Nutrition Research, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 381-384, 1996 Copyright Q 1996 Elsevier Science Inc. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0271.5317/96 $15.00 + .oO ELSEVIER
PI1 SO271-5317(96)00019-X
Thomas MS Wolever, DM, PhD, and Claudia Bolognesi, BSc. Department of Nutritional Sciences, and Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
To see if time of day affected the relative glycaemic effect of foods, we studied 8 non-diabetic subjects in random order on 4 days over a 2-week period. They were given 5Og carbohydrate portions of corn or oat-psyllium cereal plus 200ml2% milk. Each test meal was taken either at 08:OOh after a lo-12h overnight fast, or at 12:00h, 3.5h after a standard breakfast. The incremental area under the glycaemic response curve for corn cereal taken at breakfast was greater than that at lunch, 103~1~13 versus 52*6 mmolmin/L (p
The glycaemic responses of equal carbohydrate portions of different starchy foods, classified by the glycaemic index (GI), vary over a 3- to 4-fold range (1,2). The differences are believed to be due, at least in part, to differences in the rates at which foods are digested and absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (3). The role of the GI in clinical practise is controversial, but it is generally agreed that the principle may be useful and that more research is needed (4). The GI of foods is usually determined by tests conducted in the morning after an overnight fast (5). However, some investigators feed test meals at lunch time (6,7). It is not known if time of day affects the relative glycaemic responses of foods. Thus, the objective of this preliminary study was to see if the relative glycaemic effects of two foods were the same when tested at breakfast or lunch time.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Thomas MS Wolever, Associate Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S lA8. 381
Non-diabetic subjects (4 male, 4 female; age 25.6kO.7 yr; BMI 24.Okl.2 kg/m’) were studied on 4 days in random order over a a-week period using a protocol approved by the University of Toronto Human Subjects Review Committee. They were given test meals consisting of 59g corn cereal or 82g oat-psyllium cereal (Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, MI) plus 2OOml2% milk. The test meals, containing 60g available carbohydrate (5Og from cereal and log from milk), were served with 250ml tea or coffee plus 3Oml2% milk as desired (drink standard for each subject) and eaten within 1Omin. In separate tests, the GI of corn cereal was 124h15 (n=7), similar to that for cornflakes, 121 (5), and the GI of oatpsyllium cereal was 61*8 (n=13). The test meals were eaten either at 08:OOh(breakfast) after a lo-12h overnight fast, or at 12:OOh(lunch). For the first lunch test, subjects came to the laboratory at S:OOam, ate a breakfast of as much bread, butter, jam and tea or coffee as desired (mean*SEM intakes: energy 3680*49OkJ, 152+23g carbohydrate and 16&2g fat), and were asked not to do any strenous physical activity before lunch. On the second lunch test day, subjects ate the same breakfast and did the same activity as on the first day. Finger-prick blood samples (=2OOpL) were taken into fluoro-citrate tubes before, and at 15, 30,45, 60 and 90 min after starting to eat, placed on ice immediately, then kept at -20°C for a maximum of 24h before analysis of whole blood glucose using an automatic analyser (Model 2300 STAT, Yellow Springs Instruments, OH). Results are expressed as means*SEM. Incremental areas under the curve ignoring area below the baseline (AUC) were calculated as previously described, (5). Data were subjected to analysis of variance examining for the main effects of time of day (ie. breakfast vs lunch) and test meal.
The glycaemic responses after the 4 test meals are shown in Figure 1. The AUC for corn cereal at breakfast and lunch and oat-psyllium cereal at breakfast and lunch, respectively, were 103+13,52+12,52+6 and 41fll mmolmin/L. The mean AUC at breakfast was significantly greater than at lunch (p
The results are similar to some previous studies in non-diabetic subjects which show that glycaemic responses at lunch are less than those at breakfast (8). However, this is not
Time of Day (hrs)
FIGURE 1 Blood glucose responses after corn (0) and oat-psyllium (0) cereals taken at 08:OOh after a lo-12h fast (left> or at noon after a standard breakfast (right). Values are mean&EM.
a universal finding, and glycaemic responses at lunch depend upon many factors including the nature of both the breakfast and the lunch meals (9,10,11). The glycaemic responses at breakfast were also less variable than those at lunch. Thus, to determine the glycaemic effects of foods, more reliable results may be able to be obtained by doing the experiments in the morning after an overnight fast rather than at mid-day after a standard breakfast. The difference between the glycaemic responses of the 2 cereals taken at breakfast, 50%, was almost identical to the 47% difference predicted by the glycaemic index, but the difference between the same cereals tested at lunch-time was only 2 1%. This is consistent with previous studies in both non-diabetic (12) and diabetic (13) subjects showing no difference between the lunch-tune glycaemic responses of low- versus high-glycaemic index diets. Nevertheless, low-glycaemic index diets reduce postprandial blood glucose at breakfast and dinner and reduce serum glycosylated albumin or HbAlc (12,13). Thus, the lack of the expected reduction in blood glucose at lunch does not invalidate the clinical utility of the glycaemic index. Indeed, at least 3 different groups have shown that a low glycaemic index diet improves blood glucose control in diabetic subjects (5). The effect of tune of day on relative glycaemic responses may depend upon the nature and composition of the previous meal. Further studies are needed to determine the mechanism for this effect and to see if it occurs in diabetic subjects. However, these results have potential implications for the interpretation of studies in which glycaemic responses were measured at lunch time, and also may be relevant to persons with diabetes who use home blood glucose monitoring.
Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Kellogg Canada Inc. CB was supported by a Rotary International Scholarship.
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