Toward a Framework for Benefit-Risk Assessment in Diagnostic Imaging: Identifying Scenario-specific Criteria Maria Agapova, PhD, Brian W. Bresnahan, PhD, Ken F. Linnau, MD, Louis P. Garrison Jr., PhD, Mitchell Higashi, PhD, Larry Kessler, ScD, Beth Devine, PhD, PharmD, MBA Rationale and Objectives: Diagnostic imaging has many effects and there is no common definition of value in diagnostic radiology. As benefit-risk trade-offs are rarely made explicit, it is not clear which framework is used in clinical guideline development. We describe initial steps toward the creation of a benefit-risk framework for diagnostic radiology. Materials and Methods: We performed a literature search and an online survey of physicians to identify and collect benefit-risk criteria (BRC) relevant to diagnostic imaging tests. We operationalized a process for selection of BRC with the use of four clinical use case scenarios that vary by diagnostic alternatives and clinical indication. Respondent BRC selections were compared across clinical scenarios and between radiologists and nonradiologists. Results: Thirty-six BRC were identified and organized into three domains: (1) those that account for differences attributable only to the test or device (n = 17); (2) those that account for clinical management and provider experiences (n = 12); and (3) those that capture patient experience (n = 7). Forty-eight survey participants selected 22 criteria from the initial list in the survey (9–11 per case). Engaging ordering physicians increased the number of criteria selected in each of the four clinical scenarios presented. We developed a process for standardizing selection of BRC in guideline development. Conclusion: These results suggest that a process relying on elements of comparative effectiveness and the use of standardized BRC may ensure consistent examination of differences among alternatives by way of making explicit implicit trade-offs that otherwise enter the decision-making space and detract from consistency and transparency. These findings also highlight the need for multidisciplinary teams that include input from ordering physicians. Keywords: Benefit-risk assessment; diagnostic imaging; appropriateness criteria; imaging guidelines. © 2017 The Association of University Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION Several frameworks for assessing the value of diagnostic imaging have been proposed (1–4). There have also been calls for expanding the way imaging test value is assessed (5). Lee et al. proposed a three-dimensional value framework (medical, psychic, and planning) for health technology assessment, proposing that the value of diagnostic tests may be underestimated in costeffectiveness analyses that limit the scope to medical impacts (1). Staub et al. promote inclusion of patient management Acad Radiol 2017; ■:■■–■■ From the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program, Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (M.A., L.P.G., B.D.); Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, University of Washington, 325 Ninth Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 (B.W.B., K.F.L.); General Electric Healthcare, Waukesha, Wisconsin (M.H.); Department of Health Services, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (L.K.). Received March 8, 2016; revised February 10, 2017; accepted February 11, 2017. Address correspondence to: B.W.B. e-mail:
[email protected] © 2017 The Association of University Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
measures as proxies for patient health outcomes (6,7). Otero et al. discuss the lack of inclusion in cost-utility analyses of intrinsic value elements (nonclinical impacts of test information), similar to the Lee et al. psychic and planning dimensions, but incorporating both provider and patient intrinsic values (8). Bossuyt and McCaffery present a framework incorporating dimensions independent of clinical outcome (emotional, social, cognition, and behavior) with incomplete overlap with work conducted by Otero’s and Lee’s research teams (9). Thus, the full spectrum of imaging test benefits and risks may include clinical, nonclinical, and direct or indirect effects, including alternative perspectives. Direct effects refer to those related to the procedure only (eg, ionizing radiation exposure). When imaging tests are necessary but not sufficient to explain the benefit or risk, those effects may be labeled indirect (eg, cancer-free survival, or consequences of incidental findings). Whereas clinical outcomes may be captured in medical records or claims databases, nonclinical effects refer to the less documented cognitive, psychological, legal, and behavioral effects of the information provided by the test (8). As providers 1
are the consumers of imaging information and the recipients of the bulk of indirect effects of imaging tests, effects of imaging tests on providers may also be relevant (10,11). To gain market approval, manufacturers of imaging tests are not required to capture the full spectrum of these effects, and post market approval, economic incentives to collect evidence diminish (12,13). In 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration published a benefit-risk draft guidance for regulatory premarket approval and de novo classification relevant to all medical devices (14). The Food and Drug Administration recommended identifying benefits and risks and characterizing their magnitude, probability, and duration, and the number and aggregate effect of harmful events, uncertainty, disease characterization and patient tolerance, and perspective on benefits. Revision of this draft guidance was released in 2015 with specific guidance for inclusion of patient preferences in benefitrisk assessments (15). However, few imaging tests pass through these regulatory channels, and consequently