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23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Systems and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
Towards Towards Novel Novel Video Video Steganography Steganography Approach Approach for for Information Information Security Security c,d,e,∗ a,f Ahlem Fatnassia,b a,b , Hamza Gharsellaouic,d,e,∗, Sadok Bouamamaa,f Ahlem Fatnassi , Hamza Gharsellaoui , Sadok Bouamama a National School of Computer Science (ENSI), Manouba University, Tunisia
a National School of Computer Science (ENSI), Manouba University, Tunisia b College Science and Literature, Awqailah (CSLA), Northern Border University, KSA b College Science and Literature, Awqailah (CSLA), Northern Border University, KSA
c National Engineering School of Carthage (ENICarthage), Carthage University, Tunisia c National Engineering School of Carthage (ENICarthage), Carthage University, Tunisia Laboratory, National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT), Carthage University, Tunisia Laboratory, National Institute of Applied Sciences and Taif Technology (INSAT), e Khurmah University College (KUC), University, KSA Carthage University, Tunisia e Khurmah University College (KUC), Taif University, KSA f Higher College of Technology (DMC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates f Higher College of Technology (DMC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Abstract Abstract Communication security has taken vital role with the advancement in digital communication. The universal use of internet for Communication security has taken vital role with the in digital communication. The related universal of internet for communication has increased the attacks to users. Theadvancement security of information is the present issue to use privacy and safety communication has communication. increased the attacks to users. Thewith security of information is the presentsecure issue related safety during storage and This paper deals the proposition of a multilayered channeltotoprivacy transferand sensitive during storage communication. This the encrypted proposition of athe multilayered secure channel to transfer sensitive data/video overand an unreliable network. Thepaper secretdeals videowith is first using NOLSB algorithm. The cipher video produced data/video over an unreliable network. The secret video is first encrypted using the NOLSB algorithm. The cipher video produced is hidden in a video file with more size. This video file is in turn encrypted following the (m,k) firm technique to maximize resource is hidden inand a video file with size. This video file shares is in turn following the (m,k) technique to maximize utilization to optimize themore bandwidth. Then video areencrypted sent over many channels in thefirm network in order to assure resource security. utilization and to optimize the bandwidth. Then video shares are sent over many channels in the network in order assure security. This method guarantee that, even if some shares got lost over network, video files could be recovered at the endtoreceiver without This even some shares got lost over network, video files could be recovered at the end receiver without need method to resendguarantee the videothat, file by theifsender. need to resend the video file by the sender. c 2019 2019 The The Authors. Author(s). Published ElsevierB.V. B.V. © Published byby Elsevier c 2019 The Author(s). Published Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article underbythe CC BY-NC-ND BY-NC-ND license license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND Peer-review under under responsibility responsibility of of KES KES International. International. license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of KES International. Keywords: Video Shares; Multilayered Secure Channel; (m,k)-firm; Security Transfer; Bandwidth Optimization. Keywords: Video Shares; Multilayered Secure Channel; (m,k)-firm; Security Transfer; Bandwidth Optimization.
1. INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION Internet is the media due to which it is possible to transfer data from one place to another place with very high Internet is is thevery media duetototransfer which data it is over possible to transfer from oneprivacy place to another placeanwith very high speed. But it risky internet. Hencedata to maintain and to prevent unauthorized speed. But it is very risky to transfer data over internet. Hence to maintain privacy and to prevent an unauthorized person from extracting information, steganography technique is used. Steganography is the technique of hiding seperson from extracting information, steganography technique used. Steganography of hiding secret information like text, image, audio and video. This secret is information will be hideisinthe thetechnique text, image, audio and cret information like text, image, audio and video. This secret information will be hide in the text, image, audio and ∗ ∗
Hamza Gharsellaoui. Tel.:+966556207198; fax:+966556207198. Hamza Gharsellaoui. Tel.:+966556207198; fax:+966556207198. E-mail address:
[email protected] E-mail address:
[email protected]
c 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. 1877-0509 c 2019 1877-0509 The Author(s). Published by Elsevierlicense B.V. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) This is an open access under the CC BY-NC-ND 1877-0509 © 2019 Thearticle Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of KES International. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of KES International. Peer-review under responsibility of KES International. 10.1016/j.procs.2019.09.262
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Ahlem Fatnassi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 159 (2019) 953–962 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000
video files. Hide secret information in video file is called video steganography [1]. In other words, the internet has revolutionized all forms of communication since the beginning of its existence and serves an important role in data transmission and sharing. Since the rapid growth of internet, information privacy and security have become the most important issues in today’s world [11]. More especially, since the last two decades many information hiding techniques have been developed such as digital watermarking, Cryptography and Steganography [12]. The common objective of both steganography and cryptography is to provide confidentiality and protection of data [3]. Indeed, Cryptography and Steganography are two popular ways of sending essential information in a confidential way. Cryptography is the method of converting plaintext into cipher text but in Steganography messages are converted into an encrypted format using a key and then this cipher text is hidden into an image, audio or video file as per user’s choice. The information-hiding process in a steganographic system starts by identifying a cover medium’s redundant bits (those that can be modified without destroying that medium’s integrity). The embedding process starts with creating a stego medium by replacing these redundant bits with data from the hidden message [22]. Application of Steganography varies from military, industrial applications to copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) [13]. By using lossless Steganography techniques messages can be sent and received securely. Traditionally, Steganography was based on hiding secret information in image files [14]. But modern works suggest that there have been growing interests among research fraternity in applying steganographic techniques to video files as well. Digital video represents the visual images moving in the form of digital data. Whereas, the analog video represents the moving images in analog video format. Video compression is a technology which is used for transforming the video signals with the maintenance of the original quality under various situations like storage constraint, time delay constraint and power constraint. By manipulate the data redundancy between consecutive frames and computational resources, thus the storage requirement is reduced. The existing techniques manipulate the respective video compression techniques for reducing the size with minimal impact on the visual quality [4]. The advantage of using video files to hide information is to add more security against the attacks of hackers due to the relative complexity of the video’s structure compared to image files. However, with the cipher text not really making much sense when interpreted as it is, a hacker or an intruder can easily perceive that the information being sent on the channel has been encrypted and is not the plain text. This can naturally raise the curiosity level of a malicious hacker or intruder to conduct cryptanalysis attacks on the cipher text (i.e., analyze the cipher text against the encryption algorithms and decrypt the cipher text completely or partially) [2]. The universal use of internet for communication has increased the attacks to users. The security of information is the present issue related to privacy and safety during storage and communication. It would be rather more prudent if we can send the secret information, either in plain text or cipher text, by cleverly embedding it as part of a cover media (for example, an image, audio or video carrier file) in such a way that the hidden information can not be easily perceived to exist for the unintended recipients of the cover media [2]. This idea forms the basis for Steganography, which is the science of hiding information by embedding the hidden (secret) message within other, seemingly harmless images, audio, video files or any other media. Indeed, hiding or embedding message in the video is like an art of hiding information because the sender is not only hiding but how that message is prevented open by anyone except receiver. Hiding message in the video is part of the art of hiding information, that avert the revealing of hiding messages [7]. Most steganographic methods take over an existing image as a cover medium. When embedding secret messages into this cover image, distortion of image may occur. Because of this reason two drawbacks occur. First, the size of the cover