chemical Physics 8 (1975) 436-431 o Norm-Holland Publishing Company
I. Introduction
A pumping (or excitation) process can irmcasenot onlythe energy but also the entropy of the activelass
is appropriate for 3 laser operating at 3 v~njsflingfy small gain. Tftc second factor, which is below unirg. is due to the need to dissipate the entropy production which is inherent in an operation at a finite gain. A pimple thermodynamic system which exhibits these fe;trures is a heat pump [I j . Consider a device whicft extracts fxat QP at a high temperature Tp snJ delivers the heat QL at a negative temperalure T, whllc rejecting heat (Qp - Q ) 3t a temperature T, Td T Application of the se&d law (ZQ/T> 0) immzdi&ly shows that the efficiency (Q,_/Q ) for revcrstblc aperd* lion is (I - T/T )/( I - T/T,_). &r aim is to obtain the efficiency fr$m considerations of the population of the different enrrgy levels, so that chemical (2nd other. non.optical) pumping processes can be considered as well. Such an approach is complementsry to tilt treatment of such processes using kinetic equations.
medium. The need to dissipate the entropy generated in the pumping process limits tie efliciency withwhich pure work (i.e., collimated monochromatic fight) c3n be delivered by thelaser.Thetlle~ody~~ic efficiency isdefinedin general, 3s the frxrion of the f~eatabsorbed by the system which is not pumped out of the system during the cyclic operation (rl = Zi{qi - Qj)lX,q,.. Here 9j and (Ij, are the heat inpur and heat output b the ith stage ot the process). For our purpose, the more limited (lsothzrmal) definition 3s the frnction of the energy provided by the pumping process which is available 3s irer energy of the active medium, 9 = .4hl&,, will sufIke. (With this definirion one can treat both phpsicaf and chemical pumping processes.) It is shown that the efficiency (for a reproducible cycle of operations) isa product of WCI factors. One, the pumpins efficiency, 2. The pumping entropy *
‘fle diverse pumping processes that can be etnpW?d share a common ch~r~cterjs[fc. The net effect of tk pumping is a change in the population of the energ!’
levels of the active medium, such that the mean energy
of the medium is higher. An important distribution
of the population
of the
is that when operating
lmdcr controlled conditions tho resulting distnbutlon is r~prodllcib~e. The distribution oi the population of the energy levels can therefore bc chxncteriacd entropy
by an
IfPi iS LllCiraction i.If the systznis where
the quantum state i is occupied, the entropy S is (k is ~o~t~nl~n~7.s constant)
s = -k27jP, Ill P,. and the ~1~3n~e in entropy when the prob~bii~tiej are changed by dP, is readily found to bt (using the condition
that the probabilities
The corresponding
xc norrnxlwxl)
change in the nwn
cncrgy (k’) IS
The only posstbility for 3 ~A~ngc in MY which IS not accompanied by 2 change in S is when sll the probsbilitiesPt are equal. In this cast the norrllallzation condition implicsdS=O.
X simple esample is optical pumping. by LLthermal sowet, between two levels oi energy I:, and E3, hp =
E, - E, (dp = dp, = -dP, ). Then. the entropy ctwn~~ upon pumping tj given by d.S, = -4 In W3fPi 1 df 2nd. il’th2 mean energy is known GIII be characterized
50 that the populations
by a tcnipcratur~
sty. Tp
Up = dS+dP = (E3 - Et )/7’,.
As T -L + -, A!? - 0 3s expected. WC 31s~ note for futt& reference rhat for the downward tnnsition. dP = -dp3 = dp, , the entropy decrertses il‘Tp is posrtrve but increases if Tp is negative. it IS possible to estrdct pure work out of 3 system at ;1 negotiuc temperature
but this process will be ~~~o~~p3~j~d by cnrrtlp~’ pro. ductinn escept when the teR~pera&ure IS just above + m (i.e., at - -), that is when P3 = P, . The concept
ofa negative
as 3 param.
L’tt‘r of the distribution of the population of energy levels is valid not only ior two levels or for 3 sysrem of equally spaced levels [3]. Very extensive document+ tion has been presented Id-61 to show the cspcrimen, ~1 validity of this concept in chemical pumping. The
311d U, is positive only wheninversion(p? > P, )
4. The entropy cycle
The Following three situations WI arise in Wnls of
the capacity AS,, of the entropy sink. (a) 11does not suflice to harldlc the entropy Pieratrd in the pumping process, Asp > u,!. in ihis CW one cannot e.utnc: pm work w of the system or. in other words. it will not 14s~.It may weil however flueresee, and the rml:ted light will be non-cohcmt and ~111carry ma) the “estr3” entropy [S] a, - s,, I (b) .Ls,, = AS,. This is Ihe thermodynamic lhrcshold condition for lamg. All the entropy t;“nCr”N in Ihe pumpingSt+ 1x1s besnranovc’d during tht? ht3t transfer to the inert medium. The CWCSSCtWg)l kft jr1 t]g active 1nC~j~~~1 can br‘a[racitd 3s pnrc work. Consider ;I three level system where the punlpillg corresponds IO the I + 3 tra&iun the sink to the 3 - 2 transition and lasing to the 7, + I transi:ion. WChave from cq. (2) tha ior :his S~SIW
(c) Finally. if ASP< S,,.