few are studied to this extent. Importantly, the frameworks provided are tailored to the regulatory, not clinical practice, setting. In diagnostic radiology, appropriateness—defined by the American College of Radiology (ACR) as benefits outweighing risks at the population level—is currently assessed for imaging tests by panels, predominantly composed of radiologist experts. It is not clear whether ACR guidelines integrate the breadth of benefits and risks discussed here. It is also not clear how selection of relevant benefits and risks may differ as composition of radiologists and nonradiologists varies in ACR guideline development committees. In the current study, we work toward creating a more comprehensive framework for assessing diagnostic imaging technology, incorporating elements of structured benefit-risk and elements of diagnostic imaging frameworks. We previously proposed a process for standardized selection of benefitrisk criteria (BRC) by panel members in diagnostic radiology guideline development (16). Using clinical scenarios in the current work, we investigated which trade-offs physicians consider, and whether those trade-offs differ by clinical scenario and clinical specialty. This work illuminates the breadth and complexity of integrating expert opinion and evidence in diagnostic imaging decision-making and will be of interest not only to guideline developers in diagnostic imaging but also to physicians typically involved with ordering imaging tests. METHODS We conducted a literature search to identify and collect BRC relevant to the selection of diagnostic imaging tests. Using thematic synthesis, we organized and created themes from the data abstracted (17). The six levels of evidence first described in the Fryback and Thornbury hierarchical model of efficacy were the initial themes used (18). In an effort to provide comprehensive and exhaustive BRC, we administered an online survey to four groups of physicians. In the survey, we asked physician respondents to indicate the importance and frequency with which each criterion entered their decision-making 2
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process. Next, physicians were asked to select relevant BRC for specific clinical scenarios and provide any additional criteria they felt were relevant. From the survey process, we identified key processes for building a framework for identification and selection of BRC in diagnostic test evaluation for clinical guideline development. Literature Search
We performed a broad PubMed literature search for imaging, diagnostics, and device effectiveness and safety measures using MeSH first-ordered terms—radiology, diagnostic imaging, diagnostic tests, and devices/diagnostic equipment—limiting by subheadings and combining with the following secondorder terms: outcome, benefit, risk, quality of life, anxiety, decision-making, survival, incidental findings, or adverse reactions. The search was limited to English-language publications with an abstract, published from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013. We excluded study designs that were not categorized as randomized clinical trials, cost-effectiveness, observational, and meta-analysis studies or literature reviews. If reviews were located, we hand-searched reference lists and used Web of Science to search for any studies that may have cited the literature reviews. Creation and Design of Survey
The BRC identified from the literature review were used to populate the survey and solicit additional BRC. Pretesting with clinicians guided the development of survey structure, content, and choice of language. Study data were collected and managed using the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) (19) electronic data capture tools hosted at the University of Washington. REDCap is a secure, web-based application designed to support data capture for research studies, providing (1) an intuitive interface for validated data entry; (2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; (3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and (4) procedures for importing data from external sources. We structured the survey as pairwise comparisons of imaging strategies. Participants were asked to consider each BRC independently and to either select the better diagnostic approach or indicate that neither is superior. For example, respondents selected computed tomography if computed tomography offered an advantage over ultrasound (US) with respect to therapeutic success, US if the reverse was true, or marked “not applicable” if comparison was not possible or there was no difference between tests with respect to therapeutic success. Throughout the survey, text fields prompted respondents to write in additional benefit-risk considerations. Selection of Clinical Scenarios
We selected clinical diagnoses and imaging tests to reflect both similarities and differences in several dimensions. We initially
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used recommendations of the Choosing Wisely initiative to select examples of overutilization (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] of low back pain (20) and uncomplicated headache (21)) and the literature to see whether any clinical scenarios stood out as examples of potential underutilization (US in suspected appendicitis (22)). We reasoned that benefit-risk profiles may differ in some systematic way between technologies known to be overutilized (eg, MRI for low back pain) (11) and those that are potentially underutilized (eg, US for suspected appendicitis) (23,24). We added similar clinical scenarios (eg, MRI for chronic headache and US for suspected stone disease) to create pairs of similar clinical scenarios. Next, we crossreferenced the list with the Appropriateness Criteria and eliminated pairs of clinical scenarios for which one or more clinical scenarios did not appear as an ACR Appropriateness Criteria clinical scenario. To finalize the four clinical scenarios, we contacted key physicians from relevant clinical specialties to verify feasibility of recruiting sufficient numbers of participants. Survey Respondent Identification and Recruitment