image is fixed, so more secret messages are embedded allow for more image distortion. Therefore to maintain image quality it will provide limited embedding capacity to any specific cover image [8]. Second, that image Steganalysis approach is used to detect hidden messages in the Stego image [8]. For all these reasons and others, in this paper we present a novel approach to resolve the remained problems such as robustness and capacity of video Steganography. In the proposed algorithm, we use multilayered secure channel to transfer sensitive data/video over an unreliable network. The secret video is first encrypted using the OLSB algorithm. The cipher video produced is hidden in a video file with more size. This video file is in turn encrypted following the (m, k)-firm technique, proposed in [15], to maximize resource utilization and to optimize the bandwidth. Then video shares are sent over many channels in the network in order to assure security. This method guarantee that, even if some shares got lost over network, video files could be recovered at the end receiver without need to resend the video file by the sender. Also this method increases the robustness and capacity of the cover medium. The robustness specially would be increased against those intended attacks which try to reveal the hidden message and also some unintended attacks like noise addition as well. To the authors knowledge, the only best work that deals with the multilayered secure channel to transfer sensitive data/video over an unreliable
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network combining OLSB algorithm and (m,k)-firm approach is that we propose in this work and for these reasons and others we consider it original. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief overview of the application. In Section 3, we present our proposed solution and implementation. Section 4 describes and discusses our experimental studies. Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper and gives avenues for a future work. 2. STATE OF THE ART Nowadays, for secret and secure communication video steganography has become a well liked option. The Internet for example, has revolutionized the modern world and the numerous Internet based applications that get introduced these days add to the high levels of comfort and connectivity in every aspects of human life. As of September 2009, approximately 1.73 billion people worldwide use Internet for various purposes ranging from accessing information for educational needs to financial transactions, procurement of goods and services. As the modern world is gradually becoming ”paperless” with huge amount of information stored and exchanged over the Internet, it is imperative to have robust security measurements to safeguard the privacy and security of the underlying data [5]. In recent years, everything is trending toward digitization. Indeed, with the development of the internet technology, conveniently digital media can be transmitted over the network. Therefore, by using the steganography techniques, messages can be secretly carried by digital media, and then be transmitted rapidly through the internet. Many different medium file formats can be used to hide any kind of files like texts, images audios or videos, but digital images due to their frequency on the internet, are the most popular. For hiding secret image in video, there exist many steganography techniques where some are more complex than others and all of them have weak and respective strong points. So, we prepare this application, to make the information hiding simpler and user friendly [21]. On the other hand, computer forensic technique is used to find parameters like width and height, PSNR, frame number of data and histogram of secrete message data before and after hiding to audio-video [6]. If all these parameters are verified and found to be correct, then only it will send to receiver otherwise it stops the secrete message data in computer forensic block [6]. The performance of any steganography algorithm is based on some parameters. Indeed, Steganography is the art of passing information through original files in a manner that the existence of the message is unknown [2]. The innocent files can be referred to as text, image, audio or video as appropriate. After embedding any secret message it is referred to as stego-carrier (stego-medium). Also, with the development of digital signal processing (DSP), the boost in computer power, the internet and with information theory and coding theory, steganography has gone ”digital”. The objective of this section work is to present and describe performance enhancements over the steganography cover mediums and methods proposed in the literature [2]. The carrier media must be a video file for video steganography. Along with steganography we use Cryptography to make the files more secure. This technique is used for secure transferring of data. In Cryptography the data is encrypted into unreadable form and is hidden but more securely. Without any modification required in the host signal range while hiding data the algorithm that is used is called Forbidden Zone Data Hiding algorithm. The secret data should not be extremely degraded and should be as imperceptible as possible. The embedded data should be as unaffected to modifications from attacks [17]. On the works reported in [18], the algorithm is elaborated with the aim to hide a ”secret” color video sequence within another color video sequence with the help of wavelet transform in order to split up the cover video sequence and then replace the less noticeable wavelet band with ”secret” video frames has been implemented and tested. On the receiver side, to recover the hidden color video from stego color video the process is reversed. Proposed algorithm has been implemented using MATLAB and PSNR and MSE error parameters are used to evaluate the quality of both video sequences. Also, on the works reported in [19], a method for hiding of information on the poster or advertising board is presented. It is generally known that encryption give secure channels for communicating entities. Here, an author proposes a new form of steganography, on-line hiding of information on the output screens of the instrument. This method can be used for notify a secret message in public place. It can be extended to other means such as electronic billboard around sports stadium, railway station or airport. This steganographic method is very close to image steganography and video steganography. Here, symmetric key steganography technique and LSB technique is used for hiding the secret information for Private marking system [19]. In [10], an adaptive invertible information hiding method for Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) video is proposed. Also, hidden information can be recovered without requiring the destination to have a prior copy of all the cover video and the original MPEG video information can be recovered if needed [20]. This
