lin− hemopoietic progenitors by lentivirus vectors

lin− hemopoietic progenitors by lentivirus vectors

Cytotherapy (1999) Vol. 1, No. 6, 433–438 Transduction of CD34Q and CD342/lin2 hemopoietic progenitors by lentivirus vectors K Moriwaki1,2, RE Sutton...

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Cytotherapy (1999) Vol. 1, No. 6, 433–438

Transduction of CD34Q and CD342/lin2 hemopoietic progenitors by lentivirus vectors K Moriwaki1,2, RE Sutton1,3, M Perez1,2, MK Brenner1,2,4 and HE Heslop1,2,4 1

Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, 2Department of Pediatrics, 3Division of Molecular Virology and 4

Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA


populations. Mean transduction rates on fibronectin plates,

While hemopoietic stem cells have been thought to reside

analyzed by flow cytometry, were 14% and 5% for CD34þ cells

predominantly in the CD34þ population, recent data suggests

and lin/CD34 cells respectively, without prestimulation, and

31% and 20% with prestimulation. By contrast, a murine

population. Transduction of both these populations by murine

retroviral vector transduces CD34þ cells with lower efficiency

retroviral vectors is limited by quiescence of hemopoietic stem cells.

(mean 16.1% with prestimulation) and does not induce any

that repopulating cells may, in fact, also reside in the lin /CD34

significant transduction of the CD34/lin population (mean Methods

< 2%). When lentiviral transduction was assayed in short- and

We therefore sought to transduce these populations using a VSV-G

long-term clonogenic assays there was minimal transduction of

pseudotyped, HIV-based, human lentiviral vector, encoding

CD34 cells without prestimulation, increasing to 20% with

eGFP. CD34þ cells and lin/CD34 cells were selected from


the same BM samples by immunomagnetic beads (StemSep) to deplete lineage-positive cells and by CD34 selection columns


(Miltenyi) to separate CD34þ and CD34 populations. We

Lentiviral eGFP vectors can transduce hematopoietic progenitors

transduced target cells, with or without prestimulation with

effectively and efficiency is improved by cytokine prestimulation and

cytokines, using conventional suspension culture, or fibronectin

the use of fibronectin. Moreover, the human viral vectors can

plates, or flow-through transduction. Transduction efficiency was

transduce a candidate stem-cell population that is resistant to

analyzed by flow cytometry and clonogenic assay.

murine retroviral transduction.



We found that transduction on fibronectin plates was more efficient

CD34þ, hemopoietic stem cell, lentiviral vector, gene therapy,

than flow-through transduction, or suspension cultures, for both cell



[3] and in vivo gene transfer in clinical studies has been

Hemopoietic stem cells are an attractive target for gene

disappointingly low, perhaps because the cytokines used

therapy as gene transfer to stem cells could, theoretically,

have failed to induce true repopulating cells into the cycle, or

provide lifelong correction for many gene defects of

because these cells may lack receptors for murine retro-

marrow-derived cells. Advantages of using hemopoietic

viruses [4]. In addition, many hemopoietic progenitors

progenitors as targets for gene transfer include ease of

remain quiescent and are not susceptible to transduction.

procurement and manipulation ex vivo and the possibility of

Finally, there is also the possibility of silencing with murine

gene transfer to multiple cell lineages [1,2]. This strategy

retrovirus vectors [5,6].

could, therefore, replace allogeneic BMT as therapy for

There has been recent interest in the possibility that a

some genetic diseases. To provide long-term correction, it

significant proportion of marrow repopulating cells may be

will be necessary to transduce hemopoietic stem cells with an

CD34-negative, lineage-negative [7–10]. These cells have

integrating vector, to obtain long-term persistent expres-

been well characterized in the murine system and, more

sion. However, such vectors can only transduce dividing cells

recently, a primitive CD34– population has been shown to

Correspondence to: Helen Heslop, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine, 1102 Bates St, Suite 1140, Houston, TX 77030, USA ß 1999 ISHAGE



K Moriwaki et al.

exist in humans [8,10]. Zanjani et al. [11] reported that transplantation of human lineage (lin)/CD34 cells into fetal sheep could give rise to CD34þ cells. Moreover, this very primitive population may give rise to nonhemopoietic mesenchymal precursor cells [12,13]. If the CD34 population does indeed contain a population of cells with broader potential than the hemopoietic precursors in the CD34þ population, its transduction will be essential for many gene-therapy applications. Lentiviruses can integrate the gene of interest into the target cell genome for persistent expression and may have advantages over murine retroviral vectors [14, 15]. They

Figure 1. Outline of methodology used for separation of CD34þ

have a preintegration complex that can traverse the nuclear

and CD34, lin populations.