We sought University of Washington respondents from a targeted range of clinical specialties and backgrounds, including those with specialty radiology training and those without. Neuroradiologists and emergency department (ED) radiologists were selected as the gold standard for knowing the technical aspects of imaging tests. Primary care and ED physicians, respectively, were selected to represent the ordering and referring physician perspectives. A key physician contact from each clinical specialty facilitated the recruitment of colleague respondents. University of Washington Institutional Review Board approval and respondent informed consent were obtained for the survey study. Selection of BRC for Clinical Scenarios
We investigated the selection of BRC and the breadth of selections across four clinical scenarios: low back pain, chronic headache, lower quadrant pain-suspected appendicitis, and acuteonset flank pain suspicion of stone disease. For each clinical scenario and each criterion, respondents were asked to select an approach or to mark not applicable (N/A), as seen in the prompt excerpt from the low back survey in the following: A patient seeks diagnosis for non-specific, subacute low back pain. The patient has had non-specific pain for more than 3 months but has no history of structural problems or trauma, leg pain or red flags. You are asked to weigh the benefits and harms of two diagnostic approaches: Approach A: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Approach B: no additional diagnostic or therapeutic action (No Test) For each reason listed below select MRI if MRI offers an advantage over No Test, select No Test if No Test offers an advantage over MRI and select N/A if comparison is
not possible or there is no meaningful difference between approaches. A criterion was considered relevant if 75% of the respondents selected either Approach A or B, irrespective of their choice. We also assessed consensus levels among survey respondents, and the inter- and intra-agreement within and across radiology and nonradiology specialties. Comparisons of criteria selections were made by clinical scenario and between radiologists and nonradiologists using nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Analyses were conducted using Stata Version 9 (StataCorp, College Station, TX).
RESULTS Literature Search
After exclusion of nonrelevant articles, review of the recent literature yielded 129 studies that measured benefit-risk outcomes of devices and diagnostics (Fig A1). A large proportion of studies (n = 45; 35%) included one or more measures of diagnostic accuracy as the only measure of test performance. Among the remaining studies, the outcomes measured were diverse, and using thematic synthesis yielded 33 BRC, initially grouped according to the Fryback and Thornbury hierarchy model of efficacy (18). The results of the literature search are in Table A1 and correspond to references 30–80 of the References List.
Online Survey Responses
Forty-eight University of Washington physicians participated in the online survey: primary care physicians (N = 12), emergency physicians (N = 16), neuroradiologists (N = 8), and emergency radiologists (N = 9). Responses to the survey were used to finalize BRC domains and criteria, test for differences between radiologist and nonradiologists in criteria selection across clinical scenarios, and field-test the proposed framework (Table 1).
The Finalized BRC Domains and Criteria
The BRC abstracted from the literature search and refined using the survey were then organized by whether the criteria can be affected by patient health or other characteristics, clinical practice, or neither. BRC unlikely to be affected by external factors were grouped together as test-specific features. BRC likely modified by provider practice or perspective were grouped into the patient management and provider intrinsic value domain. Those BRC that are impacted by patient characteristics or preferences comprise the patient outcomes and intrinsic value domain. Like the Fryback and Thornbury model, the three domains fall into an evidence hierarchy. BRC, organized by domain, are provided in Tables 2–4. 3
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TABLE 1. Description of Clinical Conditions Presented in the Survey ACR AC Clinical Scenarios Low back pain (NGC-8863) variant 1
Chronic headache, no new features (NGC-7779) variant 1 Lower quadrant pain-suspected appendicitis (NGC-10146) variant 1 Acute-onset flank pain suspicion of stone disease (NGC-008476) variant 2
Survey Description of Case
Clinical Specialties Recruited
A patient seeks diagnosis for nonspecific, subacute lower back pain. The patient has had nonspecific pain for more than 3 months but has no history of structural problems or trauma, leg pain, or red flags. A patient seeks diagnosis for chronic uncomplicated headache. The patient is not experiencing new headache features, focal neurologic deficits, or red flags. A patient arrives complaining of lower quadrant pain. Fever, leukocytosis, and other signs point to a classic case of clinical appendicitis.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compared to no testing
Neuroradiology and primary care
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compared to no testing
Neuroradiology and primary care
Ultrasound (US) compared to computed tomography (CT)
Emergency medicine and emergency radiology
A patient arrives complaining of acute-onset flank pain. The patient is having recurrent symptoms of stone disease.
