TORCH: from strategic planning to real-time optimisation

TORCH: from strategic planning to real-time optimisation

Air Transport TORCH: from Strategic Planning to Real-Time Optimisation Nicolas SUAREZ, Matthias POPPE, Nigel MAKINS To ensure that available capacity...

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Air Transport

TORCH: from Strategic Planning to Real-Time Optimisation Nicolas SUAREZ, Matthias POPPE, Nigel MAKINS To ensure that available capacity is managed as efficiently as possible, TORCHpromotes to exchange more transparently available data to ensure that the distribution of information and decision making is located where it is most effective. Thisarticle presents an overview of the work carried out, with the aim of avoiding unstable scheduling delays through open, cooperative management of scarce ATM capacity.

he TORCH (Technical, Economical, and Operational Assessment of an ATM Concept Achievable from the year 2005) Operational Concept is based on two main pillars: an improvement in the planning phases through the introduction of layered planning and Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) procedures, and reducing the workload per aircraft of the tactical controller by introducing computer enhanced tools. The TORCH project - co-funded bv the European Commission Directorate General for Transport and Energy identifies and assesses the viability of a European ATM/CNS Concept for the medium term timeframe based on EUROCONTROL's ATM 2000+ Strategy [1] and Operational Concept Document [2]. The TORCH consortium comprises twelve organisations that include representatives from almost all ATM sectors. The main objective of TORCH is the definition of an Operational Concept that is viable from socio-economical, operational and technical points of view. The results from TORCH will require further research geared towards the final validation of the concept. The Operational Concept proposed by' TORCH is structured around two main pillars. The first pillar of the Operational Concept proposes a coHtimtous layelvd t;lamfing based on a more flexible use of airspace and a stronger involvement of the actors. The objective is to optimise the management of the available resources instead of constraining the demand. Decisions are shifted into

non-time-critical phases through enhanced co-ordination among all actors, thus reducing the need for time critical 'ad-hoc' decisions. The second pillar of the Operational Concept deals with Tactical Plamling. The Daily Operational Plan (DOP) ensures an enlarged planning horizon on Air Traffic Control centre and on (multi-) sector level. Unforeseen events not yet contained in DOP will be taken into account by re-planning actions. This will be achieved with new tools like the Traffic Load Analyser or the Medium Term Conflict Detection, which are being fed with more precise, real time updated data. There will be a shift of tasks and new roles will emerge around tactical flow planning. The ultimate goal is the reduction of the traffic complexity in the sector, thus reducing the workload of the air traffic controller. This should lead to improved sector throughput and an increase in capacit}~ including airport and TMA operations.

Firstpillar:Continuous Layered Planning The idea of the Layered Planning

Process is presented as a continuous Demand and Capacity Management process. It consists of four layers. The first layer (CcHtral Air TrcLffic Floz~, Mana gemcJzt (ATFM)) is performed during the pre-tactical flight phase. The second (Tactical Centre PlamlinfO and third (Multi-Sector Plamfing) layers are performed during fine tactical flight phase.

The final layer contains real-time operations. Continuous real-time updates (RePlanning) to changing parameters ] will be received through a layered planning process. Situational awareness will be provided to the actors from the plalming point of view by passing the information transparently from layer to laver in order to help them in the decision-making process. If potential bottlenecks are predicted users may carry out 'What-If' simulations to help them decide whether to change their planning. Higher planning accuracy will reduce unexpected changes in real-time operations and thus allow operating critical resources close to their theoretical maximum. Decisions will be made in a nontime-critical phase, considering user preferences through Collaborative Decision-Making (CDM) processes. This will be an impro\ ement x~ith respect to the current situation in wlnich too manx decisions are solved in a time-critic~il phase. 'Ad hoc' decisions should bc reduced to a n~inimum. Pre-Tactical Central ATFM The key enabler of the Layered Planning (fi~,Hre 1) will be the Daily Operational Plan (DOP). It will be developed at the ATFM Laver and will be the main input for all subsequent layers. The main objectives of the DOP will be: 1. Because of network effects, la~,t minute changes can generate significant changc~ across the system.

