The x-ray as treatment for sterility

The x-ray as treatment for sterility

Vogt, E.: New Geburtzhilfe and Gyn&ologir, Pacts uud Problems 1993, in lsii, Sperm Immunity. 1\Ioll:rrsschri Ct cn noted of prep:nal~p,y afte...

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Vogt, E.: New Geburtzhilfe

and Gyn&ologir,

Pacts uud

Problems 1993,

in lsii,






By sperm immunit,y is meant the production of tcnlporary sterility by means intravenous or intraper.itit’ cstragenit,al introtluctiorl of sperm (subcutaneous, tonoal). From animal espcrimentation, hypotheses are made concerning sperm immunity in the human ant1 thcsc elucitlnic certain cases of othcrwisc uncsplainahle sterility. From obarrvations on animals it has been shown that sperm is absorbed chiefly by the uterine mucosa, while absorpt,ion from the vagina, tubes or peritoneum hlas :lot been proved. There is anatomical and biological proof that the wealth of glands in the utcrinc cndomclrium serve f,or more than the imbedding of an ovum. In dogs Marschall has seen sperm not only in the uterine cavity, but also deep in the gl#ands. Jn sheep and in guinen,pigs the sperm immecliately enters the uterine cavity and not the vagina. In mice, sperm cells are autolyzcd within S hours after emission and the uteCne mncosa resembles tonsillar i;issue. Since only One spermatozoon is necessary for fertilization, spermatoz.oa with their high degree of differentint,ion and marked not simply disappear but. are absorb&. In recent times many been’ reported which are nt,tributed to the biological activitic,s sperm. While this may be tuuo, Vogt believes that some of the ‘he’ explained by vasomotor a&vi+, by psychic or psychosexual J. :Linzenmeier : logic, 1922,

The X-ray as Treatment xxsis, 1560.




rest of the specificity do phenomena have of tho absorbed phc,nomena msy influences. P. GFXEXTIILI,.




Linzenmeier &dmits the paradox of using a method for the treatment of sterility but cla%ls that a difference -which was formerly uz#ed to promote the same conditi’on, in dose has a markedly different &feet upon the follielcs of the ovary. A woman, aged 26, who On acoount of profuse Reports’ are given of two cases: bleeding at her periods and severe dysmenorrhea, ultimately came for treatment with x-ray, and One year later ga\-e birth to a perfectly normal healthy child. The second case was a woman, married three years without children, who fsor twelve years had suffered from menetruation every fourteen day?‘, profuse and very painful. She, too, had been treated ineffectually in t!le usual ways, rest in bed, hot injections, gland extracts, and e~w~tnally with folmalin vapor. Eventually she was treated with deep x-ray. One year later she gave birth. to a :normd child, and, indeed, was eight m~onths pregnant for the second time at the time of the report. Linzenmeier notes the association of sterility with altered men&ruation, and offers the suggestion that the alteration in the uterine mucosa is due to a too quick ripening of the follicles. With the slower rate of ripening the menstruati~on becamo more normal and conception was possible. The radiation of human beings seems not to have resulted in the tendency to fetnl abnormality noted in the l#ower animals. Eight earlier cases in the literature have br>cn noted of prep:nal~p,y after these treatments without abnormality. LITTLE. Guggenberger, schrift fiir An

J.: The Geburtshilfc

Vialibility of Hnma.n Spermatozoa und GynBkologie, 192-0, lix, 22.

attempt was made to study It was found that bacteria fore, in doing artificial insemination tained. While there are bacteria cessfully reach the uterine cavity view.




slpermatozoa ill ~it7.0 from a practical point of destroy the motility of spermatozoa and, thereit is essential that sterile spermatozoa be obin the vagina, the few spermatozoa which sueare free of bacteria. This is due first. to the