Ultrasound (US) compared to computed tomography (CT)
Emergency medicine and emergency radiology
AC, Appropriateness Criteria; ACR, American College of Radiology; NGC, National Guideline Clearinghouse.
TABLE 2. Test-specific Features Domain BRC Criteria Missed cases False diagnoses Diagnostic accuracy consistency Interobserver reading agreement Depth/breadth of anatomy visualization Invasiveness/risk of adverse events Contrast reaction potential Ionizing radiation dose Patient-specific exclusions Failure/malfunction rate Patient preparation requirements Examination time Posttest observation time Decision support Portability Ease of use Reimbursement potential
Brief Description Type II error or as 1-NPV (the chance of having the condition among those who test negative) Type I error or 1-PPV (the chance of not having the condition among those who test positive) Existence/extent of influence of patient characteristics on diagnostic accuracy Proxy measure of image clarity and quality Categorization of extent of anomaly characterization (eg, size, shape, vascularization, shape) The number or categorization of probabilities and/or severity of adverse events Probability or categorization of probability and/or severity of contrast reaction Measure of millisievert dose or categorization of dose Measure of existence/extent categorization of exclusions (eg, metal implants, BMI, age) Failure rate or categorization of the rate/manufacturer reputation Number of minutes or categorization of relative wait times Number of minutes or categorization of relative wait times Number of minutes or categorization of relative wait times Existence/extent of automated interpretation or characterization of function Existence/extent of device portability Categorization of dependence on skilled operator Categorization of relative potential for reimbursement
BMI, body mass index; BRC, benefit-risk criteria; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Test-specific Features (N = 17) Test specifications are not commonly thought of as potential benefits or risks (Table 2). However, test-specific features are the basis for differentiating among tests and are also the most likely to have published data available to support decisions. These criteria adequately differentiate tests so that even two very similar tests can be differentiated based on these criteria. 4
Patient Management and Provider Intrinsic Value (N = 12) These criteria represent either the outcomes influenced by complex interactions between the test information and the provider’s judgment or the provider’s intrinsic value (Table 3). Included in this domain are the criteria reflecting the physician’s perceived gains or losses from ordering the test. Criteria in this domain may overlap with intermediate patient outcomes,
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TABLE 3. Patient Management and Provider Intrinsic Value BRC Criteria
Brief Description
Therapeutic/procedural success Potential for additional confirmatory testing (inconclusive/false-positive results) Potential for incidental finding management Net unnecessary treatment (test prescribed or averted treatment) Access to test Time to diagnosis Inpatient/outpatient healthcare visits Time to discharge Provider utility Liability protections Financial incentives Contribution of information to prognosis
Net counts/probability and severity/categorization of complications of medical treatment with/without test Existence/extent of confirmatory testing Existence/extent of repeat follow-up Net counts/probability and severity/categorization of unnecessary treatments performed or averted based on test information Perceived relative access to test Net hours/days/weeks to diagnosis or extent of delay with/without test Net number of healthcare visits or extent of utilization with/without test Net hours/days/weeks to discharge with/without test Extent of confidence in test usefulness Existence/extent of protection from liability afforded by test Existence/extent associated with test Existence/extent of test information contributing to prognosis
BRC, benefit-risk criteria.
TABLE 4. Patient Outcomes and Intrinsic Value Domain BRC Criteria Value of knowing Disvalue of knowing Burden (time and money) to patient Patient comfort Patient future compliance and behavior Radiation-induced cancers Length/quality of life
Brief Description Value of knowing true test results; decrease in perceived uncertainty (eg, peace of mind, reassurance) Disvalue of knowing false test results or learning of insignificant incidental findings; increase in perceived uncertainty (eg, anxiety, confusion, distrust) Out-of-pocket travel costs and work absenteeism: direct time and money costs of test Claustrophobia, fasting, physical discomfort, and pain from test Changes in behavior: measures of uptake or attrition of health visits/programs Count of expected cases/QALYs lost Net incremental survival attributable to test/net QALYs
BRC, benefit-risk criteria; QALYs, quality-adjusted life-years.
well characterized but are known anecdotally may be traced and partially attributed to known differences in test-specific features.
such as complications from a medical procedure. However, BRC in this domain are from the perspective of the clinician, and the extent of these effects is assumed to cover the time the patient is under the care of the provider. High-quality evidence of these benefits or risks, attributable to an imaging test, is unlikely to be available.
