ThinFihz Chrornatogra~l~, by E- V_ TRUTER, Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd,. London, 1963, sii + zag pages, price 37/6. The book under review consists of about 100 pages describing thin-layer techniques and quantitative methods and about So pages of applications of thin-layer chromatography to various classes of compounds. The general part will be found adequate both for beginners and as a reference work. The applications are, however, only a selection and it is felt that the English edition of the book by E. ST_~HLis by far more detailed and comprehensive_ The author suggests 2%~~ Filon C/wo9n.a.togra~hy as a more apt name for what is known as thin-layer chromatography. It seems too late to change a name which is already so well established. Fm-thermore STAHL (at the symposium on thin-layer chromatography, May 1963, Rome) explained hi choice of the term ?hin layer”, that when talking about thin films one thinks rather also of the flexible nature of films while thin layer suggests correctly the rigid nature of the adsorbent layer employed. The book contains 2S2 references, an author and a subject index and only minor printing errors were noted by the reviewer_ J. Cimn~ra~og_.
44icrochemical TecltG(;ues, Proceedings, 1961 -International Symposium on, edited by N. D. CHERONIS,Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962, sviii + rxSx pages, price 300/-. There are few valid escuses for publishing the proceedings of a symposium almost two years late. Unfortunately one of them, namely the death of the editor, applies to this volume. The symposium was attended by numerous people thus the proceedings which give plenary lectures, original papers and discussions in full cover XISI pages. About IOO pages are papers on chromatographic techniques of which some have not lost their value yet. The round table discussion on chromatography is unfortunately reported in only one page and seems of little interest_ As the book contains about as much original material as an average yearly volume of a journal of analytical chemistry it should be available in all librariesIt is a pity that the publishers have imposed a higher price than for a sulGcription to a journal, thus the price being out of proportion to the value and much higher than the average for scientific books. J.