pore of non-dividing cells so that, unlike murine retroviruses, they can also transduce neural cells, muscle cells and hepatocytes [16]. Vesicular stomatitis virus type-G (VSV-G)

Miltenyi Biotec), according to the manufacturer’s instruc-

pseudotyping of lentiviruses allows concentration by ultra-

tions. During this procedure, the flow-through of the

centrifugation, resulting in the production of high titer

separation column was collected as the CD34 fraction.

vectors. Hence, a potential advantage for this delivery system

From this fraction, we separated lin/CD34 cells using the

is that they may be able to transduce quiescent hemopoietic

StemSep kit (StemCell Technologies, Vancouver, Canada)

progenitor cells. Recently, several investigators have

and MACS depletion column (type BS, Miltenyi Biotec),

reported that lentiviral vectors can transduce hemopoietic

according to manufacturer’s instruction. The StemSep kit

progenitors derived from BM, cord blood or mobilized PB

contains the Abs for glycophorin A, CD2, CD3, CD14,

[17-21]. We have sought to determine the optimum

CD16, CD19, CD24, CD56, and CD66b. After collection,

conditions for transduction of hemopoietic progenitors,

the cells were resuspended in RPMI-1640 (BioWhittaker,

using strategies that have improved retroviral transduction,

Walkersville, Maryland) supplemented with 10% FBS

such as fibronectin [22], filter transduction [23] and cytokine

(Summit, Ft Collins, Colorado) and 1% i-glutamine

prestimulation [24], and to evaluate whether lentiviral

(GibcoBRL, Grand Island, New York) (RPMI complete

vectors could also transduce the more primitive CD34/

medium) (Figure 1).

lin populations.

Materials and methods

HIV-eGFP (VSV-G) vector and retrovirus vector


The construction of the lentiviral vector has been reported

Transduction experiments were performed on hemopoietic

previously [18]. In brief, the vif, vpr, vpu, and env genes of

progenitors selected from human BM samples. Samples

HIV are deleted and the eGFP gene inserted (HIV-eGFP).

were obtained on Institutional Review Board approved

The plasmids which contain HIV-eGFP gene and VSV-G

protocols, either from normal donors, or from patients in

env gene are co-transfected into 293T cell line and super-

remission of malignant disease, who were undergoing

natant was collected. Functional titration was performed on

autologous BMT.

the HT1080 cell line (American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland) and the titer was 2  107 IU/mL. To

Progenitor selection

compare the efficiency of pseudotyped lentivirus transduc-

The mononuclear cell fraction was obtained from BM by

tion with the most active murine retrovirus, we used a

density gradient centrifugation on Lymphoprep (Nycomed

gibbon ape leukemia virus pseudotyped Moloney vector,

Pharma, Oslo, Norway). After obtaining mononuclear cells,

containing the eGFP gene (a kind gift from Dr Robert

we separated CD34þ cells using a CD34 progenitor cell

Hawley). We have found this transduced hemopoietic cells

isolation kit (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany)

at a higher efficiency than VSV-G pseudotyped Moloney


and MACS separation columns (type MS


or type LS ,


Hemopoietic progenitors by lentivirus vectors



For clonogenic assays, 1000 cells were plated with

Samples were transduced, with or without prestimulation

MethoCultþH4435 (StemCell Technologies, Vancouver,

with cytokines. For the prestimulation sample, cells were

Canada) in a 35 mm plate with grid (Nalge Nunc).

placed in RPMI complete medium, at a concentration of 5 

Colonies were counted 2 weeks later under fluorescent


10 cell/mL in conventional culture plates. Cytokines were


added as follows; recombinant human thrombopoietin (rhTPO, R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota) 50 ng/


mL, recombinant human stem cell factor (rhSCF, R&D

Data are shown as meanSEM for all experiments.

Systems) 50 ng/mL, recombinant human Flt3-ligand (rhFL,

Intergroup comparisons were made by t tests or rank sum

R&D Systems) 10 ng/mL. Conventional transduction was

test, as appropriate.

performed in a 35 mm tissue culture plate (FALCON3001, Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey), using target


cells at a concentration of 2–4  105. 2 mL of vector were

Selection of hemopoietic progenitors

placed in the plate (MOI¼100200). For fibronectin

We first tested the purity of the lin/CD34 cell population

transduction, Retronectiu dishes (Takara Shuzo, Ohtsu,

by staining the selected cells for expression of CD34, CD3,

Japan) were used instead of normal tissue culture plates.