Additional Considerations
Patient Intrinsic Value and Outcomes (N = 7) This domain captures direct and indirect and clinical and nonclinical effects of imaging tests on patients (Table 4). The criteria in this domain take the perspective of the patient. Clinical sequelae from an intervention are expressed broadly as effects on length and quality of life. When comparing two imaging tests, large incremental effects are more likely to exist among intrinsic criteria (eg, comfort or burden) than on the length and quality of life. The exception is the potentially large differential between tests in ionizing radiation dose, which makes relevant the clinical, indirect, and distant outcome, that is, ionizing radiation-induced cancers. Evidence of effects on survival and quality of life attributable to an imaging test is unlikely to be available in the published literature. Differences in imaging test intrinsic value to patients that are not
Survey respondents brought forth two considerations that may influence imaging utilization: healthcare idiosyncrasies and costs. Survey respondents identified healthcare workflow idiosyncrasies and sharing of decision-making authority as additional drivers of utilization. There are times when decisionmaking—and thus weighing of benefits and risks—is transferred fully or partially from the ordering physician to a third party. For example, a respondent stated, “A surgeon may require an imaging test before a patient is able to proceed to surgery or other intervention.” An insurance carrier or a radiology benefit manager may require a sequence of other imaging tests before the test is regarded as optimum by the physician, and the patient becomes eligible for reimbursement. A survey respondent added that decision-making may be based on “the recommendation of a consultant or the radiologist.” 5
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Traditionally, costs are treated separately from benefits and risks. Survey respondents were asked whether insurance coverage and out-of-pocket costs impacted the decision to order tests. Forty-six percent of respondents indicated that insurance coverage was an important consideration. Of all entered text, the word “cost” appeared the most frequent (N = 6). An emergency physician wrote, “Cost is a daily question.” An emergency radiologist added to the survey response “total healthcare costs.” In response, costs from the perspective of the provider (weighing the financial risk of ordering a test that may not be
covered by insurance) and the patient (the out-of-pocket risk of the copay, the coinsurance, or the full payment associated with the test) were added as criteria. Clinical Scenarios
In addition to general questions, respondents provided responses to two of the four clinical scenarios: low back pain, chronic headache, suspicion of appendicitis, and stone disease. Respondent selections are presented in Table 5, grouped by
TABLE 5. Survey Results by Clinical Scenario and Specialty
Low Back Pain Domain
Initial List of Benefit-risk Criteria
Chronic Headache PCP
Suspicion of Stone Disease
Manufacturer reputation ◐ ◐ ◐ ○ Missed cases ● ● ● ● False diagnoses ● ● ● ● Patient preparation requirements ● ● ● ◕ Diagnostic accuracy consistency ◕ ● ◕ ● Invasiveness/risk of adverse events ● ◕ ● ◕ Contrast reaction potential ● ◕ ● ◕ Ionizing radiation dose ○ ◐ ◐ ○ Failure/malfunction rate ◕ ● ● ● Decision support features ◕ ● ● ◕ Portability of the device ◕ ◕ ◐ ◕ Reimbursement potential ● ● ◕ ● PMPV Therapeutic/procedural success ● ● ◐ ◕ Potential for additional confirmatory testing ● ● ● ● Provider utility ● ● ● ● Potential for incidental findings management ● ● ● ◕ Net unnecessary treatment ● ● ● ◕ Time to diagnosis ● ● ● ◕ Inpatient/outpatient healthcare visits ● ◕ ● ◕ Time to discharge ◕ ◕ ◐ ◕ Liability protections ● ◕ ● ● Financial incentives ◐ ● ◕ ◕ Contribution of information to prognosis ◕ ● ◕ ● POIV Value of knowing ◕ ● ◕ ● Disvalue of knowing ● ● ● ● Burden (time and money) to patient ● ● ● ● Patient future compliance and behavior ◐ ○ ○ ◐ Radiation-induced cancers ◐ ◐ ◐ ○ Quality of life ◐ ◕ ◐ ◐ Length of life ◐ ◐ ○ ◐ Consensus percentages indicating respondents <25% 25%–50% 51%–75% >75% believed there were differences between testing ○ ◐ ◕ ● strategies (MRI vs no testing or CT vs US), stratified by clinical scenario and specialty TSF
Suspected Appendicitis
○ ● ◕ ◐ ● ● ● ● ○ ◐ ● ○ ○ ● ● ● ◕ ◕ ○ ◐ ● ○ ● ◐ ◐ ◕ ○ ● ○ ◐
○ ● ● ◐ ● ◕ ● ● ◐ ○ ● ○ ◕ ● ● ● ◕ ◕ ◐ ◐ ◕ ○ ● ◕ ○ ◕ ○ ● ○ ○
