Economics of Education Review 20 (2001) 201–209
Tiebout sorting, aggregation and the estimation of peer group effects Steven G. Rivkin
Department of Economics, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002-5000, USA Received 6 December 1998; accepted 9 November 1999
Abstract Growing up in a higher socioeconomic status neighborhood and attending school with socioeconomically advantaged classmates is associated with better academic, social, and labor market outcomes. The extent to which this association reflects a causal relationship is much debated, and the conclusions reached often depend upon the estimation method used to account for the endogeneity of school and neighborhood choice. This paper uses a sample of students from the High School and Beyond Longitudinal Survey to examine whether the use of aggregate county and metropolitan area level data as instruments for school peer group background ameliorates the problem of endogeneity bias. The pattern of estimates does not support the belief that aggregation reduces specification error in the estimation of peer group effects. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. JEL classification: I21 Keywords: Educational outcomes; Human capital
1. Introduction The belief that higher socioeconomic background schoolmates and neighbors improves academic and social development is widely held. Supreme Court Justices emphasized the importance of peers in their ruling that the doctrine of separate but equal did not apply to education (Brown v. Board of Education, 1954). Lower academic attainment in rural areas is attributed to children’s lack of exposure to more advanced cognitive structures (Stinchcombe, 1969). More recently, Wilson (1987) is among the many who believe that the crisis in inner city neighborhoods results in large part from the high concentration of poor families and the disappearance of stabilizing community institutions. A great deal of empirical evidence exists to back up these beliefs, including the influential Coleman Report
* Tel.: +1-413-542-2106; fax: +1-413-542-2090. E-mail address:
[email protected] (S.G. Rivkin).
(Coleman et al., 1966) and more recent work by Case and Katz (1991) and Crane (1991). Yet there is some doubt as to whether the observed association between peer characteristics and student outcomes reflects a causal relationship.1 If families with greater resources or more commitment to schooling tend to choose communities with higher socioeconomic background residents and schools with higher socioeconomic background students, true peer effects are easily confounded with family influences.2 Consistent with the notion that peer group socioeconomic background is endogenous and correlated with family characteristics, Jencks and Mayer (1990) show that the magnitude of estimated peer effects tends to decline as more controls for parental characteristics are included.
1 See Moffitt (1998) for a comprehensive discussion of the estimation of peer group effects. 2 See Tiebout (1956) for a discussion of the link between family preferences and neighborhood location.
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S.G. Rivkin / Economics of Education Review 20 (2001) 201–209
Moreover, the available variables such as family income and parental education are unlikely to account for all factors that are related to both outcomes and the choice of neighborhood and school. Consequently single equation techniques almost certainly do not identify true peer group effects regardless of the number of included covariates. The problem of endogeneity bias has prompted a search for alternative methods, leading some researchers to use data that are aggregated to the state, county, or metropolitan area level as instruments for school or neighborhood data. They argue that aggregation reduces problems introduced by the endogeneity of school and neighborhood choice, because school and neighborhood location decisions tend to occur within metropolitan areas or states.3 Yet aggregation may also exacerbate the biases that result from the omission of family, school, or other factors that are correlated with both outcomes and peer group background. Though the theoretical effects of aggregation on specification error are ambiguous, empirical evidence suggests that aggregation increases rather than reduces omitted variables bias in the estimation of school resource effects, a closely related topic.4 In an influential recent paper, Evans, Oates, and Schwab (1992) use aggregate metropolitan area characteristics to identify the effects of school peer group background on teen pregnancy and high school drop out rates. In sharp contrast to the single equation estimates, they find that there is no significant relationship between outcomes and peer socioeconomic background once metropolitan area characteristics are used as instruments for the school peer group measure. This pattern of results is consistent with the hypothesis that much if not all of the observed relationship between outcomes and peer group variables results from the effects of unobserved family influences. However, the findings of Evans et al. (1992) do not provide convincing evidence that aggregation reduces specification error. First, because the coefficient estimates are quite noisy, they are also consistent with positive and sizeable peer group effects. Second, the statistical evidence offered in support of the validity of the instruments is uninformative. Finally, the theoretical justification for the methodology is not compelling because of the aforementioned ambiguous effect of aggregation on omitted variables bias. Given the lack of both clear
3 See Card and Krueger (1996) for a discussion of the advantages of aggregate data in the estimation of school resource effects. 4 See Grogger (1996) and Hanushek, Rivkin, and Taylor (1996) and for evidence on school resource effects, and Moffit (1995) for a general discussion of aggregation and specification error.