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technique works in frequency domain only. It has the advantages of low visual distortion and low complexity for covert communication applications. However, it suffers from low payload capacity. The work presented in [20] is based on spatial domain processing of .AVI video files as cover video. As in [20], video steganography is accomplished using linked list scheme. Initially, the video is converted into frames. Then the confidential message is encrypted by applying Feistier network and later embedded into the frames of the cover video. The embedding method is achieved using linked list scheme. In linked list method where the data, as well as the address of the next neighbouring pixel, is stored. Later embedding the byte of information inside one 3*3 pixel, the address of the position of next byte should be embedded next to it. The frames are then integrated together to get the video. In the next section, we will describe in details our proposed contribution and its architecture. 3. PROPOSED CONTRIBUTION This section proposes an approach which is based on the multilayered security to make the data more secure. The first layer is based on OLSB [2] algorithm to encrypt the sensitive data as it is considered to be the best among the top near-optimal ciphers due to its robustness and efficiency. The second layer comes in when the encrypted video is hidden inside the video medium. Then, the third layer of security comprises of encrypting the video file by dividing it into many different shares (let’s be k shares). The encrypted video is in turn hidden, using OLSB, inside the k shares. We propose in our original contribution that the receiver at the end stack up all those shares and decrypt them with near-optimal method using the polynomial interpolation of Chebyshev (inverse function) [16] to obtain the encrypted video and decrypt it to reconstruct the original message with the minimum of bandwidth. The shares are being transferred through many channels via different ports to increase security. The advantage of this method is when the receiver obtain at least m shares among k, based on the (m,k) firm approach, it is enough to reconstruct the message with near-optimal way due to Chebyshev’s interpolation. 3.1. Architecture The selected secret message is encrypted by the sender and hidden in a carrier transfer medium. OLSB technique takes the message and a cipher video is generated. This cipher video is hidden in a selected video file which forms a stego video file. This stego video file is in turn divided into k shares and the cipher video is partially hidden in these shares based on NOLSB algorithm. In order to avoid intruder’s attack, a subset of m shares (where m ≥ (k/2)) is being transferred through the different ports over the network. At the receiver, all these shares are combined. The result is the encrypted stego video file. The cipher video is passed to an NOLSB video decryption function and the secret video is obtained back. 3.2. NOLSB Algorithm Description The Steganography system which uses a video as the cover, there are several techniques to conceal information inside cover-video. The spatial domain techniques manipulate the cover-video pixel bit values to embed the secret information. The secret bits are written directly to the cover video pixel bytes. Consequently, the spatial domain techniques are simple and easy to implement. The near-Optimal Least Significant Bit (NOLSB) is one of the main techniques in spatial domain image Steganography. The NOLSB is the lowest significant bit in the byte value of the video pixel. The NOLSB based video steganography embeds the secret in the least significant bits of pixel values of the cover video (CVR) as we can see in Figure 1. 3.3. Steganalysis Technique Using Video The concept of LSB embedding is simple. It exploits the fact that the level of precision in many video formats is far greater than that perceivable by average human vision. Therefore, an altered video with slight variations in its colors will be indistinguishable from the original by a human being, just by looking at it [9]. In conventional LSB technique, which requires eight bytes of pixels to store 1 byte of secret data. In contrast, in our proposed Near-optimal Least Significant Bit (NOLSB) technique, just five bytes of pixels are
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Fig. 1. Proposed OLSB Algorithm [2]
sufficient to hold one message byte. Rest of the bits in the pixels remains the same. As we can see in Figure 1 used as a use case example, in alternate way, we embed 2 bits from the secret byte and the next operation we embed only one bit and after that we embed 2 bits and the next operation only one bit, etc.,. In our near-optimal proposed example, we need 5 bytes against 8 bytes in conventional LSB technique. The video file is decomposed into m number of shares such that the actual video file can be obtained by stacking at least k number of shares where m ≥ k/2 and m ≤ k. We use in our original approach the (m,k)-firm technique which requires minimum of m shares among k to retrieve back original message (secret video) against Shamir’s technique which is used for share creation based on CRT and requires n among n shares to retrieve back the original message. For security reasons, only encryption may not be enough, hence our near-optimal proposed approach includes steganography wherein encrypted data is hid into the video and then video is transmitted in the network.