CD16, CD19 and CD56 Ags. The cells were consistently

Polybrene (hexadimethrine bromide, Sigma Chemical, St

<2% positive for any of these markers. The CD34-selected

Louis, Missouri) was added (6 mg/mL) to conventional, but

samples were consistently > 90% CD34þ

not to fibronectin-transduced cultures. For filter transduc-

Nalge Nunc, Rochester, New York) in the upper chamber

Effect of prestimulation, fibronectin and filter transduction on transduction of CD34þ cells with lentiviral vectors

of a container. Target cells were placed on the filter and

When CD34þ cell transduction with the lentivirus vector

vector added. After the vector had passed through the filter

was performed on conventional tissue culture plates,

under gravity, complete medium supplemented with cyto-

prestimulation had a significant effect on transduction

kines and polybrene was added.

efficiency, measured by flow cytometry. Transduction rates

tion, we used a modification of a previously-described method [23], placing a cellulose acetate filter (0.2 mm,

For all transduction methods, after overnight transduction, the cell suspension was centrifuged and resuspended in

were 15.7  2.0% (n ¼ 6) and 1.8  1.0%, with and without prestimulation respectively ( p ¼ 0.002) (Figure 2a).

RPMI complete medium, supplemented with cytokines in

We next determined whether transduction of prestimu-

the same dose and combination as during prestimulation. In

lated cells by the lentiviral vector could be further increased

the experiments without prestimulation, X-VIVO 15

by the addition of fibronectin. Transduction rates, by flow

(BioWhittaker) was used instead of RPMI complete

cytometry, were 33.54.5% (n ¼ 6) and 15.7  2.0% (n ¼ 6)

medium for the culture after transduction. For the murine

for fibronectin and conventional transduction respectively.

retrovirus transduction, target cells were prestimulated by

Transduction rates by clonogenic assay were 12.92.2%,

the same combination of cytokines for 24h and transduction

(n ¼ 5) and 2.5  0.9% (n ¼ 5) for fibronectin and

was performed for 2 consecutive days. The vector was

conventional transduction respectively. Hence, a signifi-

changed after the first overnight transduction. Comparisons

cantly higher transduction efficiency is seen with fibronectin


between CD34 cells and lin /CD34 cells and among the

transduction than conventional transduction, both by

transduction methods were performed with the paired

flow cytometry and in clonogenic assay ( p ¼ 0.002 and

samples from the same source.

0.008 respectively) (Figure 2b). As we have previously observed that transduction on a

Assessment of trransduction

filter enhances murine retroviral transduction of CD34þ

After 48–120 h of culture with cytokines, cells were collected

cells [23], we compared fibronectin-assisted, with filter

and resuspended in appropriate volumes of RPMI complete

transduction, using our lentivirus vector. There was a

medium. For flow cytometry, cells are washed twice with

significant difference between fibronectin transduction

0.2% PBSA (PBS with 0.2% BSA and 0.2% sodium azide)

(15.51.4%, n ¼ 4) and filter transduction (1.6  0.6%,

and analyzed by FACScan (Becton Dickinson) for GFP.

n¼4) as assayed by flow cytometry ( p < 0.001) (Figure 2c).


K Moriwaki et al.

Figure 2. (a) Comparison of transduction of CD34þ progenitors with the lentivirus vector, with and without prestimulation with cytokines, analyzed by flow cytometry. (b) Comparison of transduction of prestimulated CD34þ progenitors with the lentivirus vector on conventional or fibronectincoated plates, analyzed by flow cytometry or clonogenic assay. (c) Comparison of transduction of CD34þ progenitors with the lentivirus vector on fibronectin-coated plates, or by filter transduction, analyzed by flow cytometry.

Transduction of CD34Q cells and lin2/CD342 cells We next used the lentivirus to compare transduction of CD34þ cells and CD34/lin cells from the same sample. When target cells were transduced on fibronectin with prestimulation, transduction rates analyzed by flow cytometry were 31.34.4% and 20.13.0% for CD34þ cells and lin/CD34 cells respectively (n ¼ 7). When transduced without prestimulation, transduction rates analyzed by flow cytometry were 13.63.7% and 5.22.7% for CD34þ cells and lin/CD34 cells respectively. Hence, with and without prestimulation, transduction of CD34þ cells is higher than CD34/lin cells, but lentivirus vectors nonetheless retain the ability to transduce CD34/lin cells under both sets of conditions. By contrast, when we use murine retroviral

Figure 3. Comparison of transduction of CD34þ and CD34/

vectors, we fail to transduce the CD34/lin population.

lin progenitors on fibronectin plates with the lentivirus vector,

Transduction rates on fibronectin with murine retroviral

with and without prestimulation and with the retrovirus vector.

Hemopoietic progenitors by lentivirus vectors


vectors after prestimulation on fibronectin were 16.1% and

the use of a different vector backbone, or it may relate to

1.2% for CD34þ cells and CD34/lin cells respectively on

differences between the cord blood CD34þ cells used by

flow cytometry ( p ¼0.016) (Figure 3).