theoretical support for the methodology and statistical evidence of instrument validity, much stronger empirical evidence is needed in order to evaluate the desirability of using aggregate data to identify peer group effects. This paper provides additional evidence on peer group effects using a sample of non-Hispanic Black and White women from the sophomore cohort of the High School and Beyond Longitudinal Survey (HSB, US Department of Education, 1986). Outcomes include standardized test scores, teen fertility, high school continuation, and nonparticipation in either school or work following high school graduation. The HSB contains many advantages over other data sets (such as the NLSY) used in the investigation of peer group effects, in particular the large number of students sampled in each school and the availability of test score data early in the high school career that can be used to control for pre-existing differences in student achievement. The empirical analysis focusses on the hypothesis that the use of aggregate information as instruments reduces the magnitude of specification error. In contrast to the findings of Evans, Oates, and Schwab, the majority of instrumental variable estimates are larger than the single equation estimates, and a number are statistically significant at conventional levels. This pattern is consistent with prior evidence that aggregation tends to exacerbate specification error in the estimation of education production functions, and it raises serious doubts about the use of aggregate data as a way to identify peer group, school, or neighborhood effects of any kind.
2. Data The High School and Beyond Longitudinal Survey (HSB) is an ideal data set with which to investigate the influence of peer group characteristics on academic and social outcomes. Approximately 24,000 non-Hispanic Blacks and Whites were first interviewed in 1980 when they were high school sophomores. The base year data contain information on family and student backgrounds. Students also completed a battery of standardized tests as a part of the interview. Follow-up surveys were conducted in 1982, 1984, 1986, and 1992, providing twelve years of information on schooling, employment and fertility as well as a second battery of standardized tests completed during the 1982 first follow-up. Only women are included in this study. Four high school outcomes are examined: (1) 12th grade test score; (2) teen fertility; (3) high school continuation; and (4) nonparticipation in school or work in the autumn following graduation. The 12th grade test score is a linear combination of mathematics and reading scores, in which the mathematics score is weighted three times as heavily as the reading score. The weights were determined in a regression of high school continuation
S.G. Rivkin / Economics of Education Review 20 (2001) 201–209
on these two test scores and other background variables, consequently the composite score reflects the relative importance of mathematics and reading scores in predicting school attainment. Teen mother is a binary outcome equal to one if a woman has a baby prior to February of her senior year in high school. High school continuation is a binary outcome equal to one if a student does not leave high school prior to graduation as of February of the senior year. Nonparticipation is also a binary outcome, equal to one if the total of months worked or in school between August 1 and December 31 following high school graduation (the period corresponding to the first college semester) is less than three.5 Together these outcomes provide considerable information on social and labor market development. Administrative data provide information on the high schools, including the percentage of students in the school classified as economically disadvantaged. Because family income information is used in determining eligibility for the school lunch program, the percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged is a commonly available variable that is often used in empirical research. Yet other than reasons of data availability, there is no compelling reason to use percent disadvantaged as opposed to an alternative measure of peer group family background. One appealing alternative is parental education, which tends to be a much better predictor of academic outcomes than income. Because information on father’s education is missing for many students in the HSB, the average education of schoolmates’ mothers is used as a second peer group measure.6 Individual, family, and community characteristics are included as controls. The individual background characteristics include gender and race dummies and a standardized pretest score. The family background measures are parental schooling, family income, and dummy variables indicating that family income is missing and that the students did not know their mother’s or father’s education. Region and community type dummy variables are also included in all specifications, while the instate tuition at the public university is included in the nonparticipation specifications. Two sets of community characteristics are used as
5 The use of a five month period corresponding to the fall semester of college rather than a single week to evaluate participation has the advantage of ignoring brief transitions. In this taxonomy, nonparticipants demonstrate a lack of attachment to both school and the labor market for a substantial time period. 6 This variable is constructed from information on other schoolmates sampled in the High School and Beyond Survey. Despite the stratified sample design, the sampling of students within schools is random. However, the small number of students (roughly 5 percent) who do not report mother’s education are likely to be a non-random group. This may introduce a small amount of bias into the coefficient estimates.