3.3.1. Algorithm We present the different codes to be supported for feasible video steganography approach via a network system. Begin Algorithm Secret video V; a0 = V; K: number of shares; m in [k/2..k] Do Code1 Choose an integer P such that P V and P k Code2 Choose a random integer (m-1) sequence of co-efficient a1 , a2 , ..., am−1 . Code3 Compute the polynomial interpolation f(x) = a0 + a1 X + a2 X 2 + ... + am−1 X m−1 Code4 Construct the points (xi , y j ) = (i, f(i) mod p); where i = 1,2,...,k. Code5 Compute the Chebyshev’s polynomials equation to reconstruct the secret video. End Algorithm We then test the algorithm using the PSNR (Peak-to-Signal Noise Ratio). PSNR is a standard measurement used in Steganography technique in order to test the quality of the stego images and videos. The higher the value of PSNR, the higher quality the stego video will have. We extract the specific frames of stego video i.e., key frames and the frames containing the cluster information. Then we compare these frames with the original frame to calculate the PSNR value. 3.3.2. Encryption Method Read the secret and cover video and then NOLSB technique takes the message and a cipher video is generated. This cipher video is hidden in a selected video file which forms a stego video file and checks to handle the principle constraint of the size. This constraint mentions that size of the secret video should be less than cover video. This stego video file is in turn divided into m shares and the cipher video is partially hidden in these shares based on LSB algorithm. In order to avoid intruder’s attack, a subset of k shares (where k ≥ (m/2)) is being transferred through the different ports over the network. At the receiver, all these shares are combined. The result is the encrypted stego video file. The cipher video is passed to an LSB video decryption function and the secret video is obtained back. Now, we will adopt the [9] method principle for the encryption, decryption process. Encode the secret video into binary using bit gate command and divide it into m parts then substitute MSB bits of secret video into LSB bits of cover video. Hide the password with Stego video and send k among m shares through many ports over different channels using the
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Fig. 2. Receiver Module
network transmission medium. 3.3.3. Decryption Method As shown in figure 2, the receiver operations are in reverse of the operations done by the sender in order to regenerate the original video. The multiple incoming shares from multiple channels are represented by n multiple incoming arrows. The reverse process takes place at the receiving end, Stego video can be decrypted using password. We use in our work MATLAB due to its high-performance as a language for technical computing. Matlab function is an easy to use, user interface function (HMI) that guides a user through the process of either encoding and decoding a message into or from the video respectively. In this work, Matlab is implemented for processing NOLSB steganography technique with different frame size 256*256, 128*128, 64*64, 360*540, 720*1280 and simulation results are shown. There are mainly four steps involved in implementing OLSB steganography as shown below in the next section of simulation results. 4. Simulation Results and Discussion In this section, we describe all the four steps needed for our proposed approach process. To apply the proposed NOLSB algorithm, consider that we have to hide the secret video Figure 3 in cover video Figure 4: The first step is described in the following subsection paragraph. Figure 4 shows the cover video used. 4.1. Conversion of Video to matrix In the conversion process of video to matrix, we convert the input cover video into matrix values which is stored in a text file. Firstly a video is read from computer, the original video is in the form of AVI which is converted into video which is resized to a particular size of 720*1280. Each video has intensity values for every pixel, here these intensity values are stored into a text file. The secret video is shown in figure 3. 4.2. Embedding Process After completion of video to matrix the next step is to embed a message into a video. The video obtained during this process is called as stego video. The message is embedded into the intensity values of video obtained during video to matrix conversion. The stego video is shown in figure 4. 4.3. Conversion of Matrix to Video In this stage intensity values are converted back to video. The video obtained has message embedded into it. The cover video and the video obtained here have to be identical. Hence the objective of steganography is satisfied.
