Thermal Energy Storage

Thermal Energy Storage

Book Reviews The Solar Church, Jennifer A. Adams. The Pilgrim Press, New York, 1982, 288 pp: Cost $9.95. Several solar church projects are described ...

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Book Reviews

The Solar Church, Jennifer A. Adams. The Pilgrim Press, New York, 1982, 288 pp: Cost $9.95. Several solar church projects are described in this brief paperback. Solar energy systems are described for heating churches in cool and temperate zones where heating is a major concern. The book begins with a discussion of the various types of solar heating systems, both active and passive, and then considers solar heating systems that have been installed in 27 churches. The book is recommended to all who have an interest in the integration of solar energy systems into churches. A variety of systems are described for churches, ranging from conventional, cathedral-type architecture to more modern designs. Financing and construction aspects of some of these churches are presented, and several dozen black and white photographs are included. The book can be easily read by anyone; no mathematical or technical background is required. It is a practical well illustrated guide that can help church members evaluate solar energy options for their own churches.

Thermal Energy Storage, G. Beghi (Editor), J o i n t Research Center, Ispra, Italy. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1982, 497 pp: Cost $59.50.

Thermal Energy Storage is a compilation of lectures from a course held at the Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy, 1--5 June 1981. Since thermal energy storage is an important component of a variety of present and future energy systems, the lspra course was aimed at bringing together experts to describe the current status of the development of thermal storage systems. The 1st paper by Kurti (University of Oxford, U.K.) provides a brief overview of energy sources and related storage systems. The following paper (Mancani and Simone) presents an analytical model of sensible heat storage. Abhat (University of Stuttgart, Germany) revirws heat of fusion storage materials and heat exchangers for low temperature latent heat storage in the temperature range 0-120°C. Van Velzen of the Joint Research Center at Ispra then describes methods of storing and transporting heat utilizing reversible chemical reactions at moderate to high temperatures. Hydrogen production and storage is surveyed by Michel Pottier (Paris) who describes several major electrolysis projects. The following paper by Marsily, also of ParAs, presents a good overview of the problems and prospects for thermal storage in aquifers. A rather detailed analysis of thermal storage in solar ponds is presented by Harry Tabor of Israel, and the Swedish investigator, Gunnar Wettermark, describes the use of regenerators and phase change materials for industrial applications. The paper on thermal energy storage for peaking power generation by Gilli and Beckmann (Austria) describes several approaches to storing off-peak power with both conventional and nuclear power plants. The theory and practice of heat transmission using hot water pipes is presented by Sven Hedvig of Denmark. His 2 papers are followed by a discussion of metal hydrides for heat storage (Bernauer and Buchner), and the use of heat pumps in connection with thermal storage systems is discussed by Vanderree (Netherlands). The last 3 papers give overviews of solar thermal storage (Mustacchi and Cena, Italy), Zegers (Commission of the European Communities), and Swisher and Frier (U.S.D.O.E.). The DOE paper describes their thermal energy storage program in 1981, which was funded at a level of $50 million that year. This compilation of papers could serve as a useful reference for those with interests in the spectrum of thermal


storage systems. Some of the papers are quite theoretical and a knowledge of advanced mathematics (calculus, differential equations) is recommended. The reviewer was impressed with the great breadth of topics covered in this text and the overall quality of the papers. The book contains 497 pages and includes several hundred references.

Treatise on Solar Energy--Vol. 1: Fundamentals of Solar Energy, H. P. Garg. Wiley, Sussex, England, 1982, 587 pp: Cost £24.50 STG. This book is the first of a planned 3 volume series on solar energy; this volume considers the fundamentals of solar energy utilization. It covers the topics of world energy resources, solar radiation, fundamentals of heat transfer, optical properties of materials, radiation characteristics of ~urfaces, and fiat plate solar collectors. The 1st chapter on world energy resources includes a tabulation of worldwide oil and natural gas reserves as well as hydroelectric potential and uranium reserves. The 2nd chapter leads into a discussion of solar radiation--the calculation of its availability and its measurement. This chapter is similar to solar radiation chapters of other popular texts used in engineering and science courses on solar energy. It includes one of the best presentations (complete with photographs) of the various types of solar radiation measuring instruments that this reviewer has seen in a textbook. The following chapters on the optical and thermal analysis of solar collectors provide the basic theoretical background needed for the final 2 chapters on liquid heating and air heating fiat plate solar collectors. The book is well written and quite thorough in its presentation. It is at a level of a senior engineering text or graduate text for solar energy courses; however, the lack of problems and examples would limit its usefulness as a primary classroom text. It is unfortunate that problem sets are not included, otherwise the series of 3 books (when complete) could be ideal for a 1 year sequence of college solar energy courses. Even without the problems, it can still serve as a useful reference for serious students of solar thermal processes.

Solar Cells--What You Always Wanted to Know, Robert J. Laws. Enslow, Hillside, New Jersey, 1983, 127 pp: Cost $10.95. This book is a brief introduction to photovoltaic applications presented in a question-and-answer format. It includes 76 pages plus several appendices, one of which is a glossary of technical terms. No technical background is required for the reader to gain an understanding of the principles described therein. The figures are simple and easy to cGmprebend. However, this reviewer found the question/answer format to be somewhat bothersome and some of the answers less than useful. For example, the following question is asked regarding future cost decreases of photovoltaic systems: "Is it possible to say how much the cost will decrease each year?" The answer given is "No, not with accuracy, but this new industry is moving rapidly." I would have anticipated a somewhat more definitive answer based on historical trends of photovoltaic systems prices. The book is clearly written but at a very elementary level. It may be useful for some as a basic introduction for nontechnical people who would like to learn something about how to assemble photovoltaic systems. However, the book