instruments. The first includes the four variables used by Evans et al. (1992): the unemployment, college completion and poverty rates and median family income.7 The second set includes the male labor force nonparticipation rate and the female college completion rate.8 The nonparticipation rate was chosen because unlike median family income and the poverty rate, it does not confound geographic variation in the cost of living with real differences in economic activity and resources. The unemployment rate is not used because prior evidence suggests that school continuation, employment and perhaps even fertility decisions are affected by labor market conditions.9 In fact the local unemployment rate is included as an explanatory variable in the probit specifications that use the second set of instruments. Because HSB provides little information on community environment, the community characteristics were taken from the 1980 US Census Public Use Micro data A Sample (US Department of Commerce, 1980).10 Two levels of aggregation are used to define communities. The first is county groups as defined in the Census micro-data. Some county groups comprise a number of actual counties (such as those located in rural areas), while others are composed of a single city or several communities which are a part of a single county. The second definition of community is the standard metropolitan statistical area, also as defined by the Census. The analyses of test scores, teen fertility, high school continuation, and post-secondary nonparticipation use different waves of the HSB survey. The first follow-up survey is used in the analyses of test scores, teen fertility, and high school continuation in order to take advantage of the much larger first follow-up sample size. That explains why teen fertility and high school continuation are examined as of February of the senior year. Postsecondary nonparticipation is studied with a sample taken from the second follow-up survey.
7 Based on the variable descriptions of Evans et al. (1992), the college completion rate is computed over adults 23 to 64 years old, and the unemployment rate is computed over adults 19 to 64 years old. 8 These two community characteristics are computed over individuals 20–49 years old. Older residents are excluded because the decisions of younger residents are more likely to be influenced by cohorts closer to their own age. Separate calculations are performed by race. 9 See Rivkin (1995) for a discussion of labor market effects on schooling and employment decisions. 10 The information on university tuition is taken from Peterson’s Guide to Four Year Colleges (1983). See Rivkin (1995) for a description of the community variables and the linking of schools to county groups in the HSB.
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3. Empirical model The acquisition of knowledge and skills is a cumulative process that takes place over many years. Eq. (1) describes the relationship between achievement (A), family background (X) and peer group quality (P) for student i who attends school j in year T. The effects of both family background and peer group quality are allowed to accumulate over time, but there is no serial correlation in the error term (e).
ft(Xij , Pjt)⫹eijT
In Eq. (3), b is the combined peer effect, Pc is the average peer group quality in county c and Pd is the deviation of school peer group quality from the county average. The decomposition of the variation in peer group quality into orthogonal within county and between county components makes explicit the fact that bols is determined by both sources of variation, and that the bias is proportional to the sum of the covariation between the county average peer group quality and the error and the covariation between within county deviations in peer group quality and the error: (4) p lim bˆ ols⫹(su,P ⫹su,p )/(s2P ⫹s2P ) c
Estimates of peer effects for a single time period almost certainly confound the influences of current peers with those of peer groups and families from prior years. In order to isolate the effects of current peers, a pretest score is included as a control. Eq. (2) presents a linear, value added specification in which the peer group effect is presumed to depend in part upon family characteristics relative to those of peers. AijT⫽WijT−1a⫹Xij x⫹PjT−1d⫹(PjT−1⫺Xij )⌬⫹eijT
Despite the inclusion of a measure of academic achievement in the sophomore year of high school, the estimation of Eq. (2) may still generate biased peer effect coefficients if relevant family background or school variables are omitted. As previously discussed, one treatment for this problem has been the use of more aggregate information as instruments for the school or neighborhood data. If valid instruments are identified, i.e. instruments that are uncorrelated with eijT and highly correlated with PjT⫺1, consistent peer effect estimates can be obtained. The key issue is whether the use of aggregate information as instruments reduces endogeneity bias. This question is considered with the following simple model in which exogenous explanatory variables are omitted without loss of generality.11 Note that in a linear specification, the coefficient that captures the common peer effect for all students, d, cannot be separately identified from the coefficient that captures peer influences that depend upon student background relative to schoolmates, ⌬
11 It is straightforward to show that IV estimation using the aggregate information as an instrument and OLS estimation that substitutes the aggregate information in place of the school level measure of peer group quality produce estimates that have the same expected value, because within county deviations in peer group quality are orthogonal to county average peer group quality by construction.