Air Transport



, to enable a more accurate and more balanced layered planning process; • to provide an early balance of demand and capacity-the DOP will be concluded one day prior to operations and will be updated during the day of operations; • to make better use of available capacity; • to ilwolve all airspace users in its development, providing: , transparent decision making; • svnchronisation of data. lhe implementation of the DOP princi[,le is intended to shift planning com},lexity into non-time-critical planning },hases. -he system will analyse the available rapacity to define a number of configul ation options for the allocation of lesources in terms of geographic locatton, time, traffic mix and density. The anticipated capacity of the ATM systern ~,ill be used as input for capacity management to meet demand. As compared with the current CFMU functionality, these processes will extend the function,litv through the enlarged planning I torizon and using more accurate inforTnation.

~'he development and implementation c,f the Daily Operational Plan will convist of air traffic situation simulations, the adjustment of capacity versus l)emand, and calculation and distribulion of the DOP. Differences from cur~ent practice include the integration of , lready available actor tools (e.g., airline ~light planning and dispatch tools), the transparency of the DOP development process through actor access rights, letection of the bottlenecks and dynami: updates through re-planning actions.

Tactical Centre and MultiSector Planning -he main objectives of these two layers , re:

• to close the current planning gap between Flow and Capacity Management (at pre-tactical and tactical levels) on one and real-time operations on the other hand; • to pave the way for more autonomous aircraft operations and towards a more flexible use of airspace.






Local Tactical Planning at centre and Imulti-) sector level will encompass EI~-

Route PlaniIiny, aM Termimfl Area 5cqm'~Icing operations. This includes new functions such as Departure and Arrival Management or En-Route Metering. Sector capacities will ,not be quoted as fixed values, as they are toda> but as a range of values. This should allow for the definition of sectors and areas of responsibility to be changed according to demand at an earl}' stage of planning. As fine planning process progresses, capacities will increasingly be tailored to requirements. To support tlnis model, the ability of the ATM system to illustrate and support this planning process and the ability of control personnel to adapt to a flexible-working environment is paramount. In order to optimise the sectors, the control centre planning will need the capability to forecast the situation for a timeframe of around 2 hours. This could be achieved through new planning tools such as the Traffic Load Analvser and the Workload Predictor. They must not only be able to analyse expected traffic, but also to create workload profiles and make suggestions for the optimum use of resources (definition of sectors, distribution of roles). With a time horizon of 2 hours, these tools will not be able to recognise conflicts but rather identify overload and underload situations, as ~xell as plan traffic peaks at supra-centre lexel. Medium Term Conflict Detection, which will be available as a planning tool from around 2004 onwards, will cover a forecasting timeframe of approximately 30 minutes. It will allow the multi-sector planner to plan the traffic over several sectors and thus, among other things, to offer optimum support to timed approaches to hub airports (together with Arrival Management tools).



DOP) will require real-time rc-planmng by all involved actors. The responsibility for decision-making at each laver is related to the magnitude of the event and the availability of the 'best' information (especially in the light of rapidly changing conditions like weather). Often a central planning unit reacts too slow and is not flexible enough to changing local conditions 2. Re-planning actions and local optimisation will take place between the time of distributing the DOP (prior to the day of operation) and tile individual event. The lexel of the involved ATS-units will range from indMdual planning at centre or multi-sector levels, to integrated planning carried out at the ATFM level. At major airports, new tools - so-called Local Decision Support Tools - are expected to be implemented, providing common data base, situational awareness and decision making. Since the opportunities for analysis are so extensive, it is expected that there will be considerable scope of optimisation.

Second pillar: Tactical Flow Planning Tactical Planning encompasses EnRoute Planning, Terminal Area Sequencing and Real-Time operations. The ultimate goal of tactical flow planning is the reduction of the traffic complexity in the sector, thus reducing the workload of the air traffic controller as well as leading to improxed sector throughput and an increase in capacity. This objective will imply a shift of tasks and new roles that will emerge around tactical flow planning. A re-planmng layer will close the current gap between planning and execution. Feedback loops between real time operations and re-planning will allow local optimisation actions when a central s\ stem reacts too slowly or does not provide accurate data in real time.