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Fig. 3. Secret Video
4.4. Extraction Process In this process we extract the message which was embedded during embedding process. At first declare a message byte, here the size of the message is 8 bits. Read a pixel from the array starting from address = 0. Extract the OLSB and replace the ith bit in the message byte where i = 1 to 8 Address = address =1. When i = 8, a byte is extracted. Repeat for extracting next byte and to respect the method of 2 bits by one bit in every two successive bytes.
4.5. Simulation Results The proposed video steganography system is currently designed using MATLAB, and the extended as a mobile application using Java scripts. Indeed, in order to assess the efficiency and the performance of our proposed system, one cover video and two secret videos are employed. The quality of stego video and reconstructed secret video are assessed using the most commonly used metric, the Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) computed as: 2
255 PSNR = 10.log10 ( MS E ).
1 N∗N
N−1 N−1 i=0
[I(i, j) − I (i, j)]2 .
Where I(i, j) is the original video frame and I (i, j) is the stego/reconstructed video frame. The PSNR of stego video generated on concealing only one secret video in a cover video and the PSNR of reconstructed are reported in Table 1. It is observed from the Table 1 that the average PSNR value of stego video ranged between 71.09 and 76.9 dB and the PSNR value of reconstructed secret videos ranged between 73.15 and 89.14 dB. From these values, we can deduce that the PSNR values of reconstructed secret videos as well as stego video are well within acceptable limits to deceive human eye. Details about the file size of stego video and secret video employed for concealing a single video are reported in Table 2 on using a cover video of size 62 MB. The PSNR values of two reconstructed secret videos ranged from 68.42 to 88.22 dB. It is observed that the PSNR values of stego video reduced on hiding two videos in a single cover video and its value ranged between 67.12 – 69.88 dB. It may be noted that the secret videos are resized based on the size of cover video and the proposed system is flexible enough to adapt any video size for cover and secret videos, which are in turn resized to perform video steganography.
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Author / Procedia 00 Science (2019) 000–000 Ahlemname Fatnassi et al. Computer / ProcediaScience Computer 159 (2019) 953–962 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000
Secret Video i Stego Video PSNR of Reconstructed Secret VideoVideo i Stego Video PSNR of Reconstructed Secret i Minimum PSNR Maximum PSNR Average PSNR Size 360*540 Resize 720*1280 Minimum PSNR Maximum PSNR Average PSNR Size 360*540 Resize 720*1280 Minimum PSNR Maximum PSNR Average PSNR Size 360*540 Resize 720*1280 Secret Video 1 66.77 dB 77.03 dB 71.09 dB 96.33 dB 73.15 dB Secret Video 1 66.77 dB 77.03 dB 71.09 dB 96.33 dB 73.15 dB dB Secret Video 1 66.77 dB 77.03 dB 71.09 dB 96.33 dB 73.15 SecretVideo Video22 70.52dBdB 83.28 76.9 100.0 Secret 70.52 83.28 dBdB 76.9 dB dB 100.0 dB dB 89.1489.14 dB dB Secret Video 2 70.52 dB 83.28 dB 76.9 dB 100.0 dB 89.14 dB Video Videoi i
Secret Video Secret Video
Video Video Video SecretVideo Video11 Secret Secret Video 1 SecretVideo Video22 Secret Secret Video 2
Original Original Original 720*1280 720*1280 720*1280 34.6MB MB 34.6 34.6 MB 29.11MB MB 29.11 29.11 MB
Resized 360*540 Reconstructed Reconstructed Resized 360*540 Resized 360*540 360*540 Reconstructed 360*540 360*540 9.74 MB 8.94 9.74 MB 8.94 MBMB 9.74 MB 8.94 MB 8.97 MB 8.82 8.97 MB 8.82 MBMB 8.97 MB 8.82 MB
Resized Resized Resized 720*1280 720*1280 720*1280 24.724.7 MB MB 24.7 MB 23.823.8 MB MB 23.8 MB
of Stego + Size of Stego + Size ofVideos Stego + Secret Secret Videos Secret Videos 72.6 72.6 MB MB 72.6 MB 71.9 71.9 MB MB 71.9 MB
Fig. 4. Cover Video Fig. 4. Cover Video Fig. 4. Cover Video