By comparison, bIV is identified solely by between county variation: (5) p lim bˆ IV⫽b⫹su,pc/s2Pc The instrumental variable estimate is consistent as long as sPc,u equals 0. However, if sPc,u does not equal 0, the use of aggregate data as instruments may move the estimate away from its true value. This will occur if aggregation reduces the denominator of the second term of Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) proportionately more than the numerator, i.e. if the between county variation is relatively more contaminated by endogeneity bias than the within county variation. Unfortunately, it is not possible to observe the covariations between the within and between county components of the peer group characteristics and the error. In the case where there are more instruments than endogenous explanatory variables, tests of over identifying restrictions such as the Sargan test can be used to test the hypothesis that the instruments are uncorrelated with the structural error.12 However, this test lacks power against some alternative hypotheses,13 and it is difficult to interpret the results. Because the instruments are valid only in the case where they have zero explanatory power, the inability to reject the null of zero explanatory power at the 95, 90 or even 50 percent significance levels is
The Sargan test statistic equals
Sargan⫽(T⫺k)R2苲c2(r) where R2=the value of R2 from a regression of the IV residuals from the second stage on the exogenous explanatory variables and the instruments; T=number of observations; k=number of parameters in the outcome equation; and r=number of overidentifying restrictions (instruments minus endogenous explanatory variables). 13 For example, the test cannot distinguish between a set of instruments that is truly unrelated to the structural error and a set in which each instrument has the same relationship with the structural error.
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certainly not evidence that the true correlation between the instruments and the error is zero. Moreover, the addition of instruments orthogonal to both the endogenous explanatory variable and the error increases the probability that the null of zero is not rejected without reducing the correlation between the instrument and the error, raising doubts about the value of information gained from this test. Despite these problems, the Sargan Test statistic will be reported where appropriate. In cases where tests of over identifying restrictions cannot be used, such as just identified specifications or models with binary dependent variables, there is no asymptotically consistent test of the relationship between the structural error and the instruments. One potential way to obtain information on the correlation between the instrument and the error is to examine the explanatory power of the instruments in a regression of the outcome variable on the endogenous explanatory variable, the instruments, and the included exogenous variables. This is the evidence offered by Evans, Oates, and Schwab in support of the validity of their instruments. However, it is straightforward to show that in both the just identified and over-identified cases, the explanatory power of the instruments in such a regression offer no useful information concerning the relationship between the instruments and the structural error (Rivkin & Woglom, 1999). Though direct tests of instrument validity are either weak or uninformative, the OLS and IV estimates themselves can provide information on the desirability of using aggregate information as instruments. Theory in favor of aggregation makes explicit the argument that the within county or metropolitan area deviation in peer group quality is contaminated by unobserved family characteristics related to the choice of neighborhoods and schools, and that such contamination introduces an upward bias into estimates of peer group effects. Therefore precisely estimated IV coefficients that are smaller than single equation estimates are consistent with the view that aggregation reduces endogeneity bias, while precisely estimated IV coefficients that are larger than the single equation estimates contradict that view. Of course imprecise IV estimates provide little useful information.
