Three new species of Dictyochaeta with non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia from Malaysia

Three new species of Dictyochaeta with non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia from Malaysia

Mycol Res 9 5 (1) 104-107 (1991) Pnnted ~n Great 104 Brtta~~~ -- -- -- Three new species of Dictyochaeta with non-setose conidiophores and non-...

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Mycol Res 9 5 (1) 104-107 (1991)


~n Great


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Three new species of Dictyochaeta with non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia from Malaysia


Department of Botany, University of Malayn, 59100 Kualn Lumpur, Malaysia

Dictyochaeta aliformis sp. nov., D. daphrlioides sp. nov. and D. ttcmidospora sp. nov., isolated from decaying leaf litter in Malaysia, are described and compared with other species of Dicfyochneta/Codinaen producing non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia.

Among the 50 o r s o specles descr~bedin Codrnaea M a ~ r eand longa, 4-5 vm crassa, utrlnque setula slngula, smpllcla, 18-22 gm praedlta. D~cfyochaefaSpegazzini, the generic name now taken up in In ramunculos emortuos anglospermae ~gnotus,Gunong Jerai, preference t o Codrnaea, there are 7 species that produce nonFeb. 1989, A Kuthubutheen, I"' 335262, setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia. These Kedah, include C. cofeae M a g g i & Persiani (1984), C . longlspora holotypus Hughes & Kendrick (1968), C . parua Hughes & Kendrick (1968), C. vulgaris Hughes & Kendrick (1968), D. stmpiex (Hughes & Kendrick) Holubovi-Jechovi (1984), D . fa~wanensls Matsushima (1985), and D. hlrkfrer Bhat & Sutton (1985). In these species, the conidia are t o a lesser or greater degree, curved and falcate and the collarettes funnel-shaped. In our studies o n Malaysian litter-inhabiting hyphomycetes, three more species of D~cfyochaefawith non-setose conidio~ h o r e sand non-septate setulate conidia were isolated. In all three taxa, the conidia are neither characteristically curved nor falcate; instead they are somewhat ellipsoidal t o ovate and are papillate at the basal end. These features combined with other characters of the conidia, conidiophores and conidiogenous cells are unique t o warrant the introduction of n e w species names for each of the three taxa which have been isolated.

Dictyochaeta aliformis A. J. Kuthubutheen & A Nawawi, sp. nov.

(Figs 1, 4-6)

Etym: aliformls (L.) = wing-like, in reference t o the con~dia which are shaped like the wings of an airplane

Colonlue effusae, pail~debrunneae. Mycellltm pro parte superhc~ale, partim Irnmersum, ex hyphls septatls, laev~bus, pall~de brunnels. 1.5-2.5 pm crassis compositlurn Setae desunt Corlldtophora macronematosa, mononematosa, solitaria vel raro fasc~culata,recta vel len~ter flexuosa, s ~ m p l ~ cseptata, ~ a , laevla, crassitun~cata,bas~mversus brunnea, aplcem versus pall~diora,usque ad 960 pm longa, ad bas~m45-6 pm 10 tun crassa, ad apicem 3.5-4 urn crassa, In polyph~al~de singula termrnant~a Cellulae conidlogenae polyph~alid~cae, In conldlophons ~ncorporatae, term~nales,usque ad 80 mm longa, usque ad 9 rellqu~aslaterales collorum ferentes Colla tubulata vel nonn~hllcylmdr~ca,1-1.5 pm lata, 1-1.5 pm profunda. Conldla in massarn mucosum hyalinum, laevla. 0-septata, ell~pso~dea, ad baslrn pap~llata,guttulata, 16-22 pm Fig. 1. Dtctyochneta al~formls Con~dlophoresand c o n ~ d ~ a


A. J. Kuthubutheen and A. Nawawi

Fig. 2. Dictyochaeta daphnioides. Conidiophores and conidia.

Fig. 3. Dirtyorhaeta tumidospora. Conidiophores and conidia.

Colonies effuse, pale brown. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, composed of septate, smooth, pale brown hyphae, 1.5-2.5 pm wide. Setae absent. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, solitary, only rarely fasciculate, straight t o slightly flexuous, simple, septate, smooth, thick-walled, brown towards the base, paler towards the apex, up to 960 pm long, 4.5-6 pm wide at the base, tapering inconspicuously t o 3-5-4 pm wide at the apex, terminating in a polyphialide with tubular to somewhat cylindrical collarettes. Conidiogenous cells polyphialidic, integrated, terminal, up to 80 Vm long, with up to 9 successive proliferations and the polyphialide bears the persistent remains of collarettes. Collarettes tubular t o somewhat cylindrical, 1-1.5 pm wide, 1-1.5 pm deep. Conidia aggregated in slimy mass, hyaline, smooth, 0-septate, ellipsoidal, papillate, guttulate, 16-22 pm long, 4-5 pm wide, with a single, simple setula 18-22 pm long at each end.