f, >P, and rile laser
operatcr 31:a fina? gain. (decall”~ha~,by definition.
the gam is proportional to P, - P, .) When the laser is opersting 3t 3 finite g”in, AS, < 2+. The origin of the “csccss” entropy AA’,! - 1s which is ~~~~~fCfrC~INI of the actkc medium is clcaf This is the untrupy generated during 111~ lass en~issiol~ due to thu excess (P, > P, ) of the population of the upper level. A direct-computation of 111~change in entropy duz to the 2 - 1 transition readily proves this. For the three level system WL’ obtain direclly from cq. (2) using dP = -tiPz = dp,
have thus SIIWII that in 3 closed q~[e of operation (no net ckmge in the population ofan): one of the three ievek) the entropy removed from the active medium during the dissipation stage (AS,,) cquais the entropy wwatcd in the nIedjurn during the pumping (So) and Wt emission (A!$_) st;fges. _ILI$is always posrtive We
113sbeen achieved, Eq, (8) provides 3 st;lte&nt of the entropy balance, during the cyclic operation of a 1~s~~ (as an ;Implifier). The proof for ;LgcneraJ system is readily constructed using eq. (7) when we note thar for 3 cycIic operation the net change in any P, is neccssarily zero
dFi=o. 3” implying the xtme for both dE and dS.
5. The thermod~nsmic cfficieac~
For a three level system with an isollaernl~l bink vx hsve that 31 the tlte~I~dy[l~rnic threshold
whare WCused eq. (3) and $., = E, - E, . This equ& the Cxnoi efficiency [ 1.(I] . Ccrnsider now different operating conditions resulting irr -lSbl > A$,- (This cm be achieved, ia 3 tJmx level system, by cooling down the medium (lSil = (E,, -,E,~/T) itr by increasing the tcn~per~ture of tile pumpmg II& (ASP = ‘“lp/T ) or both.) This IS nemsary OHthe practical groun Qs of achieving 3 finite g~ie. The rffioicncy is no longer given by cq. (9). Rather. ii T, is the (negative) temperature characterising the ratio &/‘I’, we have that AS, = -EL/TL so t11~ rt” (1- T~T~)~(l --T/TL).
AsTL-)- m,(IO)reduces to (9). The redu~~ioii III rhc eflicienc~ below the limiting value is due to thy’eutru~~ production 4,/T, inherent in an operstion wlIcrL\ 7’,_is negative. For chemical pumping the “hottest” reported [3,6] temperatures are about - to3 K $0 11~ taking T= 300 K the redtrcrion WI reach aonaislsl (albeit also non-serious) values. In general. one can express rhe ef~ciency. for is+ thermal operation. 3s r/=(1 -TAs&)lfl
The numerator in (i 1) is the efficiency of tk pun]pW process (17,) while the denominator is the reducfion factor due to the finite gain operation. In the ~~31 operation of the laser there are various loss me~~nrsn~s (e.g., r~d~~t~onlesstrclnsitions between the liIs@ Iesek
cavity losses, etc.j which funherreduce tbu cfficicncp. Thet-modynamlcs, which IS concerned with a Cyclic optration,
it” round
all those systems
the Cycle. Howcvcr,
in a phenomenological
the following
fail 10 *‘m&e
such losses can be Introfashion,
3s discussed
The equ&t)r
in (I 3) p rovi&s
t/w mitlinul
ofsysfcrns in the upper ICWI nwdcd iu order to maintain a givengain under given opcrating conditions. (RL\call that the gain is proportIonal to IIIC populat~c~n CLccss [lo] , Atr, and that the operatmg condltlons d+ termmc
the magnitude
uf LSp.znd
-1s,t .)
In other words. an cntirc range of va!ucs of rr? IS LOW 6. Thermodywmic
The thermodynamic the magnitude
G x,,
gain operation
(S) serves to limit
sign refers
loss processes
section losses.
on the photon
of other
one Can introduce
one must
in lhc emitting
Eq. (13) provides 3 lower bound OII IIIIS
U’hcn thC threshold
in eq. (l3),
3 firutr
hold condition
for /I?. the number
in the emitling
Fig. 2 illustrates
[IO]. Ii I,, and II,
for king
one aspect
to make
It 1s not possible
the equality
sign Corresponds
tion. .L\ plor of this r&ion
is show
to 3 cyclic in fig.
possible. X,
one needs to operate at 3 high AS,.