continuous variable standard deviations for both the outcomes and the measure of peer socioeconomic background. Panel B presents mean values of the percent disadvantaged by the three binary outcome measures. The percent disadvantaged is higher for women who do not continue school, who have babies while in high school, and for high school graduates who neither work nor attend school in the autumn following graduation, and the correlation (not shown) between percent disadvantaged and test score is negative and statistically significant. Each of the outcomes clearly varies with peer socioeconomic background, but whether the correlations reflect causal relationships depends upon the extent to which the correlations are driven by the nonrandom sorting of students into schools. Single equation and IV estimates are computed for each of the outcomes in order to gain a better understanding of the causal link between outcomes and peers. The percentage of students classified as economically disadvantaged is used as the primary measure of peer group background, while the estimated effects of the average education of schoolmates’ mothers are reported in Appendix A. The results for these two measures are quite similar, though the average mother’s education coefficients tend to be more precisely estimated. Standard errors are Huber adjusted standard errors that correct for the grouping of students into schools.14 Because test score is a continuous variable while the outcomes of high school continuation, nonparticipation, and teenage fertility are binary, both linear regression and probit estimates are computed. Eq. (6) presents the basic value added specification for both the continuous and binary dependent variables. In the continuous case, A∗ijt is observed (equal to Aijt), while for the binary outcomes A∗ijk can be reinterpreted as the unobservable propensity to continue high school, have children or nonparticipate, where the event (e.g. nonparticipation) occurs if the unobservable propensity exceeds a threshold of zero. The two step estimators substitute a predicted value of peer background in place of the actual measure: A∗ijT =aT−1+WijT−1g+Xij (x−⌬)+PijT−1(d+⌬)+uijt AijT =1 if A∗ijTⱖ0
AijT =0 if A ⬍0 ∗ ijT
4. Results Peer group effects for the four outcomes are computed using both single equation and two stage estimators. The sensitivity of the estimates to the estimation method, choice of instruments, and aggregation level of the instruments receives careful attention. Prior to presenting regression results, descriptive characteristics and simple correlations between outcomes and peer group quality are discussed. Table 1 contains the sample sizes, variable means and
Instrument coefficients for the first stage regressions are presented in Appendix A. As a group, both sets of instruments exhibit significant explanatory power,15 though the hypothesis of zero explanatory power cannot
14 The two stage probit standard errors are further adjusted according to the formula described in Maddala (1983). 15 The f test statistics for the two sets of instruments are reported in Appendix A.
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Table 1 Variable means and standard deviations by outcomes (standard deviations in brackets) A. Outcomes 12th grade test score 14.4 [5.3] B. Percent disadvantaged Continues high school Outcome No 21.5% [25.1]
Teen mother 3.3%
Continues high school 94%
Nonparticipant 17.2%
Teen mother
13.7% [17.7]
10.7% [13.4] 14.1% [18.4]
13.7% [17.7]
27.3% [28.5]
17.7% [21.5]
12th grade test score 7,677 5,076
Teen mother 7,677 5,076
Continues high school 7,677 5,076
C. Sample sizes All SMSA
be rejected at any conventional level for one instrument in each set. Similar to Evans, Oates, and Schwab, the signs on some of the coefficients are contrary to their expected directions. Specifically, the estimates suggest a positive relationship between percent disadvantaged and median family income and a negative relationship between percent disadvantaged and the unemployment rate. The insignificant coefficients and surprising signs suggest the presence of multi-collinearity, which raises doubts about the validity of over-identification tests. Table 2 presents single equation and instrumental variable estimates for all four outcomes. The top two rows demonstrate the well known result that the inclusion of controls for family background and prior achievement reduces substantially the magnitude of peer group effect estimates. The estimated effect on test score decreases
Nonparticipant 3,315 2,321
by over 80 percent while the decreases for the other three outcomes range between 30 and 50 percent. Nevertheless, the estimates remain statistically significant at the two percent level for all outcomes. Controlling for 10th grade test score, family background and the money and time costs of schooling does not eliminate the relationship between the four outcomes and percent disadvantaged. At the variable means, a ten percentage point increase in percent disadvantaged increases the probabilities of being a teen mother and of nonparticipation and decreases the probability of high school continuation all by roughly 2 percentage points. It also reduces 12th grade test score, but by less than one tenth of a standard deviation. The two stage, instrumental variable estimates are reported in the bottom two rows of Table 2. Specifi-
Table 2 Estimated peer group effects (Huber/White adjusted standard errors in brackets) Outcome Family background controls
