest denial to the charges taminated by surface drains and sewers. The town clerk of using undue influence and of proselytising, and seemed announced at a recent meeting of the town council that, as to agree that if such charges could be made good the the result of a conference of the Local Government Board, Dr. resolution of May llth would have been justified. Lord Denment at the


