Time of flight as a monochromatization technique for sans
Physica 136B (1986) 103-I05 North-Holland, Amsterdam
J.P. COTTON and J. TEIXEIRA Laboratoi...
J.P. COTTON and J. TEIXEIRA Laboratoire Ldon Brillouin*, CEN-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Replacing the mechanical selector by a chopper on a small angle scattering spectrometer we obtain a monochromatization technique with a very high resolution. The description of the set up is given. An example in the polymer field is shown.
1. Introduction
In a conventional small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiment, a mechanical selector defines an incident wave length A from the polychromatic beam emerging from the reactor (4 < h < 20 A). The scattered intensity is measured simultaneously for different scattering angles with a multidetector. The range of scattering vector q (q = 27r0/A) is typically one decade. Another possibility consists of using all the wavelengths of the incident beam by using a time of flight technique. The advantages of this method are well known since they are those of a pulsed neutron source [1]. The q range is enlarged typically by a factor 10. The goal of the experiment described here is to test the method with a steady state reactor (Orph6e LLB. Saclay) and with neutrons of very large wavelengths (up to 20 A). In fact this example is chosen in order to emphasize another advantage; the power of the method for having an excellent resolution.
2. Experimental set up and data analysis
The experimental set-up is obtained from the small angle spectrometer PACE which uses the cold neutrons of the guide G1 (wavelength cut-off of about 6 A) of the reactor Orph6e at Saclay. For * Laboratoire commun CEA-CNRS.
the experiment the mechanical selector is replaced by an element of neutron guide. The incident collimation is achieved by two circular slits (12 and 7 mm diameter) at a distance of 5 m apart (under vacuum). The sample was placed beyond the smaller aperture. The scattered intensity is measured with a multidetector composed of 30 concentric rings with radius p ( 3 < p < 3 2 c m ; A p = l c m ) . The sample detector distance is 5 m (under vacuum). The chopper is placed just before the sample. It is a disk with two slits on the same 30 cm diameter. Each one is 20 mm high and 2 mm wide. The rotation speed of the chopper gives a time of 28400/zs between two successive pulses and the width of each of the 200 channels of analysis is 90/zs. A delay time of 10 000/xs for the optical pulse allows the analysis of h in the range 7.39
AA/A< 0.02.