< AS,,
eraI. the pumpmg
3s low 3s Since
csaminc the el’licicncy 3s 3 function For low values ofG, rl ^c ‘1,. Ilowineificicnt
lo xhicvc pumpmg.
must cxcccd
h5C A c y 3c”
of cavltj
ol‘fhc rhcrmodynank
the ratio 11,/1rr
ever. as G mc‘rcascs. 1.
oi systems
in the prcscncc
of G = U’,_/_!J,,
(I 2) - Up)K]
AII~, IS uwd
it provides a practical thcrmody11~mic
From (7) and
a I/{1 - csp[-_(+
by the
OII chb
3rcthe populations in the upper arid lotwr kwls of Llw 1;1scrtransirioll then 111 = 11, - /I, must cxczcrl 3 thrcshold value AU B AIM, iiosch~~o~~s arc to bc mainlamcd.
for cxumplc.
cal lasers, CL)
The in-
for the possibility
into the thermodynamic
Due to cavity oi populxion
to a cyclic
to allow
which are, thus I’ar, not included:
Show in the next loss processes
Icvcl. (Due.
to the upper
to limitations
pumping source or 10 UK dcnslty limitallons
sign serves
sistcnt with 3 given Arr = jr2 -- 11~ (and hcncc wrth d glvcn gain). Our aim is not only 10 insure th3t Jrr > Jr/,,, but also to achicvc this. with the Icast number of sysrcms
for given pumping
is feasible
The equality equality
2nd dissipation
for finite
1.0 05 EFFlClENCY
Ihc In gcn-
The change in entropy when the populations of levels 7, and I change by I%‘= -dp, = df’, is now given by
equations and loss term
In this section we introduce an “undesirable” term, a radiationless transition at t!!e king Thus
the fraclion p of systems
reach the upper
by photon emission. A treslment
laser level decay
this simple situation by
the rare equations
1I l] readily demonstrates that the efficiency is p(E,_/EJ. Briefly, the argument is as follows. Let 11’ be the rate ot‘photon absorption, and b be the rate of the (essential) radiationlsss transition from the pumped level to the lasing level. fig. 3. Then dPJdt
= #‘(P, - Pj) - KP3,
where we ignored spontaneous
kr and knr are
(14) emissiun.
the rates I;)r emission
1 = p In P2P, I+ (1 - P>In (p2P, 1
where the first term is the contribution king
process, the balance being made
term. Since JSi,_, q AS,, - ilciPJwe have verified that due to the loss process, tiL IS dimmishcd [cf. cq. (19-N
The efficiency in the presence of loss is a modified form of (6) where now the entropy dissipated is borh XY,, 3nd (I - p) In (PI/PI ). Explicitly qY = 1 - V/Ep)tA.S,, f (1 - PI In (PI/PI
Using (4). (5) and (IO) we have
and non-radiative
decay of the upper Iasing kvel
dP,ldt = A’ps - (kl + kJPy In the rate
p = kr/(knr
•t I$).
The efficizwy
of the
up by the lois
p is detinrd
Here 9 is the limiting (no losses) thermodynamic cicncy, eq. ( IO). The thermodynamic approxh therefore handle also the loss processes.
in the presence of loss, TI<, can now be
expressed as P, = [$PjW,
In obtaining the second form of?+ steady
- P3)l(ELIEp)=P!EL/~~).
to the thermodynamic
we have used the
of the rate equations.
We turn now
In the thermodynamic
trcstment. the loss process corresponds to branching [I?]. The upper laser level (level 2) can decay ather through the radiative or the non-radiative path. Only the fraction p of all systems in level 2 WIII Iasse.Hence P, =pP, t (1 - p)F’,, where is the population in l&l 2 thit will parti;pate lasrng. The contribution of level 2 to the entropy now be espressed CIS
--P,I In P,” = -pP? In P, - (I -p)P,
in can
In P2.
The thermodynanGc
on laser
duced in the pumping (and lasing) process have been csamined. Special reference was paid to the need to dissipate the extra entropy produced during an opcration at a finite gain. It was shown that when this entropy could be effectively dissipated one cou!d XIIIC’W hi& gain without excessive pumping (cf. figs. I and 2). Applications of these concepts to chemical lasers is presented elsewhere [ 131. The thermodynamic
approach was compared TV 3
rate equations formulation. In the absence of losm. both require two independent parameters. These ah: two relative rates (say K/W and kr/W, cf. section 7) in the rate equation approach or T
and Tin the thfrmu. dynamic approach. The latter two !l ave however a more immediate physical significance and do not depend 011 3 mechanism assumed for, say. the non-radiative procfji. In the presence of a loss process both quire an additional parameter.
Lg. 3. Ra(c CO~SICIII~S in LI rhrwlsvcl
sgstcm with 3 loss process.
which stem from the need to dissipate the entropy pro-
approacllej E-
Acknowledgement We thank Professors C. Stein. S. Alexander and S. and Mr. R. Ko~lofi for usr?ful discussiotjs.
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