12th grade test score
Teen mother
Continues Nonparticipant high school
⫺0.036 [0.0051] ⫺0.0056 [0.0023]
0.0074 [0.0022] 0.0050 [0.0021]
⫺0.0084 [0.0019] ⫺0.0046 [0.0019]
0.0089 [0.0016] 0.0054 [0.0016]
⫺0.026 [0.012] ⫺0.012 [0.0089]
0.0058 [0.0078] 0.014 [0.0062]
⫺0.016 [0.0079] ⫺0.0026 [0.0065]
0.043 [0.016] 0.017 [0.0081]
Single equation estimates no yes Two stage estimates (a) Instruments are female college completion and male non-participation rates (b) Instruments are unemployment, poverty, and college completion rates and median family income
yes yes
S.G. Rivkin / Economics of Education Review 20 (2001) 201–209
cations that use the female college completion and male nonparticipation rates as instruments all produce peer effect estimates that are larger in magnitude than the single equation coefficients.16 Three of the four are also significant at the five percent level. This pattern of results is in sharp contrast to that found by Evans, Oates, and Schwab for teen pregnancy and high school continuation, and it provides little support for the strategy of using community characteristics as instruments to reduce the magnitude of endogeneity bias. Why do these results differ from those of Evans et al. (1992)? One possible explanation is that the estimates are sensitive to the choice of instruments.17 However, the final row of Table 2 shows that the IV estimates produced by the Evans, Oates, and Schwab set of instruments also tend to be larger than the single equations estimates, including the teen mother specification for which the IV peer effect estimate is large and statistically significant. Only the IV estimate in the high school continuation specification, for which the standard error is very large, is smaller in magnitude than the single equation coefficient. While the desirability of one set of instruments over the other is a secondary issue, it should be noted that the four instrument set failed the Sargan test at the 10 percent level for the test score specification (the only continuous outcome).18 Given that the outcomes are highly correlated, this suggests that one or more of these instruments may be correlated with the structural error in all specifications. The Sargan test statistic is not reported for the first set of instruments because the first stage estimate for one of the two instruments was not statistically significant. However, in specifications that use average mother’s education as the peer group measure, both instruments are significant in the first stage, and the hypothesis of no correlation with the structural error is not rejected at the 10 percent level.19 In any case, a similar pattern of single equation and IV estimates holds for both sets of instruments.
16 Appendix B shows that this pattern of results also holds if the average education of schoolmates’ mothers is used to measure peer group background. 17 Small differences in specification or methodology may also contribute to the discrepancy in findings. In particular, Evans et al. (1992) use a more efficient methodology in the estimation of the instrumental variables probit models. They nevertheless obtain much noisier estimates. 18 There are three over-identifying restrictions in this regression, so the Sargan test statistic has a Chi Square distribution with three degrees of freedom. The test statistic equals 6.9 which exceeds the critical value of 6.25. 19 The test statistic equals 0.95 which does not exceed the critical value of 2.71.
Because Evans, Oates, and Schwab used metropolitan area characteristics as instruments and restricted the sample to students from metropolitan areas, it is also possible that differences in the aggregation level and sample selection criteria account for the discrepancy in results. Table 3 provides single equation and IV estimates for specifications restricted to students from metropolitan area high schools. Similar to Table 2, the metropolitan area level instruments do not systematically reduce the estimated peer group effects. In the test score20 and nonparticipation specifications, the IV estimates are again larger than the single equation estimates, while for the teen mother specification the IV and single equation estimates are virtually identical in size. Finally, for the high school continuation specification the IV estimate is roughly equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the probit coefficient, and the estimate is quite imprecise. In fact it is the imprecision of the high school continuation and teen fertility estimates that is most similar to the results of Evans, Oates, and Schwab, and such imprecision provides little if any reason to conclude that the IV estimates reduce endogeneity bias. Importantly, the other two outcomes, nonparticipation in particular, provide much stronger evidence against the argument that aggregation moves the estimates closer to the true value. Thus there is little support for the view that aggregation reduces specification error in the estimation of peer group effects. While the teen fertility and high school continuation estimates for residents of metropolitan areas are fairly similar across the two studies, the chief commonality is their imprecision. The often statistically significant findings for the expanded set of outcomes, instruments and samples provide a pattern of results that contradicts the belief that aggregation ameliorates problems introduced by the nonrandom sorting of families.
