1\IA'l'ER"'l'l'Y AKD IK!•'ANCY WtmK
iutemal and extPrnal examinations :mll measurPml'nts arc m:ule :1t the flrst visit. If the women have not nwde :1rrang~•nwnts for tkliv<'ry they are arh·isell to have a physieian. If thP,v eaunut afford this, anangcmeHts for their care are made in hospitals or for 1leli,·ery at home 111Hlcr the l':Jl'l' of an ont·patintt lvi•w-in senire. This prenat:Jl \York S slowly; ol!l,,· alwut 1,01!0 lll'\\; c:tses Jl<:r .1~ea•· hnn• bPen rP;;istere,J at tl1P eouf,•rP!ll'l'S iu tilt• tlll'l'<' ye:Jl's of their ,•xistl'lltl', :!ltiiiJUgh ('lii<·agn l1ns some liO,OOU births :llmnally. For postnatal l'nutnl'ts the eity is diYided i11to 1 liS fh•l•l 1listJ·ids in <'neh of ll'hil'lt :1 llPpnrtnll'nt of henlth HHrse is nssignc<'!' <'t'llt of its l'aS<'S from the 1
Training Personnel for County Health Departments, Dr. :B1 dix J. TT lldPl'\VOOd,
.ra~kSOJl, :.\Ii~-;:-;issippi.
Utltil n•ecHtly, training nn<] t•xperit'lll'l' in livi~ion of t!Je 1~(J(·kl'feli<•J' }'oundatioll ln1s assisted thP Al:ihama l-;(ate Department of Health in mnintaining a training station in Covington Count,v, Alabama (now tak<'n on•r b.v tht• l-;t:~tt• Boanl of HL'altb). Th1• l'llllSI'lJUl'Ut supply of traim'
Reduction of Infant Mortality Due to Respiratory Diseas,es, Dr. Jio,Yard Child,., CarpentPr, Philatlt>lphia, PPlmsylvania. RPspiratory disl'ases as a ~roup arc S<'C'llllll o11ly to tht• n:Jtal :nul prcu:~tal group of diseases as a rnnsc of infant mortalit,v, anil their rate has riseu :ui ]ll'l' ecnt in the rwriod Hl2::!·l!l~li. 'l'ltt• death• l'L']I(Jl'(e