E. Knyih~r-Csillik,
B. Csillik, A. T~r~k, F. Gyulai
Department of Anatomy, Albert Szent-Gy6rgyi Medical University, Szeged, Hungary Quantitative microtopographic alterations in substance P-content induced by dorsal rhizotomy, peripheral neurotomy, neurocompression (nerve crush) and blockade of axoplasmic transport (I) in the upper dorsal horn and in the lateral spinal nucleus (2) were studied by means of immunocytochemistry in serial section and replenishment of substance P was visualized by multicoloured maps obtained by a PC. Depletion of substance P after rhizotomy is restricted to the medial ledge of the ipsilateral upper dorsal horn, resulting in 81 ± 5% decrease. Peripheral neurotomy induces depletion of substance P in the medial ledge; the extent of decrease is 76 ± 6%. Crush injury of the segmentally related, ipsilateral peripheral nerve induces, in the same region, 69 ± 5% decrease of substance P, while the effect of axoplasmic transport blockade is 71 ± 7% decrease. Dorsal rhizotomy induces 55 ± 9% depletion of substance P from the contralateral lateral spinal nucleus leaving its concentration in the ipsilateral nucleus virtually intact. - It is concluded that (i) substance P, like the marker enzymes fluoride resistant acid phosphatase (3) and thiamine monophosphatase (4), is subjected to transganglionic regulation; ( i i ) the differences between the effects of rhizotomy, neurotomy, neurocompression and axoplasmic transport blockade upon spinal substance P are due to range-selective sensitivity of peripheral axons rather than to intervention-specific impairments and (iii) the lateral spinal nucleus subserves pain analysis and possibly also intrinsic pain relief, of the contralateral body surface. (I) L~r~nth Cs, Csillik B, Knyih~r-Csillik istry 81: 391-4oo (2) Csillik B, Knyih~r-Csillik chem 80: 125-134
E, Bezzegh A
(1984) (1986)
HistochemActa Histo-
(3) Knyih~r-Csillik E, Csillik B (1981) FRAP. Histochemistry of the Primary Nociceptive Neuron. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart-New York (4) Knyih~r-Csillik E, Bezzegh A, B6ti Zs, Csillik B Histochem Cytochem 34:367-371
(1986) J