4.6. Discussion and Interpretations 4.6. Discussion and Interpretations 4.6. Discussion Interpretations Here we send and secret video + cover video = stego video from PC to Controller. Then controller decode original Here we send cover video = stego video Controller. Then controller decode original video (secret video)secret fromvideo cover +video and transmit to PC. We from need PC newtopowerful steganalysis techniques that can Here we send secret video + video cover and video = stego from PC new to detection). Controller. Thendetection controller original video (secret video) from cover tovideo PC. We need powerful The steganalysis techniques that can detect messages without prior knowledge of transmit the hiding algorithm (blind of decode very small video (secret video) from cover video and transmit to PC. We need new powerful steganalysis techniques that can messages is also awithout significant problem. Finally, adaptive techniques do not involve complexoftraining detect messages prior knowledge of we the need hiding algorithm (blind that detection). The detection very small detect messages without prior knowledge of the hiding algorithm (blind detection). The detection of very small stages. Theiscomparison betweenproblem. the LSB method proposed method using experimental results demonstrates messages also a significant Finally,and we the need adaptive techniques that do not involve complex training messages iscomparison alsoand a significant problem. we need techniques that do not time involve training that ourThe original near-optimal proposed method keeps low distortion, a less execution andcomplex uses a low stages. between the LSBFinally, method and the adaptive proposed method using experimental results demonstrates stages. The comparison between the LSB method and the proposed method using experimental results demonstrates memory capacity due to the reduced number of needed bytes, 5 against 8 in conventional LSB technique. that our original and near-optimal proposed method keeps low distortion, a less execution time and uses a low Also, the capacity quantitative of proposed the proposed method is supported by8 qualitative as well. that our original due andperformance near-optimal keeps low distortion, a lessresults execution timeQualitatively, and uses a low memory to the reduced number ofmethod needed bytes, 5 against in conventional LSB technique. the performance of the proposed method is evaluated using the histogram results and PSNR values. The memory capacity due to the reduced number of needed bytes, 5 against 8 in conventional LSB technique. Also, the quantitative performance of the proposed method is supported by qualitative results as well.efficiency Qualitatively, of most Steganography algorithms with some basic requirements. The areThe Payload Also, the quantitative ofhas thetoproposed method isthe supported by results qualitative results as well. Qualitatively, thethe performance of theperformance proposed method is comply evaluated using histogram andrequirements PSNR values. efficiency capacity, Invisibility, Robustness against statistical attacks and independent of file format. The Peak Signal Noise the performance of the proposed method is evaluated using the histogram results and PSNR values. The efficiency of the most Steganography algorithms has to comply with some basic requirements. The requirements are Payload Ratio (PSNR), Payload capacity of .avi video format is calculated and compared using different message image. of the most Steganography algorithms has to comply with some basic requirements. The requirements are Payload capacity, Invisibility, Robustness against statistical attacks and independent of file format. The Peak Signal Noise Finally, the histograms of cover video and stego video are compared. We have carried out the experiment and capacity, Invisibility, Robustness against statistical attacks and independent of file format. The Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR), Payload capacity of .avi video format is calculated and compared using different message image. implemented thePayload above algorithm using MATLAB withistwo differentand videos as secret video.avi (Figure 3) for Ratio (PSNR), capacity of .avi video format calculated compared using different message image. Finally, the histograms of cover video and stego video are compared. We have carried out the experiment and Finally, the histograms cover video stego video We have out the experiment implemented the above of algorithm usingand MATLAB with are twocompared. different videos as carried secret video.avi (Figure 3) and for implemented the above algorithm using MATLAB with two different videos as secret video.avi (Figure 3) for
Ahlem Fatnassi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 159 (2019) 953–962 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000
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embedding inside the cover video (Figure 4). So, to the best of our knowledge, the only near-optimal work that deals with the multilayered secure channel to transfer sensitive data/video over an unreliable network combining NOLSB algorithm and (m,k)-firm approach is that we propose in this work and for these reasons and others we consider it original.