apicem versus pallidiora, usque ad 250 vrn longa, ad basirn 4-5.5 urn crassa, ad apicem 3-4 urn aassa, in polyphialide singula terminantia. Cellulae conidiogenae polyphialidicae, in conidiophoris incorporatae, terminales, usque ad 70 urn longae, usque ad 7 reliquias laterales collomrn ferentes. Colla tubulata vel nonnihil cylindrica, 1-1.5 um lata, 1-1.5 urn profunda. Conidia in massarn mucosurn hyalinurn, laevia, 0-septata, ellipsoidea, ad basirn papillata, guttulata, 10-15.5 um longa, 3.5-5 urn aassa, utrinque setula singula, simplicia praedita, setula ad basirn 2.7-4.3 urn longa, setula ad apicem 3.3-5 urn longa. In petioli ernortuis subrnersa angiospermae ignota, Bukit Rengit Forest Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia, Oct. 1988, A. J. Kuthubutheen, IMI 328848, holotypus.

Dictyochaeta daphnioides A. J. Kuthubutheen & A. Nawawi sp. nov.

(Figs 2, 7-1 1)

Etym. : daphnioides - resembling the water-flea Daphnia; in reference to the conidial appearance

Coloniae effusae, pallide brunneae. Mycelium pro parte superficiale, partim irnrnersum, ex hyphis septatis, laevibus, pallide brunneis, 1.5-2 urn crassis cornpositum. Sefae desunt. Conidiopkora rnacronernatosa, rnononernatosa, solitaria vel raro fasiculata, recta vel leniter flexuosa,simplicia,septata,laevia, aassitunicata, basirn versus bmnea,

Colonies effuse, pale brown. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, composed of branched septate, smooth, pale brown hyphae, 1.5-2 pm wide. Sefae absent. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, solitary, only rarely in fascicles of not more than three, straight or slightly flexuous, simple, septate, smooth, thick-walled, brown towards the base, becoming pale brown towards the base, becoming pale brown towards the apex, up to 250 pm long, 4-5 pm wide at the base, tapering inconspicuously to 3-4 W m wide at the apex, terminating in a polyphialide with tubular somewhat cylindrical collarettes. Conidiogenous cells polyphialidic, integrated, terminal, borne directly on the conidiophores, up to 70 pm long, with up to 7 successive proliferations and the polyphialide bears the persistent remains of collarettes. Collarettes tubular to somewhat cylindrical, 1-1.5 pm wide, 1-1.5 pm deep. Conidia

Three new species of Dictyochaeta from Malaysia

F i g s 4-14. Conidia. Figs 4-6. Dictyochaeta aliformis. F i g s 7-11. Dictyochaeta daphnioides. F i g s 12-14. Dictyochaeta tumidosporn

aggregated in slimy mass, hyaline, smooth, 0-septate, ellipsoidal, papillate at the basal end, often guttulate, 10-15.5 urn long, 3.5-5 urn wide, with a basal setula 2.7-4.3 ym long and a terminal setula 3.3-5 Urn long. Dictyochaeta


Nawawi, sp. nov.

A. J. Kuthubutheen & A. (Figs 3, 12-14)

Etym.: turnidus (L.) = swollen et spora (L.) = spore; in reference to the large broad spores Coloniae effusae, pallide brunneae. Mycelium pro parte super8ciale, partim immersum, ex hyphis septatis, laevibus, pallide brunneis vel bmnneis, 2-2.5 ym crassis compositum. Setae desunt. Conidiophora

rnacronematosa, mononematosa, solitaria vel 2-3 fasciculata, recta vel leniter flexuosa, simplicia, septata, laevia, crassitunicata, basim versus bmnnea, apicem versus pallidiora, usque ad 400 pm longa, ad basim 6-7.5 pm crassa, ad apicem 5-7 ym crassa, in polyphialide singula terminantia. Cellulae conidiogenae polyphialidicae, in conidiophoris incorporatae, terminales, usque ad 40 ym longae, usque ad 4 reliquias laterales collorum ferentes. Colla infundibuliformia 3-5 ym lata, 3-5 um profunda, cum stipes brevia, Conidia in massam rnucosum hyalinum, laevia, 0-septata, ellipsoidea, papillata, guttulata. 20-286 (plerumque 22-24) ym longa, 7-9.5 (plerurnque 8-9) vm crassa, utrinque setula singula, simplicia, 8-10.5 ym longa praedita. In ramunculos emortuos angiospemae ignotus, Bukit Rengit Forest Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia, Oct. 1988, A. J. Kuthubutheen, IMI 335263, holotypus.

