Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A318 (1992) 834-838 North-Holland
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ent for a new focusing wiggler
K. Mima a, T. Okazaki b, S. Sato ", Y. Tsunawaki d, K. Imasaki e, T. Akiba ", S. Kuruma `', M. Naruo e, Y. Hosoda ", Y. Kawata c, A. Kobayashi 1, S. Nakai a and C. Yamanaka °~ Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka Unirersity, 2-6 Yantada-oka Suita, Osaka 565, Japan Stunitonto Elec. Ind., Osaka, Japan Mitsubishi Elec. Ind., Itand. Japan `t Osaka Satt fo UnirersiM Osaka, Japan Institute for Laser Teclinolof, Osaka, Japan K Steel Ltd., Osaka, Japan
Presented are the theoretical analysis and an experiment on a new wigglerwhich has a focusing field and tapering by a movable electromagnet . The electron beam propagation experiments show that a high emittance electron beam propagates with a relatively small beam radius . The gain for this wiggler is also investigated by the 3D FEL simulation code FUELNDES. l. Ininduction Recently, several designs of wigglers with focusing magnetic fields have been proposed [1-31. Some of them have the difficulty of a reduction of the gain because the transverse wiggler field is nonuniform. In this paper, we propose a new wiggler design which includes focusing forces in both horizontal and vertical directions and the wiggler field tapering by an additional electromagnet . The optimum beam radius which gives the maximum gain should be approximately A we /2-.r 2, where E is the normalized emittance and Aw the wiggler period. This requires that the betatron oscillation period A,, determined by the focusing force has to be yA w. This means that a stronger focusing force is required for a shorter wiggler period. For a fixed radiation wavelength A n , A ,3 /A w = (Aw/2A K-)1/-, where K is the wiggler parameter . Therefore, the focusing technique is in particular important for compact wigglers.
For a pitch angle 0 of an electron's wiggle motion and the edge angle a, the electron beam is focused on the axis horizontally when a > 0. However, the electron Table 1 Focusing conditions