Real Time Operation: re-planning

2. Take as example a flight MUC-HAM.

During the day of operation, planning inaccuracies and unforeseen events, (e.g., fast changing weather conditions or new flights not vet contained in the

Toda\ flow regulations are imposed by CFMLJ but better situational awareness {s available at centre level. Consequentl}, decisions should be taken there, e.g. adjustment of the departure time or sector entry time.


• VOL. 3 • No



TORCH Improved controller planning tools with a time horizon of up to 2 hours will permit to solve potential conflicts on (multi)-centre and multi-sector level already in tile overlap between re-planning and execution phase. For the concept to be effective, these operations need to be implemented throughout Europe.

Coltab':rative Decis~

Daih, Tactical

Operal~onal Plan Flexible Sec~risatio n

En-Route Planning Operations The En-Route Planning operations will consist of En-Route Metering and MultiSector Plalming (MSP). Both are new planning functions deemed necessary to comply with the Gate-to-Gate Concept [1], especially the challenge of Hub-andSpoke operations, at most major airports within Europe. En-Route Metering operates at the level of an ATS-Centre or in a Multi-Centre environment (including Multi-Sector layout). The purpose of en-route metering is to analyse - at centre and multicentre levels - the planned (as stated in the DOP) and current air traffic, as well as the availability of resources. A new working position is envisioned, the 'ATS Centre Planner'. This position, which will include the current local Flow X,'lanagenlent Position (FMP) functionalit\, will identify traffic overhmds and congestion situations, determine optimum solutions, negotiate thenl with the planners affected by the situation thr(~ugh automatic negotiation tools, and distribute changes to the actors involved. Multi-Sector Planning (MSP) [3-5] can be seen as an extension of tactical control to a longer timescale. The MultiSector Planner will carry out the planning tasks for an area comprising more than one tactical sector (Multi-Sector Area). MSP functions will start 20-30 minutes before the moment that an aircraft crosses the boundary of the area of responsibility and end when the aircraft leaves the area and tactical control is transferred to the next sector. ILvminal Area Sequencing will specify' the Terminal k.lanoeu\ ring Area (TMA) entry conditions to achie\'e an optimum approach path and landing at a specified arrival time. Terminal Area Sequencing will provide flay\ planning integrating amx'al and departure man-


Flight Profiles


Planning Ho6zc~

Figure I. Layered Planning Model. agement. This will assure an optimal flow of traffic increasing the overall efficiency in airport operations and maximising throughput and the use of available airport and TMA resources.

Real-Time/Flight Execution Operations Real-time operations can be broadly defined to include all operations from the time the engines of an aircraft are turned on, until they are turned off. Nex'ertheless, for each specific actor within this phase, tile actual beginning and end of real-time operations will be different. As envisioned by TORCH, the enhanced ATC system will support situation assessment, traffic monitoring, conflict detection and conflict resolution tasks with advanced tools (filtering, advanced detection tools, resolution proposals, co-operative tools)in order to reduce the controller workload. Within the TORCH target timeframe, the responsibility for Separation Assurance may be delegated to the aircrews of suitably equipped aircraft in Managed Airspace. The availability of this airborne function will greatly depend on relevant technical enablers (e.G., Cockpit Display of Traffic Information, conflict resolution tools). Two important impro\'ements within real-time operations will be the enhanced safety nets and free routing operations. Safety net functions will independently calculate possible conflicts between air-

craft trajectories, between aircraft trajec-

tories and defined areas within tint airspace, or between the trajectory and tile ground within the near future of the flight (last minute safeh laver), lhe trend to use free routing and user-preferred trajectories will be led b\ the introduction of RN/\V' capabilities and a desire to move away from the restrictions on flexibility and flight efficient\ imposed on airspace users bx route neiworks. ATM inter\'ention ~xill be by. exception and will utilise the principles of Collaborative I)ecision-Making t;~ determine and agree the best course of action for flights. Any minor de\iation from the initial trajectorv will be negotiated between the flight crew and the tactical controller. Initialk neither the ATS Centre Planner (local-flow managcrnent) nor the airlines' :\irline Operations Centre (AOC) will become in\'olved. For major deviations, the negotiation will be undertaken also bx the pilot, with the assistance of the' AOC, and the multi-sector planner (plus local flow management as performed by the ATS Centre Planner). The multi-sector planner's role, which acts based on a greater planning horizon in time and distance, will be essential for de\'eloping the free routing concept. Tile Multi-sector planner will be assisted by 'Medium D r m Conflict Detection' and 'Conflict Resolution Advisor' that operate within a range of up to 20-30 minutes in a multi-sector