○ ● ◕ ◐ ● ◕ ◕ ● ○ ◐ ● ○ ◐ ● ● ● ◕ ◕ ◐ ○ ◕ ○ ● ● ◐ ◕ ○ ● ○ ○
○ ● ◕ ○ ● ◐ ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ◐ ● ● ● ◐ ● ○ ○ ◐ ◐ ● ◕ ○ ● ○ ● ○ ○
CT, computed tomography; ED MD, emergency department medical doctor; ED RAD, emergency radiologist; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NRAD, neuroradiologist; PCP, primary care provider; PMPV, patient management and provider intrinsic value; POIV, patient outcomes and intrinsic value; TSF, test-specific features; US, ultrasound. Patient comfort, interobserver reading agreement, depth/breadth of anatomy visualization, patient-specific exclusions, patient preparation requirements, examination time, posttest observation time, ease of use, access to test, and time to diagnosis were added to the final list based on short answer responses on the survey. Manufacturer reputation removed from the final list.
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Figure 1. Inter- and intra-agreement of selection of BRC among radiologists and nonradiologists grouped by domain. Each quadrant represents a clinical scenario and the percent selection of relevant criteria by survey respondents. The x-axis depicts the percent of nonradiologists who voted for each criterion. Likewise, the y-axis depicts the percent of radiologists who voted for each criterion. Scatter points are not labeled by criterion but by domain. Gray squares depict test-specific feature criteria, black dots depict patient management and provider intrinsic value, and triangles depict patient intrinsic value and outcomes. Overlapping markers indicate that more than one criterion received the same radiologist and nonradiologist percentage of selections. Dashed gray line marks the criteria for which there is perfect agreement between radiologists and nonradiologists. BRC, benefit-risk criteria; ED, emergency department
clinical scenario and by radiologist and nonradiologist standing. ED physicians and radiologists reached 75% consensus on nine BRC for each clinical scenarios they were presented, and primary care providers and neuroradiologists on 12 BRC. From 30 criteria presented in the survey, at least 80% of the respondents selected 22. Like cases had similar selections of criteria, with slight overlap between the pairs of clinical scenarios. Across all four clinical scenarios, radiologists and nonradiologists selected missed cases, provider utility, and potential for additional confirmatory testing as relevant BRC. Comparing percent agreement for relevance of each BRC within and between clinical specialties, we did not observe unanimous selection and unanimous nonselection of the criteria as would have been depicted by the clustering of points at the top right and left bottom corners of each plot in Figure 1. The observed dispersion pattern suggests lack of intragroup consensus on the relevance of each BRC. Comparing dissimilar clinical scenarios, we found significantly different
selections, by Wilcoxon signed-rank test: low back pain and chronic headache were compared to suspected appendicitis (P = 0.019 and P = 0.022) and suspected kidney stone disease (P = 0.008 and P = 0.008), respectively. Nonradiologists selected, on average, a higher number of criteria than radiologists. Within clinical scenarios, using the Wilcoxon signedrank test, we did not see patterns of intergroup discordance between radiologists and nonradiologists (P values not significant). In the pair of clinical scenarios that compared a test to no test (low back pain and chronic headache), respondents were less likely to exclude criteria. The Proposed Framework: Consensus-based Selection of Relevant BRC
Based on the survey process we undertook, we propose a multidisciplinary consensus-based process for selection of relevant BRC. Figure 2 provides an illustrative example using the three domains and 36 BRC previously presented. 7
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Figure 2. BRC selection framework illustrative example. BRC selection comprises several steps. In the first step, panel members vote on criteria for which there are differences between each of the pair of tests. This step is repeated until all pairs of diagnostic approaches (three pairs shown in this example) have been evaluated. In the next step, the votes are tallied and the criteria meeting the threshold of votes become relevant criteria. In the last step, the individual lists are collapsed into a single aggregated list of relevant BRC. BRC, benefit-risk criteria.