Miyoshi et al. and our marrow-derived CD34þ progenitors.

When lentiviral transduction was assayed in short- and

The difference may also have come about because Miyoshi

long-term clonogenic assays, there was minimal transduc-

et al. transplanted these cells into NOD-SCID mice, where

tion of CD34 cells without prestimulation, increasing to

they would be subject to proliferative pressure. Of note,

20% with prestimulation. As previously reported, CD34 /

however, is the fact that, in the presence of fibronectin,

lin cells are too primitive to be clonogenic ex vivo, so the

modest levels of lentiviral transduction were obtained even

numbers of colonies from these cells were too low to be able

in the absence of prestimulation. This observation is of

to assess transduction rates by such assays.

potential importance since there is concern that the growth factors used to induce progenitor cells into cycling may


also cause them to differentiate and lose their self-renewal

We have investigated whether or not human lentiviral

capacity [27]. Hence, it is possible that there will be a trade-


vectors can transduce CD34 or CD34 /lin hemopoietic

off between transduction efficiency and self-renewal capa-

stem cells and if the degree of transduction can be increased

city, and that a lower level of transduction of unstimulated

by approaches designed to activate the target cells, or to

cells may have a more favorable in vivo outcome than a

bring them into apposition with the lentiviral particles. We

higher rate of transduction of activated progenitors.

found that lentiviral, but not murine retroviral vectors could

Two groups have recently shown that lentiviral vectors

transduce both subsets of progenitor cells and that levels of

can transduce a primitive CD34þCD38 population that is

gene transfer could be increased, either by fibronectin or by

resistant to transduction by retroviral vectors [19,21]. In our

prestimulation with cytokines. The two in combination

study, we extend these results by showing transduction of the

produced optimal results.

even-more primitive CD34/lin subpopulation. This

For murine retroviral vectors, it is well established that

subpopulation apparently contains a high proportion of

the efficiency of transduction can be improved if it is per-

repopulating cells for both hemopoietic and non-hemopoie-

formed on fibronectin support [22,24]. It is suggested that

tic mesenchymal lineages [7,8,10,12,13] and is resistant to

the benefit is produced because fibronectin can bind residues

transduction by retroviral vectors. Although the level of

on the retroviral coat proteins and the VLA-5 molecule on

transduction for this primitive subset was lower than for the

the target cell. In this way, the two components are brought

CD34 positive subset, it was nonetheless at a level that would

into physical apposition and transduction is favored. It had

be of value if it were also attainable for therapeutic genes.

not been clear whether the same effects would be obtained

Finally, in all our studies, the level of gene transfer to

for lentiviral vectors. Most studies have either not used

clonogenic cells was lower than the level of gene transfer

fibronectin at all, or have not compared transduction with

measured by gene expression in total cell populations.

and without this material [21]. In our study, fibronectin

Unfortunately, there is no good surrogate assay for human


clearly enhanced transduction of CD34 cells and, to a lesser

repopulating cells, but an analysis of gene transfer into whole

extent, CD34/lin cells. The lesser increment seen with

populations of cells that have been phenotypically defined as

fibronectin for lin /CD34

cells may reflect the lower

density of VLA-5 molecules on the surface of such cells.

primitive, is probably as accurate a measure of transfer into repopulating cells as any other available surrogate. In

Several previous reports have examined the effects of

contrast, there has proved to be little relationship between

cytokine prestimulation on the efficiency of lentiviral vector

measurements of gene transfer to clonogenic cells and

transduction. Sutton et al. reported that cytokine prestimu-

subsequently-detected levels of gene transfer in vivo [28,29].

lation improved transduction [18], which may be because

We have nonetheless included this measure, to permit

lentiviral vectors more readily transduce cells in either the

comparisons with published data using other gene transfer

G1 or S/G2/M fraction than G0 cells [25]. However,


Miyoshi et al. reported good transduction of SCID mice,

In summary, a VSV-G pseudotyped human lentivirus

repopulating cells without prestimulation [26]. Our results

vector will transduce both CD34þ and the more primitive

support the use of prestimulation to increase transduction

CD34/lin population, a subset not amenable to transduc-

efficiency. The difference may have occurred because of

tion by murine retroviral vectors. Levels of gene transfer


K Moriwaki et al.

can be enhanced in the presence of fibronectin and the addition of growth factors increases transduction still further. These vectors may, therefore, prove useful for transduction of both heinopoietic and non-hernopoietic mesenchymal precursor cells.

Acknowledgement This work was supported by grant HL 55703 from the National Institutes of Health.

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