

BOOK 1080 REVIEWS similarly advocate the bile o f the wall-eyed pike in treating exotropia. ( S i g n e d ) Morton F. Goldbert, Baltimore, Maryland...

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similarly advocate the bile o f the wall-eyed pike in treating exotropia. ( S i g n e d ) Morton F. Goldbert, Baltimore, Maryland. 1. Sudarskv, R. D.: Tobit and chelating agents. Am. T. Ophtii., 57:96,3-967, 1964. 2. Friedemvald, 1. S.: Discussion to Gundersen, Τ.: Herpes corneae.. Arch. Ophth. 15 :225-249, 1936. 3. Verhoeff, F. H., and Friedenwald, J. S.: In­ jury to cornea and conjunctiva due to fish bile. Αηϊ. J. Ophth., 5 :857-858, 1922.



Editor, American Journal of Ophthalmology: I am indebted to Dr. Goldberg for the information concerning Friedenwald's sug­ gestion that fish bile may be efTective in herpes simplex. There is no doubt that a thorough in­ vestigation of the pharmacologic action of the plethora of compounds contained in bile and other body fluids would reveal a great deal of useful information. I suggest that further work be done on the action o f fish bile. ( S i g n e d ) R. David Sudarsky, New Y o r k .


Editor, American Journal of Ophthalmology: Prof. Karl Ascher was very kind to draw my attention to a mistake in my paper on "Goniomyostomy" ( A m . J. Ophth., 58: 3 7 3 , 1 9 6 4 ) . It was Leopold Heine o f Breslau, who first described cyclodialysis in the Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift ( 1 9 0 6 ) and not Holth.

( S i g n e d ) George A . Chilaris, Athens, Greece.



TOXOPLASMOSIS. B y Hans Remky. Munich, Lehmanns, 1 9 6 4 . Clothbound, 8 3 pages, 2 7 illustrations, 4 6 plates (5 in c o l o r ) , pref­ ace by Prof. Jules Frangois, bibliography. Price: 5 4 German marks. Hans R e m k y is professor of ophthal­ mology at the University of Munich. H e pre­ sents us with an interesting and valuable work on the subject of toxoplasmosis. The German text is exactly translated into English, Spanish and French counterparts of about 2 0 pages each. Each o f the generous illustrations, which are very good, carries its legend in these four languages. This makes for a unique and useful international con­ tribution. As Frangois points out in his preface, it is more than 5 0 years since Nicolle and Manceaux described the parasite and 2 0 years since W o l f , Cowan and Paige showed its pathogenic importance to man. Since then very much has been written about this vil­ lainous international parasite, in a flood of articles, texts and monographs in many lan­ guages. A s a result we k n o w very much indeed, especially in America, about this ophthalmic problem. But we all are aware that there is still very much to learn about it, particularly regarding diagnosis and treatment. Prof. Remky's great contribution here is his method o f a more precise scientific diag­ nosis that is aliuost certain. This consists of the calculation o f the aqueous humor-serum and antibody quotient obtained by the dem­ onstration o f the local formation o f the anti­ body (first described in 1 9 5 7 ) . His contribu­ tion has been supported by the w o r k of Offret, Müller, Desmonts, et al., and more recently Witmer. In this book R e m k y de­ scribes and elaborates on the method o f cal­ culating the quotient. The rest o f the text for the most part con­ sists o f a description o f the ocular disease, illustrated by good plates. Treatment is not considered. Finally, Remky points out the









color o f the light may interfere with the ac­ complishment o f the worker is emphasized.

toxoplasmosis that are still unsolved. The work will have particular appeal to

In the short eighth chapter, "Traumatologi-

those currently engaged in research on this

cal Comments," the author remarks that his

world-wide problem o f grave significance.

book does not deal with accidents, but rather with

Derrick Vail.




ages." T h e ninth chapter, "Prevention, Pro­ tective Measures," is written by a mechanical OCCUPATIONAL

Grósz. 1%4.






engineer w h o gives a detailed account on how



to protect the eye from incorrect lighting, ra­


1 6 1 pages, 2 1 illustrations,


chapter references. Price: 2 9 . 5 0 forint.

diation, splinters, larger foreign bodies, dust and corrosives.

This is a unique book because the injuries

This is a valuable book for the general

and diseases o f the visual apparatus are ar­


ranged by the etiologic factor, not by the

physician employed in industry or agricul­

anatomy o f the eye or by various industries.

ture, as well as to ophthalmologists. It is up

This makes the book easily usable.

to date, keeping pace with the rapid progress

The first chapter deals with chemical and mechanical damage to the eye from



and one indispensable to the


chemistry and physics. It


written in an almost telegraphic style which

powder, gas, liquids and solids; the second

enables the author

chapter discusses the poisons which involve


the visual apparatus through respiration or

cross index showing industries in which a


certain noxious agent is used and






to compress much in­

into a relatively small book. A another

thorough account of the injuries to the eye

enumerating the agents which are used in a

caused by radiant energy. Eye disease caused


by infectious agents are treated in the fourth

edition. In addition to references after every


would enhance the


chapter. Throughout these four chapters, an

noxious substance, there is a list o f 3 7 major

excellent system is followed by mentioning

comprehensive contributions and books f o r

first those occupations or industries

further reading on this subject.

the noxious agent in question is

where present.

A n d r e w de Roetth.

Next, the eye symptoms caused by the agent are described, often with the specific pathol­ o g y and occasionally with specific






Finally, there is a list o f references dealing

X I V . Edited by E . B. Streiif. Basel, K a r ­

with the eye complications caused by this

ger, 1 9 6 4 . 2 8 4 pages, 8

particular agent.

1 7 . 5 0 Swiss francs.

In the fifth chapter, miners' nystagmus is reviewed. In the sixth chapter, "Occupation and Vision," the necessary visual tests in diverse industries, the role o f myopia in cer­ tain occupations, visual



visibility are scrutinized, and suggested rules are set up on ocular hygiene, which can be followed

in larger


In the


chapter, the significance o f illumination in regard to ocular hygiene and production is discussed. H o w glitter, flicker, uneven light distribution and lack o f shadow or w r o n g



Volume X I V of this well-known and ex­ cellent series contains two original papers and a review pertaining to the retina f o r the years 1 9 5 2 to 1 9 5 9 . D r . S. K r ü g e r o f Basel writes a comprehensive study ( 4 3 pages) o f the hemorrhagic glaucomas (in German, no E n g ­ lish s u m m a r y ) . A m o n g other important things he points out the importance of studies on the coagulation o f the blood, especially the prothrombin time in all patients subject to thrombosis; systemic prophylaxis with anti­ coagulants, especially in cases showing signs