331 TRANSFUSION. HOSPITAL SURGEONS AND PUPILS. To the Editor of THE LANCET. Dr. Uwins takes the liberty of forward. ing to the Editor of THE LANCET...

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To the Editor of THE LANCET. Dr. Uwins takes the liberty of forward. ing to the Editor of THE LANCET the enclosed note from Mr. Wright. ’1 he error respecting the time of applying the leeches to the arm is Dr. U: s ; the other and more important one is the reporter’s of the case in THE LANCET.

Bedford-row, Tuesday morning. The patient is doing well.

To the Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,—Iwas much gratified in perusing THE LANCET a few weeks since, on finding you were stitt advocatingthe cause of the medical students, and endeavouring to obtain for them the justice which is due to them from the Hospital practitioners ; in other words, pointing out that a stu. dent, after having paid down his hospital

right and




knowledge which

title tor all the- practhe hospital cases Grenville Street, for the time will furnish the surgeons Brunswick Square. with oliportunities- of communicating. Dr. Sir-In the statement of Mrs. B.’s But how, Sir, can this justice be done, ease in THE LANCET two errors appear; the how can the student obtain his right, acone of no importance, viz. the application cording to the present system, in an in. of the leeches.on the Monday night, which stitution I could name ?He comes to the were not had recourse to till Tuesday; Hospital at the regular hour, twelve the other, of having not had either medi- o’clock, in expectation of meeting the cine or refreshment administered for three surgeons. When he arrives, on many hours PREVIOUS to the operation. Now occasions, no surgeon is to be seen, nor it must be in your recollection that even seen for nearly an hour. All this time, Dr.Blundell himself administered brandy, a great number of out-patients are in and she had also, during the night, re- waiting, as well as- in-patients to be peated exhibitions of brandy, bread and seen, and others to be examined and admitted. At la..t one of the surgeons makes milk, broth, opium, and ammonia. To the public it would appear that we his appearance; and after some short had omitted that supply so urgently called time, another, and so on. But even for, and upon which it might naturally when they happen to be all in the hosenough be said, her life might have been pital at the same time, in no instance do preserved without the operaticn. It is of they pass through the wards together. much importance to us all that such an Observing no rule for the advantage of error should be contradicted ; and if you the students, one takes his walk into one think as I do upon it, you will make it a part of the hospital, and another into anomatter of refutation at the Society this ther part; one sets about examining some of the out-patients, and another visits evening. You have no doubt seen THE LANCET, some of those in the wardsnothing-is in which the statement is made) and ap- done in concept. By such a practice. the minds of the pupils are distracted; preciate it accordingly. I am, dear Sir, are at a loss who to foUow, and they they Your’s trulv. do not obtain the information they oaght, W. WRIGHT. Nov. 21, 1825. They hastily walk througha ward or Dr. Uwins, Bedford.row. two, stop at a few bed-sides, often.without even getting a proper sight or the paWe readily insert the note of Dr. tient, and without being totd what his Uwins with its inclosure; but we fear case is, and then as hastily walk out agais; we have failed in our attempt to trans- nor has the card over the bed of the patlate the unintelligible hieroglyphics of the tient made them one whit the wiser. The fatter into, suitable English ; for if we lecture-hour now draws near, and: yet not had copied the signature we should have half the business of the bospitarl is over, printed it" Wight ;" conceiving, however, through the late arrival of the surthat Dr. Uwins knows the name by which geons, the irregularity in going thuongh the writer is designated, we have, in this the business of the hospital, dilatoriness instance, adopted the Doctor’s orthograexamining the out-patients, and prophy. The original is, indeed, a literary crastination by attending to some other cariosity ; and shall have a place in our matters, for which a more procabinet of bijoux, where the admirers of per time should be chosen ; through all grammar, orthography, and penmanship means, the patients and the pupils gratified with a° sight of the pre- are kept waiting an unreasonable time may be tiotis morsel, and, we have no doubt," Land the latter are souoetimees obliged will"appreciate it accordingly." hurry away to Lecture, without obtain


in hospital these