A. J. Kuthubutheen and A. Nawawi Colonies effuse, pale brown. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, composed of septate, smooth, pale brown to brown, 2-2.5 ym wide hyphae. Sefae absent. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, solitary fascicles of straight or slightly flexuous, simple, septate, smooth, thick-walled, brown towards the base, paler towards the apex, up to 400 pm long, 6-7.5 pm wide at the base, tapering slightly to 5-7 ym at the apex, terminating in a single polyphialide. Conidiogenous cells polyphialidic, integrated, terminal, up to 40 Dm long, with up to 4 successive proliferations and the polyphialide bears the persistent remains of lateral collarettes. Collarettes funnel-shaped, 3-5 Dm wide, 3-5 pm deep, provided with a short stalk. Conidia aggregated in slimy mass, hyaline, smooth, 0-septate, ellipsoidal, papillate, guttulate, 20-28.6 (mostly 20-22) ym long, 7-9.5 (mostly 8-9) ym wide, with a single, simple setula 8-10.5 ym long at each end.

DISCUSSION The three species described in this paper are unique in several respects compared to the seven species of Codinaea and Dicfyochaeta with non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia already known. In D. aliformis and D. daphnioides the conidiophores are almost invariably solitary, a condition not found in any of the other seven species. The collarettes of D. aliformis and D. daphnioides are relatively inconspicuous compared to the other seven species. Such inconspicuous collarettes that are not typically flared or incurved distally are found only in the synnematous forms, C. obesispora Hughes & Kendrick (1968) and D. dendroidea Kuthubutheen (1987) and in C. eucalypfi Sutton & Hodges (1975). The conidia of C. eucalypti, however, are I-septate and typically curved and falcate. The conidia of all three species are not typically falcate and curved; instead they are ellipsoidal or ovate with a basal papilla. Dictyochaefa aliformis and D. daphnioides resemble, somewhat, each other in terms of conidiophore and conidial morphology. The conidiophores of the former, however, are considerably longer. The conidia and the setulae of the former, too, are considerably longer. The setulae of D. aliformis (18-22 ym) are longer than those of any of the other species (Received for publication

4 ] a n u a y 1990)


of Codinaea or Dicfyochaeta with non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia hitherto described. In D. tumidospora, the collarettes are typically funnel-shaped and flared. The collarettes are provided with a short, though distinct, stalk. The conidia of D. tumidospora are relatively large, being 20-28.6 (22-24) Dm long and 7-95 (8-9) pm wide. Of the species of Codinaea or Dicfyochaefa that produce non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia, C. longisporn has conidia that are 23-28 pm long and 2.5-3 vm wide and D. filikfrei has conidia that are 20-25 pm long and 10-12.5 pm wide. In all other species, the conidia are shorter and much narrower. Although D. fumidospora approaches D. tilikfrei in its conidial measurements to some extent, the conidia of the latter are broader, curved and broadly fusiform and falcate with a curved setula only 5-6 ym long at each end. The setulae of D. fumidospora (8-10-5 pm) are much longer. The conidia of D. fumidospora are ellipsoidal, papillate and guttulate. Unlike D. filikfrei where a single guttule is confined to the concave side of the conidia, D. fumidospora is multiguttulate and the guttules are not confined to one position. The authors are grateful to the Malaysian National Science Council R & D programme 1-07-04-15 for funds to undertake the study on Malaysian microfungi. REFERENCES Bhat, D. J & Sutton, B. C. (1985). Some 'phialidic' hyphornycetes from Ethiopia. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 84, 723-730. Holobovd-Jechova, V. (1984). Lignicolous hyphornycetes from Czechoslovakia. 7. Chalara, Fiochalara. Fwichalara and Dictyochaeta. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 19, 387-438. Hughes, S. J. & Kendrick, W. B. (1968). New Zealand Fungi. 12. Menispora, Codinaea, Menisporopsis. New Zealand Journal of Botany 6 , 323-375. Kuthubutheen, A. J. (1987). A new s y ~ e m a t o u sDictyochaeta from Malaysia. Transactions of the Brit~shMycological Society 89, 411-414. Maggi, 0. & Persiani, A. M. (1984). Codinaea coffeae and Phialocephala xalapensis, two new hyphomycetes from Mexico. Mycotaxon 20, 251-258. Matsushima, T. (1985). Mycological Memoirs No. 4. Kobe, Japan: T. Matsushirna. Sutton, B. C. & Hodges, C. S. (1975). Eucalyptus fungi: Codinaea and Zanclospora species from Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 26, 517-525.