The Indian government is to establish four software parks at Pune (near Bombay), Bunneswar, Bangalore and Chandigarh. The software park at Pune will be equipped with a direct satellite link to U.S. cities and the main business of this and other parks will be to write software for export, primarily to the U.S. but also,
set up four software eventually, to Japan and Europe. Exports are expected to reach US $300 million after 5 years. The Department of Electronics (DOE) is identifying potential foreign customers and has been organizing seminars and a specific Indo-U.S. software network to establish India’s advantages and capabilities in this
Prof. Gerard R. Marshall announced as 1988 ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry Award Winner in Medicinal Chemistry Prof. Marshall of the department of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, is a pioneer of the use of computer graphics and molecular modelling in medicinal chemistry. Marshall developed the use of computer programs that display spatial models of drug receptors, aiding the use of
computer methods in the synthesis of drugs. He is editor-in-chief of the new Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. Molecular graphics is likely to play a major role in the organic chemical laboratory of the future. Chemometricians may be familiar with various pattern recognition approaches to quantitative structure-
Theophilus Redwood lecture delivered by Prof. Bruce R. Kowalski, Hull, U.K., 4 April 1989 The Analytical division of the U.K.‘s Royal Society of Chemistry awarded the 1988 Theophilus Redwood lectureship to Prof. B.R. Kowalski of Washington State Uni-
versity. The lecture was delivered at a session of the RSC annual chemical congress (4-7 April 1989) devoted to Process analysis and information management. Other lectures included
field. Other initiatives include the encouragement of computer manufacturers to set up subsidiaries in India and take advantage of the cheaper cost of labour in India and rapid satellite links to major U.S. and European headquarters. Officials of the DOE say that India could become one of the world’s major software producers by the end of 1900.
activity relationships (QSAR). In fact at the moment probably more organic and medicinal chemists are familiar with molecular graphics approaches which provide output that is more directly comprehensible to the chemists schooled in traditional discipline. However the area of structure-activity relationships is likely to be one in which both statistically based chemometric approaches and more traditional but better established computational chemical approaches such as those pioneered by Marshall have complementary roles to play.
D. Betteridge (BP), J.R.P. Clarke (ICI), R.M. Belchamber (BP), R. Jowitt (British Steel), J.H. Scrivens (ICI), J.D. Green (BP), T.W. Kyffin (UK Atomic Energy Authority), A.M.C. Davies (Oxford Analytical), F. Sweeting (Wessex Water Authority) and K. Leiper (Glaxo).