5. Conclusion The overall pattern of estimates is not consistent with the belief that county group or metropolitan area characteristics provide valid instruments for school level data in analyses of peer group effects. Rather, the results suggest that aggregation tends to move estimates further from their true values. In combination with the questionable theoretical justification for the use of aggregate data as instruments, the lack of statistical information on instrument validity, and the findings from studies of school resources, this evidence raises strong doubts
20 The overidentification test is also failed with the restricted sample, as the Sargan test statistic equals 6.6 which exceeds the critical value of 6.25.
S.G. Rivkin / Economics of Education Review 20 (2001) 201–209
Table 3 Estimated peer group effects for women who attend high school in metropolitan areas (Huber/White adjusted standard errors in brackets) Outcome Family background controls
12th grade test score
Teen mother
Continues Nonparticipant high school
⫺0.0070 [0.0030]
0.0070 [0.0025]
⫺0.0071 [0.0022]
0.0061 [0.0021]
⫺0.016 [0.015]
0.0062 [0.0087]
0.006 [0.0082]
0.036 [0.014]
Single equation estimates
Two stage estimates (a) Instruments are unemployment, poverty, and college completion rates and median family income
Table 4 Explanatory power of instruments in first stage regressions of percent disadvantaged on exogenous variables (Huber/White adjusted standard errors in brackets) (i) Instrument set a Non-participation rate for men Proportion of women who are college graduates (ii) Instrument set b College graduation rate
142.6 [33.6] ⫺9.09 [6.31]
Unemployment rate Poverty rate Median family income F test statistic
10.68 [2, 756]
⫺22.6 [10.3] ⫺48.9 [38.6] 144.0 [31.6] 0.00069 [0.00030] 9.33 [4, 756]
about the benefits of aggregation as a method to reduce endogeneity bias. Even though the single equation, value added estimates may provide less biased and more precise information, they undoubtably confound actual peer group effects with the influences of omitted family and school characteristics. It is perhaps best to interpret such estimates as upper bounds on the true peer group effects and search for alternative identification strategies supported by sound theoretical underpinnings. One approach is the use of matched panel data on schools and students such as that used by Hanushek, Kain, Markman, and Rivkin (1999). Another promising methodology makes use of random assignment experiments in the location of subsidized housing. Evidence from the Gautreaux program, a program that provided housing vouchers for minority families to move to predominantly White neighborhoods in Chicago, suggests that social interaction effects may be quite important (Rosenbaum, 1992). In order to gain more information about the importance of neighborhoods, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is currently conducting randomized hous-
Table 5 Estimated peer group effects using average mother’s education of schoolmates as the peer group measure (Huber/White adjusted standard errors in brackets) Outcome Family background controls
12th grade test score
Teen mother
Continues Nonparticipant high school
1.48 [0.080] 0.20 [0.052]
⫺0.28 [0.059] ⫺0.17 [0.060]
0.30 [0.040] 0.16 [0.046]
⫺0.29 [0.039] ⫺0.13 [0.042]
0.43 [0.18]
⫺0.11 [0.20]
0.23 [0.14]
⫺0.50 [0.16]
Single equation estimates no yes Two stage estimates (a) Instruments are female college completion and male non-participation rates
S.G. Rivkin / Economics of Education Review 20 (2001) 201–209
ing voucher trials in five different cities.21 The results should provide much needed information about the magnitude and importance of peer group effects for different outcomes and demographic groups.
Acknowledgements I would like to thank Walter Nicholson, Geoffrey Woglom, two anonymous referees, and seminar participants at the University of Massachusetts for their many helpful comments and the William H. Donner and Smith Richardson Foundations for financial support.
Appendix A Table 4
Appendix B Table 5
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21 See Katz, Kling, and Liebman (1997), Ladd and Ludwig (1997), and Ludwig, Duncan, and Hirschfield (1998) for preliminary evidence on the MTO experiment.
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