5. CONCLUSION In this paper work, a new steganography approach was presented, implemented and analyzed. The message video is embedded and retrieved successfully. Capacity and robustness of cover video is also increased video that makes it secure against Steganalysis and statistical attacks. We have experimented and tested many message images in various formats with the proposed algorithm. We found that the stego video does not have a noticeable distortion on it. We get a high PSNR value so the algorithm is efficient to hide videos inside video. In the next future trends work, we will implement our original proposed approach and test it with many videos to be hidden together in one cover video. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful and constructive comments and suggestions that greatly will contribute to improving the final version of the paper. References [1] A. Gupta, V. Kalal, P. Waghmare, G. Nikam, 2017. ”A Survey of Video Steganography Techniques”. International Journal of Network Security, 7: (5), 33–35. [2] A. Fatnassi, H. Gharsellaoui, S. Bouamama, 2016. ”An Optimal Steganalysis Based Approach for Embedding Information in Image Cover Media with Security.” International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 10 (6). [3] J. R. Mstafa, K. M. Elleithy, 2017. ”Video Steganography Techniques: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Future Directions”. IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT). [4] A. Yeole, P. Tidke, A. Vidhate, P. Wankhede. ”Advanced technique for video steganography with an encryption using LSB replacement algorithm”. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 04: (03), 20–25. [5] A. Fatnassi, H. Gharsellaoui, S. Bouamama, 2016. ”A New Hybrid Steganalysis Based Approach for Embedding Image in Audio and Image Cover Media”. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49: (12), 1809—1814. [6] P. P. Sadawarte, P. A. Tijare, 2017. ”Video data hiding using Video Steganography”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE). 6: (2), 305–310. [7] A. Febryan, T. W. Purboyo, R. E. Saputra, 2017. ”Steganography Methods on Text, Audio, Image and Video: A Survey”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12: (21), 10485–10490. [8] R. A. Sonawane, D. Sonawane, 2017. ”Reversible Texture Synthesis Using Three Level Security in Steganography”. IJSRST, 3: (1), 268–273. [9] N. Champakamala, K.Padmini, D.K.Radhika, 2013. Least Significant Bit algorithm for image steganography. International Journal of Advance Computer Technology, 3 (4): 34–38. [10] kamalPradhan, gouravgohil. 2014. ”Securing web communication using three layer image shielding”. ICDIT. [11] P. K. Sethy, K. Pradhan, S. K. Behera, 2016. ”A Security Enhanced Approach for Video Steganography using K-Means Clustering and Direct Mapping”. International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization Techniques (ICACDOT), 618–622. [12] N. Ghoshal, J. K. Mandal, 2008. ”A Bit Level Image Authentication /Secrete Message Transmission Technique (BLIA/SMTT)”, AMSE journal of Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition, 51 (4): 1–13. [13] K. Dasgupta, J.K. Mandal and ParamarthaDutta, 2012. ”HASH BASED LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT TECHNIQUE FOR VIDEO STEGANOGRAPHY(HLSB)”. International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management (IJSPTM), 1 (2). [14] T. Morkel, j.h.p. eloff and M.s.olivier. ”An Overview of Image Steganography”. Information and computer security architecture (icsa) research group. [15] M. Hamdaoui, P. Ramanathan, 1995. ”A Dynamic Priority Assignment Technique for Streams with (m, k)-Firm Deadlines”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, 44 (12): 1443–1451. [16] A. Gil, J. Segura, and N. Temme, 2007. ”Chapter 3 Chebyshev Expansions”. Numerical Methods for Special Functions. [17] Satpute, Snehal, et al., 2015. ”An Approach towards Video Steganography Using FZDH (Forbidden Zone Data Hiding).” [18] Kolakalur, Anush, I. Kagalidis, and B. Vuksanovic, 2016. ”Wavelet Based Color Video Steganography.” International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 8: (3).
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