Step 1: Pairwise Comparisons Based on Individual Beliefs Individual panel members compare two tests at a time and select the criteria that they believe differ between the two tests. This step is repeated until all tests have been compared. Panel members vote on criteria that represent differences (for them) between tests; selection is not based on magnitude or clinical significance of differences. Step 2: Consensus Selection of Relevant Criteria A member of the panel or staff compiles criteria across all pairwise comparisons. Relevant criteria are defined as that meeting a consensus threshold (eg, 80% of panel members voted for criterion) for at least one pairwise comparison. Step 3: Group Review of the Aggregated List A member of the panel or staff removes redundant criteria across pairwise comparisons to create a list of BRC aggregated across all pairwise comparisons. This list is presented to the panel. Panel members discuss the list, as a group decides whether the full list or an abbreviated list will be used to carry out the benefit-risk assessment. Panel members review each BRC to define and come to a shared understanding of the BRC definition. DISCUSSION Using recent literature and surveys of physicians, we found many effects of diagnostic imaging that may qualify as BRC. We observed that in both the literature and in qualitative responses, there was heterogeneity across studies and respondents with respect to benefits and risks. This highlighted the need for standardization of definitions and processes for selection of benefits and risks in diagnostic imaging. We identified a class of criteria specific to imaging tests not previously considered in the literature, test-specific features. Identifying differences in test-specific features is especially useful if evidence for intermediate and long-term benefits and risks is sparse, of low quality, or missing, or if it is not possible to separate test-attributable effects from patient, disease, healthcare system, and provider factors. Unlike intermediate and longterm outcomes, test-specific feature information is less influenced by practice variation and more readily known. If decision8
makers identify ambiguities in judging technologies for a given criterion, it may be possible to decompose and define the criterion in terms of variation in one or more related testspecific criteria. Additional stratification of a criterion, redefinition, and other modifications may be needed. For example, the depth and breadth of visualization may be divided further into mass shape, vascularization, and region size (74). Thus, the BRC are to be treated as the starting point for taking inventory of the differences among pairs of diagnostic strategies. Selections of BRC differed among dissimilar and less so within similar pairs of clinical scenarios. The number of criteria selected was slightly higher for the chronic headache and low back pain clinical scenarios, and consensus patterns suggest respondents had a more difficult time excluding criteria in these two cases. These results point to the potential of group selection among BRC as a mechanism for describing the decision problem. Although at the 75% consensus level radiologists selected fewer BRC, their patterns of consensus did not differ from those of nonradiologists. These results suggest that radiologists and nonradiologists generally agree about the relevant BRC, but that nonradiologists perceive additional differences among testing strategies, primarily those related to patient management. There were several limitations to our study. Our piloting of the BRC involved a small number of clinical scenarios, only presented two of potentially several possible diagnostic alternatives, and had small sample sizes of respondents from one institution. These limit the generalizability of the results. As patients are rarely aware of the full range of potential risks associated with medical interventions, elicitation of novel BRC from patients was expected to have low yield (25). Patient participation in the selection of benefits and risks in future operationalization of the BRC will be important in ensuring the selection of benefits and risks is representative. The framework we propose is intended to illuminate preferences and beliefs that underlie expert opinion. Expert opinion reflects a mix of the evidence base and personal experience. We propose a structured survey process, aimed at capturing both components of expert opinion, by comparing two diagnostic alternatives at one time. However, it may not be possible to standardize trade-offs. It is important to note that each BRC may be redefined and shaped to fit the demands of a specific imaging