Air Transport ~nvironment. CDM processes will manage the decision process among the Multi-sector Planner, ATS Centre Flanner and Airport Operators in order t,~ ensure that aircraft operating under f'ee routing conditions do not give rise t ~ any conflicts in any flight phase. New c perational procedures, in addition to the technical improvements stated t bore, are to be developed and agreed ~,n a common European basis.

Limits and constraints of the TORCH operational concept FORCH has defined an Operational Concept, which proposes the introduclion of new or advanced ATM function, lities within the entire European area. The realisation of this concept will pose ,L great challenge for all actors of !uropean aviation at the beginning of Ihe third millennium. -he level of detail of the functional ,tescriptions varies from function to unction due to the scope of the ~)perational Concept and the limited ime available for the project. Different .issessment methods were performed each with some restrictions, therefore he results should be considered careful~, paying attention to the specific conext and assumptions considered. The msessment results give an indication of he possible benefits. It should also be aken into account that the methodoloZy used for analysis and assessment has qot been fully tested, and that some issumptions were made which were not :ully proven. The level, number, co~rdination and integration of the assess~ents was very ambitions and only ;elected parts o{ the cancept were actu-

AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ally assessed due to the absence of a full set of tools. Nevertheless, it must also be noted that despite these limitations, the TORCH assessments concentrated on identifying the most promising of the new operational ideas and related enablers, and on assessing the overall concept with respect to quantitative socio-economic benefits.

Concept towards validation and its implementation. •



TORCH suggests concentrating on the implementation of new functions that are expected to be available in 2005. New functionalities (e.g., Departure Management) could be implemented initially at major hub airports, then at medium-traffic airports to be finally integrated with Arrival Management Systems. It is not very realistic to believe that all states and all actors will choose identical solutions and implementation timeframes since they have different objectives, political interests and economic power. The results obtained indicate that early implementation of key. features such as improved planning, information management and co-operative re-planning is feasible and would be beneficial to the overall European axiation community. This remains true even if not all States and actors choose identical solutions and implementation timeframes, due to the differences in their objectives, political interests and economic power. Following the work started by TORCH, the European Commission DG-TREN has started the 'GATE TO GATE' programme. Using the results of the TORCH project this programme will add more detail to the Operational



The authors would like to thank the support and cooperation from Lars Lonnberg (former TORCH DG-TREN scientific officer) and Patrick Bernard (current TORCH DG-TREN scientific officer), as well as tile members of the FORCH consortium.

(1) ATM strategy for 2000+, EUROCON TROL, ref. FCO.ET1 ,ST07,DEL02 Proposed Issue Edition 4,0, Brussels 05/10/98. (2) EUROCONTROL, Operational Conc e p t D o c u m e n t Issue 1.1, January 1999, (OCD), ref, FCO.ET1 ST07.DEL01. [3) TORCH, Operational C o n c e p t deft nition and Breakdown for TORCH, Edition 1.0, April 2000, TOR/ISD/WP2/ 25Dl-10,doc. [4) EUROCONTROL, Overall CNS/ATM Architecture for EATCHIP, Edition 1.0, August 1997, ASE ET1 .ST02-ADD 01-00 (5) TORCH, Operational C o n c e p t Feasibility Studies, Edition 0.2, 12/09/00, TOR/AEN/WP4/43DA-02.

About the authors: Nicolas Suarez, TORCH Project manager, Isdefe, [email protected] Malthias Poppe, DF$ Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, Matthias,[email protected] Nigel Makins, EUROCONTROL. nigel,makins@eurocontrol,fr


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