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test benefit-risk comparison. Alternatively, the usefulness of this framework diminishes if only a subset of criteria is consistently relevant or if the ACR Appropriateness Criteria continue to exclude costs, ease of use, and access to test (26). Our results suggest costs are relevant to physician decision-making. This shift in awareness may be due to increasing recognition of the need for value evidence within clinical societies. Payers are evaluating costs and outcomes more frequently, and comparative effectiveness evidence is included in health technology assessment processes. Some professional societies, such as the American Society of Clinical Oncology, have committed to including cost-effectiveness in guideline development (27). Further research is needed to ascertain whether other criteria we included but the ACR excluded, ease of use and access to testing, belong in clinical guideline development. We also assumed the criteria that received the most votes (>75%) represented the most important differences between any two tests and that the observed variation in consensus represents uncertainty. Even if these assumptions do not hold, there is value in performing the exercise of BRC selection. The group, not one or two individuals, selects the criteria that enter the decision-making space. Also, by measuring variation in agreement, decision-makers are alerted to the criteria that may require additional attention, reducing the chance that decision-makers implicitly judge imaging tests on the criteria explicitly omitted from consideration. We explored two clinical scenarios comparing a radiology procedure to no procedure and found that respondents had a difficult time excluding criteria. For example, in such comparisons, although by definition differences in test-specific features exist, selection of criteria from this domain may be less meaningful. This highlights that questions about whether to use diagnostic testing may be quite different from those about which technology to use and may need different approaches for evaluation. Although, to our knowledge, this is the first effort at standardizing the process for identification of benefits and risks in diagnostic imaging guideline development, there are several complementary guidance documents available. These include standards for reporting diagnostic accuracy as well as several frameworks for guiding outcomes selection for clinical trials (4,5,28,29). That respondents identified criteria across all three domains (test-specific, provider-specific, and patient-specific) suggests that imaging tests can be judged by more than diagnostic accuracy or potential for ionizing radiation exposure. We propose using a standardized BRC framework to ensure consistent examination of differences among diagnostic alternatives. Structured systematic approaches to benefit-risk selection are a necessary step toward merging beliefs, expert opinion, and existing evidence, and documenting guideline development processes in a more transparent, reproducible manner.
provided by Reed Johnson, Caroline Bennette, and the survey participants for their participation.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the GE Healthcare Fellowship. The authors wish to acknowledge the expertise and support
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Figure A1.
A flowchart of included and excluded studies in literature search.
TABLE A1. Literature Search Results Mapped to the Fryback and Thornbury Hierarchical Model of Efficacy Technical efficacy The design and technical performance of test Resolution of line pairs Modulation of transfer function change Gray scale range Amount of mottle Sharpness Diagnostic accuracy efficacy Yield of abnormal or normal diagnoses in case series Diagnostic accuracy Positive and negative predictive value Sensitivity and specificity in a clinical case ROC Diagnostic thinking efficacy Impact on pretest probability Probability of learning incidental information
Therapeutic efficacy How helpful an imaging test is to patient management Unnecessary procedures avoided Pre-test/post-test therapy changes
Patient outcome efficacy Morbidity (procedures) avoided in QALYs Patient improvement with vs. without test Survival measured in QALYs Value of test information to patient (future planning and psychological impact) Cost per QALY saved with image information
Reliability of image quality (30) and performance (31) Performance dependencies (multiple tests relying on one another for effectiveness) (32) Patient wait/preparation time for test (33) Length of examination (34–36) Post-test observation time (37–39) Inconclusive results (8,40) Positive and negative predictive values (47 references) Positive likelihood ratio (41) Diagnostic odds ratio (41) Detection percentage (42) Accuracy in subpopulations (43) Provider confidence (6) Liability avoidance (8) Risk stratification (44,45) Probability of learning incidental information (46) Pre-test probability (47) Procedural success (48) Number of healthcare visits (49) Need for additional follow-up (50) Downstream procedures from incidental findings (51) Radiation exposure dose (30,43,52–66) Extent and severity of harms associated with unnecessary procedures (45) Pain and other physical discomfort such as tight quarters (34,50) Psychological impact (e.g. anxiety, reassurance or peace of mind) (1,7,50,67) Future planning based on test information (1) Tolerability (68) Sequelae from contrast reagent reactions (69,70) Invasiveness (71–73) Patient compliance (downstream) (6) Morbidity and mortality benefit from improved treatment plan (38,74) Radiation-associated cancers (75–78) Non-institutionalized days alive (79) Quality of life (80)
ROC, receiver operating characteristic; QALYs, quality-adjusted life-years. Societal efficacy, the last tier of the hierarchy, is not represented, as costs are not typically considered in benefit-risk analyses.